Why White Genocide Is Happening, Ivanka & Daddy Dump

Sexual Blackmail of "Your" "Politicians" by Dual Israelis and Mossad Agents.
In this photo, we can clearly see what is Ivanka Trump rubbing her kike jewess booty all over daddy dump's ck.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jewish blackmail is key, but I don't think you're gonna convince this generation of Sup Forumstards of this (they're 95% normies now)

The main thing would be to show how Jews are behind specific parts of third world immigration into western countries, like this
>pic related
Specific examples of Jews using their influence to open the borders and encourage non-white immigraion





The word "Multiculturalism" was coined by a Jew.

This was the most autistic post I've ever seen.
Why are you hiding your username?




Trump could shoot a man in the middle of Times Square and no one would care. Don't forget that.

Keep posting redpills OP

"This was the most autistic post I've ever seen."
That's a good one. Take a look at Kikevanka's butt riding daddy dump's lap and wonder why that photo even exists along with so many more. Then realize Trump is Pro Israel thus Pro White Genocide. Retard or Fed.


Notice the different countries in these images, America, The Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, England etc... they're all white countries, and people pushing for third-world immigration are Jews.

What are the chances that the people asking for more non-whites in each country just HAPPENS to be Jewish, when they make up literall




Check for glow in the dark threads. I saw them arguing in acronyms earlier they were glowing so hard I need a rad away.

>be some meme fag shitskin soyboy
>see what chad with white daughter
>never know that feel of being dad
>get hard thinking how u would fuck your own daughter

Trumps been in the limelight 60000 million years nigger cuck, and youre some beta faggot who never will never have offspring
Kys cuck nigger

Are you stupid Nigger?


She's clearly to the side of him... Look at his hands. Low quality bait.
s a g e goes in all fields.





The laws aren't going to change to stop dual-citizen politicians. People have to simply stop voting for them.

Why on God's green earth would someone vote for a deep stater that had been in power for decades anyway?

I say vote against any Senator there 8 years or more. Only way to get change is the change the gatekeepers.





Nice posts thx.

No problem, I have hundreds more but I just don't want to post them all to have the thread slid again, i'm sure you're at least a bit curious now and can find things for yourself

Do you ever question if the quotations are accurate?

I've looked up many of these and all of them check out, the only sources which claim them to be made up are Jewish sources. At this point there's no denying there's a Jewish agenda for world domination, once you've poured through all the evidence like I have (I spent literally hours every day for 2.5 YEARS trying to prove this stuff wrong to myself) you come to terms with how Jews talk, also this isn't even the first time a Jew has mentioned white genocide, here
>pic related



Rabbi Emmanuek Rabinovich is not a real person.


Jews change their name all the time, the only place saying he doesn't exist is Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is full of Jews
>video related

Checked it out, for a famous "rabbi" he doesn't seem to exist outside quotes in conspiracy theory blogs and websites.

I know that a number of writers, especially liberal writers hate the west to a retarded degree, but a decent amount of the shit that is posted on here, it only takes quick research to find that it's full of shit.

Nope, here's the problem.
I had exactly the same mindset as you, I just dismissed it as a conspiracy theory and didn't take any of those sources seriously.

PLEASE look into the Jews for yourself, spend a few hours a day reading about the history of the jews - but NOT from Jewish sources.
You will eventually see a pattern start to emerge, the same pattern Hitler saw, the same pattern Benjamin Franklin and George Washington saw, the same pattern Henry Ford saw, the same pattern Napoleon saw etc. It is undeniable once you look into this deeply enough for yourself.
The problem is that this is purposely hidden from the people and people are VERY reluctant to trust anything that isn't a main news source/wikipedia etc.

I can't force you to look into it, but i'll leave this video here, this video was the first time I ever heard Hitler speak with subtitles and everything he was saying made perfect sense. Here:

Also, here's a list of places the Jews have been expelled from over 2,700 years
>pic related
Are we really to that NONE of these incidence were their fault?
Get kicked out of 1 bar? Maybe it wasn't your fault... Get kicked out of 359 bars? Maybe it's something you're doing once you're in the bar.

I have looked extensively into the Jews. I know history very well. Jews aren't the cause of all our problems. You guys are chasing ghosts and creating a boogyman out of a real group of people. I was like you, until I really learned to question everything, including my own beliefs.

That list proves very little, just that they've been oppressed, even then, they haven't been fully kicked out. Sure there was a lot of outright expulsions, but a lot of it was "Either get out,convert, or die." By that logic, Germanic pagans also must have been bad as well.

That bar analogy doesn't work for me, as in a lot of these nations which were Catholic... the Jews, rival Christian sects, and other groups were treated the same way. Also destroying communities and "kicking people out of a bar" for "creating and spreading the black plague with black jew magic" or for simply not converting to the same religion is hardly a logical reason to attack a group of people over. Not to mention fucking stereotypes, like Jews being apparently secretly devils in human form that need to drink the blood of pure Christian youths to stay looking human and being able to "hide their devil forms," and other reasons that sound just as sane. Or how about kicking Jews out and blaming them entirely for coin clipping, when the entire kingdom did it as well, and just as much. Those "bars" sure seem logical if you look them up.