ITT: I will learn how to tri-force

I don't care if this is stupid... I am an OG newfag and it is about time I learned...

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god damn i suck at this...

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newfags hereye

This thread is embarrassing, trying to tryforce past 2011 makes you a fucking new fag

And learn how to fucking use altcodes, not spaces

it doesn't work here anymore unless you copy paste. Something about removing the space characters. My shitforce doesn't work anymore either.



I dont understand... I cant get this shit...


It cannot be done. oldfags are just trolling.

Do I need to download something? I can follow the instructions but nothing comes up...



Holly shit man that's nuts


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this used to be how you do it. if it doesn't work, i guess it can't be done.


shit... i dont think i have a numeric keypad on my laptop... only the numbers across the top...


theres a fitizen in our mitizen


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I'm sorry Shlomo but this thread is about to be made into soap.

you're fucking shit


>thinking the mods care
there are other signs apart from not being able to triforce that indicate newfaggotry


I told you, they don't work anymore. Here, we'll try again.
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fuck that... I want to learn how to do this shit already....

my laptop doesnt have a god damn number pad...

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Sup Forums is right there buddy


i spent ages building a ladder and then thinking of a funny joke to put at the bottom but got marked as spam :(


faggot admins keep taking all our nonbreaking spaces
even when we discover another one they take it
they're losers

Nailed it leaf.

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No anime pls I'm Christian

Is there a way to do it with a shitty laptop without numlock? Without copypasta...


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How does one zlagopost always amused with it in old b

..............,/ (.............`\....`\”*=,``\.......*&*%@@@@@g;,..........\
......./.,$ `\,...`.-...&..../........................`%@@@@@@@@$#/

you just need to believe.

Wait so the only person who can triforce on Sup Forums is a fucking jew? Goddamnit nupol fuck off!


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Am i doing it right?

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I'm at the point where i cant tell the difference between a triforce and a trollforce. I need to leave 4fag.

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this is fucking wack... my laptop only has the character map... i cant wield the alt-num.... :(

you can't do it anymore you stupid fucking kike
admins filter all ancillary unicode characters now
there aren't any working non-breaking spaces anymore




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no shit... so everyone is using copypasta?


>Jew making a slide thread


it's not possible to do it PERIOD you stupid fucking hebe




your runescape password vanishes when you type it out ***********

₪ 2

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been here since 2004 have never been able to triforce is it finally my time?

no shit... so does my name ************* birthdate ********** credit card number **************** and secure code ***