Faith "too hot to handle" Goldy

Looking for opinions on the recent no-platforming of Faith Goldy from a talk on "The stifling of free speech on university campuses" event

Apparently because of Faiths appearance on the daily stormer podcast she's now "too hot to handle" which is reason to no platform her.

Doesn't this send clear signals to the left that it's actually OK to no platform people as long as you label them "too hot to handle"? Isn't this just blatant hypocrisy?

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Forgot the video where Peterson explains their reasoning

I’m confused why the left being hypocritical is news to you

Have you literally been living on mars the last 6 months?

nobody is asking leftists to platform people, they are asking the universities to stop shutting down events planned by right wingers

The people who create the events can do what they want with THEIR event.

This is how I like it. Sup Forums tier types cause outrage, fence sitting ecelebs take the hit and gain sympathy of normies.

Dicky Spencer tried to destroy this and almost succeeded.

Public money so no not really. These are not private institutions.

Peterson and his kike friends deplatformed Goldy. Not the university, the university deplatformed all of them a month or two ago. Get it?

who is dicky spencer

I'm saying the right is being hypocritical.

There's this strong push from the left to no platform right wing speakers, and they're not apologetic about it or try and hide it, they think it's a good thing to simply shut down people they disagree with, rather than having an intellectual debate about ideas.

The right has been pushing back with free speech marches and generally raising awareness that this isn't a good thing and we should listen to speakers.

And now popular right wing figureheads are doing the exact same thing they accuse the left of, that's what's hypocritical.

That's not how it works in Canada.

Richard Spencer. He's tried to destroy the over the top semi-ironic trolling on one side and fence sitters on the other. He's a cancer. Nobody has done more to suck the life out of Sup Forums tier people and the alt-lite that took flak for us and brought in people we could convert.

>The people who create the events can do what they want with THEIR event.
This. The whole 'nobody is entitled to a platform is bullshit.'

The supreme court ruled that freedom of association was an integral part of the first amendment right to freedom of speech so a student group can invite anyone they want.

What Supreme Court? The American one? Neither one of us is Americans. Neither is Peterson.

I don't really mind private institutions picking and choosing who speaks, that's their right. But speakers like Peterson ought to decline to speak at events that are antithetical to the principles he claims to hold.

Peterson and his friends disinvited Goldy.

yeah, I don't understand that

Who cares what the platform is that one uses to spread his or her ideas.

Someone who is truly interested in spreading his or her ideas will use any and all available platforms to reach as many different people from as many different groups as possible.

Gaad Saad has been bitching about getting flak for this and made a YT vid reading Sup Forums type Jew comments. I lol'd but it was just an example of how the jew works. Support deplatforming someone, get heat online, play the victim, further slander the deplatformed
person by associating her with statements that are not hers and she did not encourage. It was gold.

the funny thing is liberal reporters like Elle Reeve have been on the daily stormer, someone get her no platformed then

its such a shame that western society has reached this point where we need to 'rely' on fringe weirdos to talk some sense

Essentially in Canada universities are private self governing institutions that are subsidized by the government. Government has (like in all other situations) complete power over the universities but almost never exercises it. This is the basic concept of English common law through the crown. Each level from the very top has absolute authority over the next, but protocol and tradition prevent interference unless under exceptional circumstances.

The CPC candidate said that any university blocking free speech will have the federal portion of funding cut off if he wins in 2019. Our constitution is the unwritten one from England, save the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that has a "not withstanding clause" that any government can enact and override any court decisions based on it.

It's not about law and what should be allowed or not, it's about the principle itself. Does Peterson really care about intellectual honesty and freedom of speech or not.

Can the left not just use the exact same excuse that Peterson himself is "too hot to handle" when students invite him to speak at universities across canada/america?

Shes a Jewish woman
Claiming to be white - for whites
On the (((REBEL MEDIA)))

(((EZRA LEVANTZ))) dood of the (((REBEL MEDIA)))

Why are you tricked into caring for this Israeli funded psyop.
What you think they want to give you a voice?
You think they want you to be anything besides the
tattoo swastika freaks that you play oh so well into being?
And this in an anime board......You are on an ANIME message board.
I can assure you that you aren't winning shit. They have you right where they want you to be. They want you posting your thoughts online and not out in the real world doing real world things.

woah.... this just blew my mind

I think you're right every right-winger is secretly a Jewish plant and we shouldn't talk about things online.

This is flat out intellectual cowardice. Nobody is challenging their "right" to be cowards, we're calling them hypocrites for presenting an image of strength while being cocksucking cowards. They may have the right to be cowards, but we have the right to call them that. And I'm far from a fucking Faith Goldy fan. But what Peterson did was shit. I expect it from the kikes, they're kikes after all, and therefore poison. But Peterson ought to know better. Or should he?

appeassing these people will never work

them caving to pressure and disinviting her is not a good move

Good post. People seem to be confused. Ryerson university cancelled the lot of them in August. When they rescheduled for November Saad, Peterson and the others disinvited Faith Goldy because of what she didn't say on a podcast.

Peterson was arguing for compelled speech and banned someone from a free speech presentation. Don't talk about kikes, kids.

Ah, Canada. Yeah, apparently the Canadian charter only applies to activities which are part of the curriculum, with a few exceptions.

He wasn't the event organizer but they did discuss the decision via email, apparently at length. The point is that he tacitly supports the no platforming of people based on a subjective analysis of what is "too hot to handle" and so what's to stop any individual out there basically doing the same to him, or any other right wing speaker?

Mr dubtrips here is right, his first video essentially listing the excuses is here and that's the follow up. It's all a distraction from the actual point which is that they endorse no platforming people due opinion on their public standing.

This. I'm not a fan of faith particuarly, I was a huge fan of Peterson but is a lot of what he said hot air? Afterall it is Peterson himself that said you can judge what people believe based on their actions, and apparently the moment it's no longer an intellectual curiosity but something he has to actually take a stand on, he falls flat.

It's more disappointing than anything else, but it might cause quite significant damage when the left get a hold of this and use it against him and other right wing speakers.

It's tempting to just go post this ammo on leftypol or on an antifa reddit and straight up give them the excuse they need to no platform right wing speakers.

congrats you have now learned le sort your bedroom man has been a charlatan from the get go

Well I've watched several hundred hours of his work and most of it makes sense, this could just be a case of bad judgement. I brought this up in part to see if we can't create some noise and social pressure to get him to re-evaluate the position. There's actually a decent number of quite pissed off Peterson fans because of this, I kind of expect to see a comment from him at some point.

It proved Petersen and Gad Saad's hypocrisy. Fuck those two.

> I-It's just bad judgement
> Not that Peterson's real complaint is that he doesn't have the power to deplatform others himself or anything

Faith was the one being interviewed. She wasn't on the podcast to ask questions.

It might be that he's genuinely happy to do it and that standing up for free speech is just a facade, that's not impossible. But given his volume of work and in a sense getting to know his mentality I'm not so fast to throw him under the bus, which is why I posted this thread to start with, create discussion and hear opinions.

I know, I actually happen to think that doesn't matter, I don't think it's right to infer her beliefs with regards to the alt right simply by observing what questions she doesn't ask on the podcast, irrelevent of if she's the interviewer or interviewee.

Peterson and Saad both threw that out there as a red herring IMO, distract people with an endless semantic debate about whether she was acting as a journalist at the time or not.

It's a bit rich for an academic in favour of free and open debate for ideas of all kinds to be challenged by reason to then go and deny someone the right to speak, not even because of their own opinions but the opinions of people they previously spoke to.

It seems fairly obvious to me he's not the principled man he portrays himself as and is afraid of losing his patreon gravy train and academic reputation.

That said, who the fuck even is Faith Goldy? What has she done?

Remember what the free speech libs are doing now that it's their guy on top?

>which is why I posted this thread to start with, create discussion and hear opinions.


In all seriousness, I think he did make a mistake here, but you have to remember that optics matter to a degree. If you're positioning yourself in a specific spectrum of the political/social sphere, you have to police those that you publicly associate with. Personally, I haven't seen that Goldy brings anything unique or interesting to any debate, so I couldn't really care, but I do agree that it's a slightly iffy decision.

Also, nice digits.


>It seems fairly obvious to me he's not the principled man he portrays himself as
It certainly appears that way, but he has said and done things in the past and then go on to apologize/retract or explain his position further, and I'm kind of hoping that's what he does here.

Faith is a reporter previously with Rebel media on youtube, she was essentially fired from that position because of her appearance on the daily stormer podcast.

Not an argument.
Also, that app is retarded, why is it popular? It basically just boosts magenta/cool tones and increase clarity/oversharpens.
Furthermore, if you applied to a woman wearing NO make up at all, it would just make them look worse. It's not like it knows whether you're wearing makeup or not. Seems reddit tier retarded.

>"too hot to handle"
That's leftist justification. Appeasement tactics won't work, attacking the company sponsors of leftist shitbags has worked. If he's using lefty tactics on right wingers then he's a lost cause at this point. Fuck him, dropped. Live up to the rules you preach for others or shut the fuck up.

Peterson is a coward, hypocrite obstructionist that is either ignorant or malevolent over the JQ. If he had an ounce of principle he'd follow through with the hero archetype the guy preaches and fall on his sword in order to inform the mass of people that will take him at face value where all of this filth emerges from.

But he's a coward, and conspires with a blatant enemy, and debases himself with this. He betrays everyone who's ever benefitted from his stuff with this sort of shit.

Roughly speaking Jordan Peterson is not sorted.

In my opinion it completely goes against everything he has said so far, and echoes how the universities treated him (which he raged about).

Does Peterson have connections to Levant and Rebel Media? Directly or indirectly it could explain it.

His room is full of rats.

They are directly responsible for having set him up with his ludicrously successful patreon. He did not create it himself.

Three things at play here:

Peterson was always trying to save his own ass. The fact that he has some good teaching points helped him, got him his fan base, but over all he was only ever trying to save his own ass.

He was very happy to have any support he could get at the start because he was pretty much to the point where he had nothing to lose. Now, though, he is enjoying the money & fame, so he won't risk those .. I blv he is miscalculating on that IE he will lose a lot of people over this. His gig *is* integrity, and he's failing on that front.

Finally, I believe all of these men, coming from academia, are very much going through withdrawal from the prestige that that had afforded them. They will not admit it but the thing they want most in all the world is for academia to accept them again.

--- Faith is a casualty of all of this. I have mixed feelings about her but that is irrelevant. What is most important to me is that we do away with the poisonous acceptance of guilt by association in these sorts of circumstances.

Adult men with developed understanding of reality, morality and psychology ought to be able to hold themselves above it and even point out how ludicrous the whole notion is.

>"she didn't do enough to denounce dailystormer whilst talking to them"
>wasn't even an interview
>now this means she can't talk on the panel
>Peterson failed to see the irony

This is all people took from the event: 'Jordan Peterson, champion of free speech, censored someone from talking'. No amount of reasoning matters because people wont remember that, but they will remember that he did it.

Well that explains a lot.

You're fucking telling me

Sooner someone makes a martyr out of this guy, the better. Well and certain he's outlived his usefulness.

>everything is a jewish psyop
it's hard to tell the shills from the schizos on here

she's a roastie. fuck her. she needs to go back ... to the kitchen

I'm a fan of his but becoming increasingly skeptical. I don't understand how he can be in the middle of fighting all of these battles, right now the one with the Ontario lawyers, and not grasp where it is coming from and headed.

I was watching his appearance on Rubin last night and I know he has a policy to believe incompetence before believing that something is attributed to malevolence but I have a hard time thinking he is this naive. So I agree .. either he has HUGE blind spots or is a coward.

Also he seemed as though he was backtracking on calling out post modernism as if someone had gotten to him behind the scenes. He said something along the lines of 'i'm done pointing my finger at the people over there we need to worry about what we can do". No dude, I don't mind if you tell your followers who are less sorted to worry about their own lives, but it'd be a lot easier for us to do that if you would fucking call out the people who need to be called out for their bullshit so we don't have to think we need to meme them out of existence the way we got Trump in office. It's so frustrating.

Pathetic. His credibility: 0.0.

He's a coward. An unprincipled coward hypocrite and he has betrayed you by ever selling himself as an ounce more than that.

Shit down this faggot's throat.

Sort of I guess, he's done interviews with them before. And the UofT didn't fund his research this year which they've done basically every year, basically due to Peterson being a liability to them. So Lavant did a crowd sourcing thing to fund the next several years, so his students working on the personality science can continue.

I doubt it's that though, I just think he's aware of the politics involved and he caved, it trumped his principles.

Bit miffed by this all really he kinda became the hero we all needed in some sense, bringing back traditional right wing views and even appealing to all the atheists with his more rational take on the biblical stories...then pulls this shit.

>clean your room so you can be a better goy
Basically his position it seems. What good is sorting oneself out if your role models are spineless and don't embrace the heroic. Its all very well telling people to sort themselves out but they need exemplars, they need something or someone to live up to.


I couldn't watch the whole thing I turned it off after "3 hard questions" it made me sick to my stomach.

I'm not saying this as an overly religious person but that is why it's better to keep God, or Christ the best hero archetype imo, as the highest ideal because people will always let you down.

I'm pissed too, but maybe we can get through to him. We're at least part of the reason he is so well off at this point and like a lot of people are saying he really doesn't want to lose that, so he likely wouldn't be too excited to have a campaign launched against him by what was his core audience a mere couple of months ago.

No because she adds nothing of value other than having a actual neo-nazi on the panel for people to attach to you

In the real world theres no benefit to giving those kinds of people a platform/

>a actual neo-nazi
Is she though?

It's a free speech panel, take the opportunity to discredit her in a public setting. That is .. if you are confident enough in your ideas to do so .. isn't he? Isn't untrammeled speech the only way to achieve truth, so then he should have been able to easily verbally undress someone who is a literal neo-nazi with no problems because there is no genuine truth in that position .r-r-right goy?

Post tits or GTFO Faith

I think it's a little more advanced than that actually but it definitely doesn't perform miracles - not like makeup anyway.

Well said famalam. Although I'm not sure what you're suggesting when you say Peterson is trying to save his own ass. His rise to popularity was accidental I'm sure, he was throwing himself on his own sword with this Bill c-16 thing which at the time no one really cared about too much.

In fact it's oddly out of character for him because he risked his job and reputation defending that out of principle, which makes me wonder if this really just was an error in judgement. I still have hope's he'll reflect on this and change his mind.

He did exactly that when he called MGTOWs weasels so he's not beyond that level of self introspection etc.

It was pathetic, upsettingly so.

But she's not, she's explicitly denied this. She spoke with alt-right people and they're guessing from her lack of grilling them that she must align with them.

Free speech isn't a cut and dry issue, it's multi-faceted, one of those facets is this guilt by association schtick. Even Peterson was grilled on this personally when he stood outside of the UofT and addressed students, they were asking why neo nazis were at one of his talks.

He's blatantly supporting the identical tactics we're all accusing the radical left of using, if we are principled about this we have to either discuss this openly like this and hopefully the noise generated amplifies and he gets wind his fans aren't happy and then re-evaluates. Or we basically have to be more principled than he is and stop the fanboy shit.

I guess this is just an attempt to do the former, I actually emailed the guy as well outlining why I thought this was wrong, I dont expect a response but if he gets enough people doing that he might release a video on it.

>I haven't seen that Goldy brings anything unique or interesting to any debate
She brings her blowjob lips and leathery skin. At least she has that going for her.


honestly she was invited in order to get attention for the event. After Charlottesville she became toxic as fuck.

She's a nice person, but totally toxic now. She is in a hard place because she doesn't want to go full 14/88 or alt-right but no one in the mainstream will touch her.

Surely even the right must draw the line at the daily stormer

Not the point Ahmed.

I hear you to a degree, but consider that his first couple of videos about this were made out of concern that what he teaches - his life's work, essentially - were under threat. He feared that elements of his various theses were going to become illegal, 'hate crimes.'

Look, there's nothing wrong with him trying to save his own ass - that's basically what the 'clean your room' allegory comes down to, isn't it?

He's in a tricky spot being that he's admired (and supported by his fans) for his seeming courage & integrity. In this age of extremes & Purity spirals I wouldn't want to be him. If he missteps the SJW's of the right will reject him & you can bet he will never ever win anyone on the Left.

What is the point, Jamal?

I always knew he was just a cardigan wearing intellectual at heart. He likes the idea of being a tough guy but... Lauren Southern is tougher, and has sacrificed way more. Ironic.

But such is life.

His appealing to divine truths and ideals is purity spiraling to begin with and it's he himself that dicked it. He himself that made the hypocrisy apparent.

Do any of you guys actually believe in "muh free speech?"

I don't. It can be convenient as a tool but it's really irrelevant. what is important is winning.
Winning is wiping out the left and their ideas in the hearts and minds of the people.
Winning is deporting all the illegals.
Winning is keeping European countries overwhelmingly majority white.
If people like Faith or Daily Stormer fuck up our chances of winning they should be thrown off a cliff.

That's always the way with hypocrisy

that's undeveloped thinking

no. It's the difference between LARPing online about purity and ideology and actually fucking doing something.
All that matters is winning and results.

well Hellooooo Lucifer!

Yes that's a motivator and I agree that there's nothing wrong with being self interested. Although he does acknowledge what other people have said which is that it's a really odd issue to fall on your sword for. So I think he acknowledges that it's strange, it's a very odd quirky intellectually stimulating thing that doesn't really appeal to the masses. The reaction was unpredictable, even to him so I think the fame is unintentional.

I think what he has to say appeals to a broad set of people but his more direct supporters are more tradcon types, and thats where his insane patreon comes from for sure. He knows he's already alienated the left but this move is certain to alienate some of his right wing followers.

He has so many speaking engagements, teaching and revenue from books that he's financially safe now, so to him it shouldn't really matter except for whatever intellectual integrity he has.

No it's not because winners implies losers and that whole thing implies instability. Any time either the right of the left has tried to "win" it's just resulted in 10's of millions dead and the side waging war being cucked for the next 2-3 decades.

Peterson knows you can't let the left/right go unchecked, it needs to be a constant evolving conversation about what a good compromise is, and when we've gone too far one way (too far left at the moment)

Which is why this free speech issue has become such a big deal, he knows this, he's talked at length about it. Which is why it's odd to see this behaviour from him.

Look, man, not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to go the way of David Duke. Peterson is brilliant and correct about nearly everything he preaches, but he hasn't reached the tipping point where he's willing to jeopardize the future of his children to name the jew

Free speech.

Yeah we get that and it's discussed at length in every single JP thread, but we're arguing that he is going further the wrong way and looking like a hypocrite by denying free speech a platform.

War has been a part of the human condition for pretty much it's entire existence. Who's to say it's not essential.

They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Freedom of leaf=/=freedom of speech? And time and again now I hear people selectively assigning individuals their journalistic responsibility without substantiating their authority to do so in any way. I call bullshit.

Cognitive Dissonance of Jordan Peterson (& of Individualist in General)

Do you think this is Sup Forums?

Divide and conquer is their only weapon.

a group of 20 people from 8pol leftypol. They organize on discord and blast 80 anti-Spencer meme with different IDs to drown out rational discussion about him. If every second post screams "SHILL" or "CIA" they can kill any pro-Spencer discussion.

You can recognize them by the character-assassination conehead shops and retarded posting style/memes. Their infamous shills like Moarpheus even admit it.

This is their campaign:

Btw a lot of shitskins join them because they're scared of Spencer.

I highly suggest checking these three videos of Spencer out.

Jordan is more guilty of this sin by having been on an interview with Tara Mcarthy who leads Alt-Right livestreams and works to advance white nationalism.

Don't recall him asking any hard questions but abruptly/awkwardly leaving the interview session once she mentioned cucks.

>Peterson is brilliant and correct about nearly everything he preaches
i'm sorry to tell you this but he isn't you dumb fuck. He hates nationalism, natsoc, or really anything that is Sup Forums outside of the anti-sjw shit that even Sargon is against. Go worship your "altlite" or Sargon type shit over at lebbit you fucking shitskin.

Peterson's already gotten millions from you idiots. Do you really think he has to pretend, or stick his neck out anymore?
Not if he can just comfortably cuck and not be in the spotlight anymore.



are you mentally ill? do you know why Milo the faggot got banned?
