Wigger Rapper Dies Thread at Age 21, "Lil PeeP"


An edgy drug abusing white rapper with face tats died. His promotion of horrible lifestyles to kids is over. Sup Forums has a big sticky on it for some reason.



Other urls found in this thread:


Why in the fuck do these gay ass "rappers" these days all have long fingernails. Disgusting. Explain a germanfag why.

convenient way to snort cocaine

Coke, duh

Race traitors will be dealt with

What about just doing lines AND still be able to touch some pussy?

but did he had good flow?

>doing blow

It kills your pecker man

Sup Forums has a sticky on it because peep already reached Cobain status . If you disagree you have shit taste in music

Shame. Fortunately there are another rappers like Lil Pump and Lil Xan that will keep enriching our lives.

Is this ylyl thread now or what

ahs a bi deprzed ah need mah xanas
wawa um a emo wigger wah wah
i haz a hardon luls it looks likea bic ballpoint

this is an 18+ website, homo

One less useful idiot weaponized against the west

You niggers need to listen to some classical white music



Take off eh

How the hell does someone that drugged up still manage to become famous enough by 21 that people care that he's dead?

You Germans are always finding a new fetish

Hopefully, all drug-users suffer the same fate.


>caring what Sup Forums thinks about music
absolutely embarrassing, go back there and make another grimes thread


He contributed more to the world than everyone on Sup Forums combined.

shilling on Sup Forums Sup Forums and (((social media)))

>caring about what I think about anything
k y s

If we can't make this happen I'll be severly disappointed in you Sup Forums

what could that have been?
a shit stain on a bus seat?

Has anyone actually listened to this guys music? I literally thought it was a joke until i saw 10mil views.

when I was one and
twenty I overdosed on
some adult candies.
(here lies Lil Peep, 1996 - 2017)

>literally who
sometimes it feels good to be an oldfag

There's like 4 threads up and I still have no fucking clue who this is other then he looks like a fag and he's a rapper apparently

an drug infected, satanist degenerate spreading more of himself, yeah he contributed nothing. this is what happens to leeches


Jesus christ, he looks like such a skinny beta who could get his ass kicked by a 12 year old

Rip it's always tragic whenever this happens

Only if youre gay

>those shitskin eyes
explains his vocation

Follow the bloodline, clues to the character reside.

To me he looks like an alternative dimension Beiber in the eyes

HIs grandpa was a Harvard professor. His dad was also a professor. He was also Norwegian or someshit like that.
>inb4 he was a jew

Rip lil peep , I don't know you but it seems you touched millions


No Bieber is a good Christian now and doesn't take drugs anymore

post gomez nudes ot gtfo

why is the satanic cross so popular today?

I loved that kid in that submarine dolphin show.
why'd he off himself?

Lil peep overdosed

>Upside Down Cross
I wonder how he’s doing in hell right now. He just recently sold his soul like the others for fortune and fame too, guess he didn’t get to live it up as much as he thought. Oh well, God has his dates set and his ducks in a row.

Another perma-child bites the dust.
If you play video games, masturbate to cartoons, or play with dolls, just remember that you can always walk outside the house and still be treated like a normal adult, unlike some manchild that puts tats on his face and shows off his drug addiction.
I would seriously prefer the company of a diaper fetishist than someone that looks like him because at least they can take off the diaper and come over for a beer.

how are these "famous" rappers not sourcing clean drugs
even prince OD'd it doesn't make any sense

But not Jonathan right, he's in qt heaven right

You mean St. Peter’s cross?

oh no that sucks.jpeg

I didn't know what that was I just looked it up
someone I know has a similar tattoo and said it was an anti-christian symbol, but they have 20+ tattoos and might be retarded

>is of German and Irish descent
we lost another white burger. 56% chance ima gonna cry.

>Sup Forums has a big sticky on it for some reason.
The absolute state of Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen


God hates wiggers.


>they have 20+ tattoos and might be retarded

I thought the 'inverted cross' was supposed to be satanic till a Sup Forumsack clued me in

Nah...he was a stereotypical cloudrap emo fag. The only good song he had was maybe benz truck but it isn't the shit anyways. The guitar riff in the beat is just fine.

What a joke. "Live fast, die Young" means "the childish ones get erased". Hope he choked on the molten cock of skittles from his piss warm codeine sip.

To roll blunts you dipshit

is this what they call 'toxic masculinity'?

I roll every day and my nails are trimmed and clean wtf bro

>I'm here for the interview

Its easier with longer nails tho

Why does Sup Forums claim to hate degeneracy from women and other races but have no problem when it's a white dude?


sounds comfy but i doubt it is


Rip SoundCloud rapper

Nobody cares and we for sure don't need a shit ton of threads about this. Fuckin fags. Mods!!!!!!

>drug using degenerate dies
>this is somehow politically related

not politics, sage goes in all fields

He literally named himself "little pee pee"?

>Cobain status
You mean dead?


As long as my $uicidegoy$ don't kill themselves yet I'm good

I went to school with junkies like that. I'm not happy he's dead but I'm not sad either. Horrible confused human beings. Not much lost.

can somebody explain to me how this guy was worth anything

I play with shit

>As long as my $uicidegoy$ don't kill themselves yet I'm good

looks like this guy also played with shit

>what are post ID's

/this. Sup Forums is almost as bad as /fa/: some edgy hipsterfags thinking their underground shit makes them superior.

>jacketz r 4 fegs and nike and adidas end evrythang popular 2 lol

Je moet niet zo vroeg blowen man, kijk wat je jezelf aan doet.

What a monumental cocksniffer

Irredeemable degenerate.


Yes. Dirtynastysuicide was their best record. Especially Slenderman, but I prefer Bones and Xavier Wulff a bit more.

Is Yung Lean still alive? I think he lost his meme status.

Yung Lean started this whole edgy cloud rap shit and the $uicideboy$ made it more popular. He just fucked in the rap game and got somehow famous.

Cloudrap is dying anyways like Vaporwave's dead since over a half year. Horrorcore and Trash is the new crap.

>Is Yung Lean still alive?
Yes and with a new album very recently.

Yeah he's still alive but still a fat Swede spitting nonsensical lyrics so nobody gives a fuck.

Noice. Will listen to it, but I don't think that it will come close to songs like ghosttown, monster and kyoto since af1s was quite shitty.


>spitting nonsense
Welcome to the rap game of the 21st century.


That daddy tattoo explains a lot but it creates even more questions.

I'm pretty well-versed in the music scene and I've never heard of this faggot before. I listen to a few of his songs just now. Absolutely fucking god awful. How could anybody be defending this as legitimate Talent. This has to be some kind of meme I'm not in on right?

> His songs "White Wine", "Benz Truck"

Very shocking that this fine specimen died of an overdose. Very shocking indeed.


Then you just grow out your pinky nail.


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