Salon want AoC 18?

After Roy Moore, maybe it’s time

Time to correct this bizarre anomaly: Age of consent should be 18 in all 50 states, with one simple exemption

>Political issues have defined most ofthe fallout from revelations about Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore allegedly spending his 30s trying to fondle every high school girl in Etowah County. So far the focus has largely been about what Republicanswill do now that maintaining their Senate majority mightdepending a man so noxioushe was reportedly banned from a shopping mall for creeping on teen girls. But in light of these revelations it'salso time to expand the discussion to a broader social issue: a flawed legal system that makes it easy for predatory men toget away with chasing teenage girls.

>What this entire story exposes is that this country has a serious problem with age of consent laws. The age at which a teenager can legally consent to sex with an adultranges from 16 to 18 across various states, and in many states,children can be married off to adultsso long as they have a parent's or judge's approval. Sexual activity that is legal in one state can immediately become illegal if the couple crosses state lines.

>This patchwork systemcreates ambiguity that Moore and his defenders have exploited, using the fact that 16 is the age of consent in Alabama to create the impression that there's some uncertainty about the moral status of a man in his 30s who pursues high school age girls. It's a typical strategy for excusing this kind of predatory behavior.Any element of doubt or uncertainty is seized upon as reason to implythat it's unreasonable to simply expect men to keep their hands off the young ones. Moore worked this angle hard in his immediately infamous interview with Sean Hannity, where he blurred the lines between teens and adults in an effort to make his dating habits seem more normal than they actually were.

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's high time to end this uncertainty about age of consent.Instead of a patchwork system, every state should set the age of consent at 18 years old, and strive to end any loopholes that allow adultsto find wiggle room to justify predatory behavior.

>To be clear, these laws should not be written in such a way as to allow punishment ofminors for having sex with each other, or for an 18-year-old who has sex with a 16- or 17-year-old partner.Consensual, age-appropriate relationships among young people who feel ready for them can be healthy and safe. Certainly, the only result of persecuting teenagers for their age-appropriate relationships is to drive those relationships underground, where kidswill generally end up taking more risks with their health.

It should be 15

It should be 9

Some people thought Salon were pedo sympathizers for clickbait articles about "destigmatizing pedophilia"
This isn't true, they're just willing to take whatever side will get them those delicious clicks, as evidenced here

puritan, it should be at least 12

>Published an article about how pedophiles should be accepted in society
>Publishes an article saying that the age of consent should be 18

Alright what the fuck is going on here


Age of consent should be 13. And women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or drive. Problems solved.

16 is fine
But remove womens rights and bring back shaming of promiscuity for both sexes

TFW you realize burgers have AoC over 15

Burger just discovered that more than one person writes on news site

>so long as they have a parent's or judge's approval
hmm, wasn't he a judge? sounds like they had his approval, no?

AoC laws are fundamentally weird, but I’ll go 8

t. muhammedan.

t. hebe

It should be 30

That's not true and you know it. They could publish an article about gassing through kikes and race war now and get plenty of clicks, but they won't for obvious reasons

This but also criminalize all sex outside of marriage

Opinion, not news, faggot.

16 is legal famalam

Who are they kidding?

Salon employees can die in a fire.
I think we all know where they stand morally.

Should be 6.

if you gonna treat them as humans they will walk all over you.

Good morning trog


> filename
Anyone who downloads that will end up on 1500 lists worldwide kek.

Fuck man

people should be LEGAL at 20
Gas the pedos

>not just taking a ss

Age of consent is probably 13 in Alabama

Holy fuck the new left is the old puritan right. Pro-cnesorship and morality policing.

Google says 16.

explain me user, who jewing who??

I bet you also believe in a minimum wage, you fucking collectivist piece of shit, take that flag off.

In most states, age of consent is 16. People only think 18 is universal because that's what it happens to be in california.

Its okay to be Muslim

I'm sure the article defending pedophillia was about men raping young boys.

The idea of a 20 year old man fucking a 16 year old girl is just horrific it seems.

But hey, Salon and other liberals didn't offer a peep when a 31 year old woman gangbanged a bunch of 14 year olds so, well, obvious hypocristy.

Jesus fucking christ Mexico

My girlfriend used to live right around there, too.

>or for an 18-year-old who has sex with a 16- or 17-year-old partner.
then the age of consent won't be 18. are these people morons?

would it be ok for a 19 year to have sex with a 17 year old? or a 16 year old?

I guess women don't have control over their bodies until they are 18, but they can transition when they are 14 or 4 sometimes.

these people are morons

if a federal age is made it would most likely be 16, since obviously having mutliple tiers is just as retarded as having a patchwork system.

but I find it hilarious that the standard they chose is exactly the standard that would make this case - if real - a problem

mental gymnast champion
it's for the kids...

They have laws in various states to address that kind of problem. In Florida, we have a Romeo & Juliet law which allows relationships between minors 16+ and adults. Pretty sure it just requires that the parents approve of the relationship.

Did you not even read the OP you just responded to

>Consensual, age-appropriate relationships

how has the world ended up thinking like that.
Marrying off a young woman to financially secure mature man = horrible abuse should be stopped immediately.
It is much better and appropriate if young people have sex with each other outside of the marriage.

Yeah, that explains a lot

What is wrong with it?
It is natural. AoC is a social construct to allow old whores access to dating scene.
Sex is for procreation. Best chance to get pregnant is at puberty.

I guess they did not know this simple fact. Accusing someone of being a pedophile when it was legal age of consent. Also feminists were the ones that fought for sexual liberation. Lol they are fucking fruitcakes dogs barking at squirrels.

They're just trying to fuck over white men more. All Roy Moore was doing was trying to find a prime age virgin who he could marry after having an established career, as was practice for thousands of years. Of course Moore didn't actually have sex with them, but cutting off mature men who want to marry to late teenage girls restricts their prospects to young boys who aren't going to be able to provide for them when they come of age and either delays reproduction or the women will more likely become dissatisfied with the relationship. As the women will have already ridden cock now their inhibitions are lower and they've taken the first step to being a roastie. And if you think Jamal or Tyrone are going to respect these laws the same as a white man you're fucking retarded, so you're probably going to end up with more coal burners as well.

It was the feminists. They were pushing for age of consent laws at the same time they were pushing for wymminz suffrage about a century ago.

Women are always seeking to eliminate competition, and only want to be forced to settle down as soon as their tires start losing their treads, the lines form on their face, and they have to settle for a beta provider/orbiter before it's too late.

They don't want men to have the option of an untainted teenage wife who hasn't taken miles of cock and been ruined by the world yet. Lower age of consent = roasties' worst nightmare.

Starting at 14 you can have sex with someone 4 years within your age-range. That is to say, at 14 you can sleep with people your own age, as well as 15, 16, 17, and 18. That window goes up with your age; at 15 it's 15 through 19. At 16 it's 16 through 20. And so on.

When you turn 18, you can fuck whoever you want at whatever ago, so long as you don't go below 14.

>expect men to keep their hands off the young ones

Portuguese law = best law

Over 18 anything goes.
Under 18 (underage) is fair game if age difference is under 3 years.
Under 14 they are considered children and all sexual activity is forbidden.

Because people don’t magically become enlightened at 18, so there’s nothing wrong with a 19 year old dating a 17 year old.

Peoples' lives have been destroyed because of age of consent laws. Guys who are 18 or 19 have been totally ruined because a girl who was 16 lied and said she was 18. I understand there's a difference when the guy is like 30 but the law regarding this is kind of ridiculous when it involves young men and lying girls.

>fuck states rights
what part of Constitutional Republic do these people not understand?

>Moore openly admits he dated a woman in her late teens back in the 70s and goes "Yeah, so what?"
>All accusations of pedophilia & molestations are being shot down with revelations of accusers working for the Clintons or straight up forging their "evidence"
>"After Roy Moore"

>Salon want

Who gives a fuck what that shit-spewing site has to say.

30 for white males...

12 for PoC and women fucking Chad.

This sounds reasonable to me too.

>Age of consent should be 18

I approve.

WTF is wrong with /pol though?

Women are proving they are just as predatory as men.

Hilary or huma are on tape, thus the sex tape talk. Thus crucifixion of moore, now this.
Remember Epstein?
Minds will be blown.

USA 2017
They've been hooking up or hookering up their snatch-hole since 14 anyway and when they're 18 it's weed, alcohol, anal and casual BJs.

>Age of consent should be 18 in all 50 states, with one simple exemption
Anyone who disagrees is a pedophile.

Retarded feminists like you need removal

I love how as a society we think that at age 18 people magically become mature and emotionally prepared to handle sexual relationships.

I personally think that the age of consent should be abolished, but not because muh pedo but because shit like this should probably be handled on a case by case basis. There are 15-16 year old girls that are more emotionally and mentally mature than plenty of "grown" women that are 25-26 or older than that. The problem with my idea is that there's a lot of subjectivity, and I can see people going to prison because some roastie judge decided that some dude's teenage girlfriend isn't emotionally and mentally mature.

Also, just to piss off all of the virtue signalers: I'm 31, and my girlfriend is 22. I met her when I was 26 and she was 17. And we fucked almost immediately, and it was pretty awesome. She was mature for her age, and given that we've been together for five years, I obviously wasn't into her because of her age. And before you moral snowflakes try to report me to the FBI, I live in Alabama where the age of consent is 16. So, fuck you. :^)