I Hid In My Bathroom From Anti-Semitic Marchers in Poland

I found it. The funniest thing in the universe. Its here.

>"For ten minutes, baritone chants and unison boots forced me to hide, to cower, as so many Jews must have seventy years ago.".

>On my own street, once part of the Warsaw Jewish ghetto and two miles from the protest’s center, small-scale explosions and police sirens accompanied boot-clad marchers. Immortalized in Marek Edelman’s first-hand account of the ghetto uprising, “The Ghetto Fights,” my street once again became a site of anti-Semitism, hate, and this time, my own fear.

>For the first time in my privileged life, I feared that my Judaism made me a target. I’ve spoken openly with neighbors about my identity, my home in a Jewish enclave, my desires to “come back” to Poland.

>After shuttering my windows, unplugging every light producing appliance, and retreating to the windowless bathroom, I could not help but wonder whether those neighbors were the friends and allies I thought they were. 60,000 people, I thought. I must have known one of them.

I....i.... i have officialy out of words to describe it.
Help me, im still dying of laughter.

Other urls found in this thread:


>And so I arrived in Poland almost two months ago, ostensibly seeking the Jews that remain in what was once the epicenter of Ashkenazi Jewry. But deep down, I knew I was also seeking to prove that my safe and open Jewish experience in New York could exist anywhere, that we need not be clustered and afraid. I came to prove that true anti-Semitism is over.

>It isn’t.

Damn, i guess im the only one who found this funny.
Oh well, let the thread die, then, I've had my laughs anyway.

oy vey

It's funny, there's just not much to say about it.

Well, yesterday the EU parliament officialy condemned the Polish independence march, called 60,000 people nazi racists, and put an official resolution and are discussing ways of punishing us.

Right now a few politicians are preparing a massive class action lawsuit for slander and disinformation.


this clip is a few months old, but shows the EU circus quite well.

It would be really nice if you americans could nuke brussels or something, we would, but we got no nukes.

>nuke brussels

How are people this retarded. In Canada the news didn't say anything about this retarded bullshit and even our gay pm just wished Poland a happy independence day. Of all the countries in the world you'd think people would back the fuck off Poland considering its history over the last 75 years but apparently delicate American faggots in 2017 think they have a better understanding of the word nazi than a country of people whose families actually know the effects of Nazis (and of fucking communism). I hate American liberals they're such fucking nigger faggots.
What retard saw the news and thought everyone was marching for "white supremacy!"?

People are still unconcious from the shock of the retardation on display after mass media equated polish WWII-uniforms with "MUH EBUL NAZI UNIFORMS". Nothing personal polbro.

To be fair they are kinda similar, because both followed the trends of the time.

bumping for sad OP

Why let facts get in the way of a good story amirite? Care for national security and border integrity is just a stone's throw away from 1488 GTK RWN, right?

nah Janusz this is the kind of kike histrionics that cracks me up every time. It's lampshade tier lmao.
Thanks for posting.

I'm not surprised at all.

>People are still unconcious from the shock of the retardation on display after mass media equated polish WWII-uniforms with "MUH EBUL NAZI UNIFORMS"

i havent heard of that, bro, can you give a quick rundown, while i google WW2 uniforms?


pic related / link related is well worth a read right afterwards. it's like watching 40 hours of MDE in 5 minutes. beyond parody


Quite different if you ask me, lmao.

wrong link I'm a retard sorry
>Pic unrelated / Link related


Looks like a combo between British and Soviet... huh.

Only a Jew could write such a pathetic "pls feel sorry for meee:("-article. It's fucking repelling.

haha, oh crap, thanks for posting this! it does look like a god damn circus.

pic related:
>the jews are concerned!
>2 days later official EU inquiry
>resolutions, sanctions!!!
>60,000 nazi racists!!!



Oy vey the stomping boots shaken the Golan Heights! It's like anuddah shoah!

Why can't he just live in Israel? After millenia jews finally got the country they waited so long for and now they just refusee to go there.

>Oy vey the stomping boots shaken the Golan Heights!

you're killing me.

How utterly psychotic these Jews are. They should be rounded up and institutionalized in mental hospitals.


can't plunder the goyim if there arent any around




its actually causing huge problems with countries that dont allow dual citizens to serve in the govt. a jew can renounce israeli citizenship but can get it back at any point because the condition to become an israeli citizen is to be jewish. no other country is like this.

now kikes can run around the world jumping from government to government, doing their kikery, then at the end of it israel will take them back in, every time.

That sounds quite like what benjamin franklin said, it was something about vampires needing to live off of other people and right now israel exists only because of american aid

not a word wrong in this picture.
god damn fucking jew rats.

But there is one upside in all this: EU thinks that calling the Polish independence day a racist, nazi holiday will magically cause the dumb goy polaks to be scared of "dem ebil nationalists" and shift to cultural marxism, while the reaction is the exact opposite- the hate for the EU and the jew increases in geometric rates.
This tactic worked perfectly in germany, france and uk. For them being called a nationalist is worse than being skinned and boiled alive.
Its the opposite for the polaks, its a complement.

I'm starting to think these idiots dont really know what they're doing.

Parasites cannot survive without a host. The white race is their chosen host and they use other races and weaker members of our own race to keep us suppressed so that we can't fully recognise that THEY are the virus. Our weakness is our altruistic nature. Altruism is ONLY for our brothers and sisters. Kipling understood that when the white man has learned to HATE he will rise up and purge this Earth of this infection. It is hard for us because of our nature but every organism has an immune system and spares not a single cell if its own body to fight it off.

oy vey shut it down

This is a hell of your own making, Goldstein.