Use mal to see if an anime is worth watching

>use mal to see if an anime is worth watching
>all mostly scoring in the 6s and low 7s this and last season

Fucking shit when are we actually gonna get a good anime other than re zero the only promising shit is konosuba but even that's early 2017

Drifters is decent

I remember when people used to put effort into their bait threads

actually no one ever did that but your bait is still shit


>Good Anime

I see leddit hasn't left yet.

>use mal

Low tier bait. People will fall for it, though.

Never trust MAL plebs

I opened this thread just to call you a faggot.

>MAL has to decide for you

>use mal to see if an anime is worth watching
you're not even getting my (You)

I think MAL is just as cancer as the next guy, but I've never seen a good anime with a lower MAL rating than 6~7. That is to say, MAL is at least fairly accurate at telling you what's shit

Watch more anime

Well, have you watched G no Reconguista?


>Ask on Sup Forums
>Get tricked countless time by people desperate to get their threads going

Mal is more consistent or at least acceptable.

Recently got tricked in to watching hundred, gangsta and Occultic;9 or basically shitty shows with 1 or more waifu b8s. So yes it's a good indicator.

Go look at your favorite shows and find it has a decent score. If it doesn't then you literally like shit. Though mal does fail me sometimes like it did with Gate.

>uses mal
>trusts mal
>re zero
>good anime


>trusts mal
>re zero
>good anime


>Eureka 7
>8.2 on MAL
How is my taste?

See Like that user said, series rated poorly are bad, but that doesn't mean all series rated well are good.

>Mal's top 15 most popular anime include SnK, SAO, Naruto, mirai Nikki, toradora, bleach, eflen lied, Tokyo ghoul, and NGNL

MAL ratings means very little. Notably because there are way too many bias.

>your score doesn't count in if you haven't watched at least 50%
>your score is underweighted if you watched more than 50% but less than 100%

The figures may be wrong but you get the idea.
Hence why long-running shows and sequels are so overrated.

Also, MAL population being what it is.

>your taste doesn't match weeboo high schoolers so it's shit
Go shill your shitty website somewhere else.

>relying on MAL scores

>>your score doesn't count in if you haven't watched at least 50%
>>your score is underweighted if you watched more than 50% but less than 100%
These are good things.

How are you keeping track of your currently watching anime if not with MAL? Just curious.

I think their database is nice because easy to read and navigate. Users are the worst though.


It means that any long-running show have insane ratings because anyone not liking it would obviously drop it before having watch 50%.

>caring about popularity

What's so hard about keeping track of airing shit? Most people only watch around 10-20 shows, which all have consistent release schedule except for a select few that CR/Funi doesn't pick up. A notepad would be more than enough.
Now manga on the other hand.

>keep track of cartoons
>re zero
>bad anime


>The only people who finish the series are the people who like it
>Most people realize it's shit and drop it early on
>Some suffer through half before finally calling it quits
>Their votes either don't count or count for little
>Sword Art Online now rated 7.83/10, putting it solidly above average

those are terrible things if the series is so bad you have to drop it

I'm getting too old for this.

>Please learn how to greentext

I don't think in my entire life I've ever watched an anime based on a rating from a website. Ever.

Honestly yeah, you basically just have to take it as a general opinion. The highest rated shows on mal will be ones that hit the widest audience, not that it makes them bad though. "Average" shows tend to sit around 7.5 because people use schooling grades as an indicator when "average" should be 5/10. Then there are just exceptions that get hated on for random reasons so you just have to use common sense.

Sounds like you are living very inefficiently


>not that it makes them bad

That's exactly what makes them bad.

>living according to the media
>being this much of a sheep

Exactly. If I see a series with a rating of 5~6, I'll be less likely to pick it up, especially if I'm not a massive fan of the genre. MAL ratings are definitely not a be all end all metric, but they are definitely not as useless as Sup Forums often says.

>MAL ratings
>the media
How much of a contrarian are you?

>living a lonely life in a shell
>being proud of it

>dude I post on mal, I'm so social

you don't sound like you belong here.

You don't sound like you belong here.

what is your implying?

If someone hasn't watched the whole thing, why would I want to know how they rate it? They haven't experienced the whole story so their rating isn't reliable. At best their rating could be weighted proportionally to how many episodes they watched, sure.

Personally I don't rate shows that I drop, even if I could confidently give them a rating.

More social than hating on other people's opinion for no reason.

The great thing is, anyone can be here if they want.

>AOTS is rated in low 7s

Yeah, fuck that site.

Hey op, I bet you can find other anime to watch while you wait for your good shows to air. I heard Naruto has 700+eps and it has a stellar rating of 7.94 from mal. Give it a go.

>you must watch all 900 episodes of One Piece to know if it's good or not

It's not about hating other people's opinion, it's about building your own you dumb shit.
Think about those low rating shows you skipped, some of them might actually be good, but you'll never know that because you're a retard.

A lot of them would be bad and skipping them is efficient. Which is my original point.

>Think about those low rating shows you skipped, some of them might actually be good
So, with your limited lifespan, you prefer to spend it watching series with ratings of

>re zero


Your lifespan worth shit if watch anime to begin with.

Very good argument. You've convinced me, user


You earned it *tips fedora*

Yeah okay, can you go back to mal now?

You may decide whether it's good or not without watching the whole thing, and I would be interested in hearing your opinion in a discussion about the show. But I would not want your rating to have the same weight as the rating of those who finished it because MAL only shows one number. If MAL showed a distribution of ratings like "people who watched x eps rated it 7 on average, people who watched y eps rated it 8 on average, etc" then that would be fine.

>They haven't experienced the whole story so their rating isn't reliable.

While not being false it is still retarded in this case. We tried to explain why but you don't seem to get it.

please stop trying to bait so hard user

Just go to the review section and look at a couple top reviews to get a feel of the distribution.

>If MAL showed a distribution of ratings like "people who watched x eps rated it 7 on average, people who watched y eps rated it 8 on average, etc" then that would be fine.

That's the worst idea I've read in a while.

>Hey guys here's my book review, by the way I didn't read the whole book lol but please value my opinion the same as those who have I promise it's good

MAL reviews are usually terrible.
I don't know where to read good reviews. Does a place like this even exist?

>not wanting to know the exact average rating of all of the people who dropped One Piece at exactly episode 582

>disliking konosuba, even ironically

The only reddit here is you

I don't know what you consider good but I just read a few sentences and look at if there is a split in the top review scores to see if there is a divide in the scoring.

You can easily see stuff like SOA has people hating on it if you look at top reviews.

>Re Zero
This is a big bait. A bait big enough for 32 IPs and no deletion.

33IPs now. but this one didn't forget to sage the thread

>mal ratings
I do use MAL though

>Liking LN haremshit with terrible animation and art

kek, trying too hard to fit in

Is it good

It's really edgy

go back to mal you fucking newfag

>10-20 shows
per season? wtf are you doing with your life m8?

I think 10-20 in their lifetime