Is this finally the final nail for roasties? This app has finally ended the tyranny of them?

Is this finally the final nail for roasties? This app has finally ended the tyranny of them?

Said no one ever.


Why do liberals love using the phrase "and yes" or "and no". It's like they're signalling that we have the same mindhive as them.

Of course it was created by a man, women don't create anything

Girls always have horrible skin under the makeup

I don't get it, why not just eat a proper diet to maintain a good complexion, so you don't need a load of shit all over your face

and yes, AND yes....

.... A MAN!!!

I haven't seen sluts this pissed off since gamergate.

I think the app would be better if it didn't worsen so much skin and eyebrows, but whatever, it gets the message across.
>the more you make up, the uglier you are

It only recognizes makeup, and is a little strong on the eybrow detection, if u keep running it through will just keep decreasing quality because it still "sees" the makeup

It's the way they reinforce the way you're supposed to think.


dubbs of truth right there

go fuck your self it ain't spam nigger

wanna have skin thats not fucked up? stop putting chemicals on your face every single fucking day of your life


>and yes it was created by a man

No shit. Since when are women developing apps?


Why do tryhard liberal whites add "-ass" on the end of adjectives like retarded niggers?


It depends, stuff like after shave balm for men is ok since it hydrates your skin and shit but stuff that literally works like varnish for your face aka. the stuff women use is killing our skin.

Looks the same except a bit paler.


Fucking men.

>I haven't seen sluts this pissed off since gamergate.

Don't forget about Thinner Beauty.


>and, yes, it was created by a MAN
Just like everything else.

>no one cared who I was until I put on the mascara

but it looks so pretty! fuck having an intact skin when you can look good!
leaf-ass post

You do know that truly fat women often weigh ~20st while regular women weigh 7-10st right? Making two or three thin women out of a fat woman is literally nothing.

You didn't use the correct filters, user

So when will they turn this into a "why women shouldn't wear makeup/body positive" story?

maybe that was the plan all along: turn overpriced, skin-destroying beauty products into symbols of feminist defiance. lord knows they're that easy to manipulate.

Never. Women wearing makeup is one of the pillars of feminism. By allowing women to hide their inferior looks but denying men the same they can pretend that women are superior to men.
It's similar to how many nobles/high ranking servants in both the West and the Far East wore makeup historically.


>yes it was created by a man

Wow so just like 98pc of all other apps

So no

Roastie unable to comprehend not everything is about what she wants, more at eleven.


The app sucks. It changed my face and I don't even wear makeup. Have you faggots even tried it yourself

No everyone but the few desperate to feel better than someone neets will forget about it and move on


>women don't create anything
Um sweetie, no...

>like niggers
That's the whole point
Home skillet

> His face gets wider but is almost otherwise not changed?
m-men b-btfo

The best thing about this is only people complaining about this are ugly feminists that plaster their faces with makeup. I told my gf and she just laughed about it and download the app to mess around with it.

Wasn't a big part of its design to make it useful for helping identify human trafficking victims? Most of whom are women.

Doesn't matter to radical feminists. It has never been about actually helping women who are abused, but purely to virtue signaling and further privilege upper-middle class women.

I thought feminists didn't like those "unrealistic beauty standards"... so what's wrong with the app?

I read two quotes - one about trafficking, the other more general. Don't know which is correct

This Christmas Ad Depicts Miscegenation And, Yes, It Was Created By A Jew
Nigger, I already ((know)). I dont need an ad for that.
t. Wyatt Mann

They create misery and despair