Imagine if this were a photo of Donald Trump

Imagine if this were a photo of Donald Trump


Will you see this image on late night talk shows or CNN?

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You mean like eating with russian agents for the Kremlin?

Or maybe scheming to rape your taxes with the Koch brothers?

The shills are out in full force today

imagine if we had a president who ACTUALLY DID make fun of retards intentionally on national tv. oh wait....

sometimes I wonder if posts like these are just some guy cracking himself up by posting as a caricature of a liberal

I mean one couldn't possibly be that stupid

It was a joke bro. Franken said it was just a joke.

>imagine if this were a photo of Donald Trump

This triggered the shills, who is that guy?


edit it with just drump's face and keep the rest like in the original. spead and watch the normie outrage!

>Wealthy people eating together, with no context whatsoever of their meeting, in a public setting.
>Politician groping an underaged girl tits, while she sleeps, in a sexual context, in a private setting
You're disgusting, you'll get to the point of defending an actual pedophile commiting a crime against a minor if it somehow goes against this demonized vision of Trump, you, you're sick and will not realize it because you just can't accept that you're wrong, you've always been wrong, your enemy is actually your friend, and that is taking you this low.
You're defending a pedophile.

>shows proof
>hurrr shills

you trumpkins are special little snowflakes

It is INSANELY offensive what Trump said about famous men who "grab 'em by the pussy." You're supposed to grab 'em by the titties.

>You're defending a pedophile.
Franken and his accuser are both adults, tard.

Why is there a picture of Brad Pitt on the wall?

>>shows proof
of what? you fucking lunatic

look this photo shows Trump signing over 20% of the ura- oh wait, that was under Obama and Hillary, sorry

Trump is a Russian agent

It's on the front page of CNN right now so, yeah.

You're defending a pedophile.


>Imagine if this were a photo of Donald Trump
I imagine he would have been an alpha and grabbed her by the pussy.

The only shill here is YOU faggot

Hate the guy but in that pic he is clearly making a joke and she has fucking body armor on.

more like this


i gotta say, highly doubt be would’ve done this had there not been a thick protective layer making her chest flat as fuck.

Someone needs to make a Trump/Chad Franken/Virgin sexual assault/harassment pic

>goes straight for the pussy sexual assault
>grabs victim while she’s fully conscious
>victim thoroughly aroused by groping
>evidence only comes to light by vague admission recorded on hot mic

>weakly goes for lower value tits sexual assault
>waits until victim is unconscious to fondle
>victim thoroughly disgusted by groping
>fully convicts self by creating photographic evidence of assault


what are you even doing here?

not your safe space faggot

Well, if you deeper, this is at the end of the trip of which she was sexually harassed continuously. /shrugs. Personally i dont give a shit about her feeling as she exploits her looks for gains.

>be leftists
>propagate the "STOP VICTIM BLAMING... GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT" hysteria culture
>President caught joking "grab em by the pussy" is now labeled a literal rapist by liberal media
>leftists entertainers start getting outed by their own hysteria culture
>try to redirect the hysteria towards republican politicians with just unprovable accusations
>ends up there being picture proof evidence of leftists politician doing what they had hysterically been attacking others for, literally "grabbing her by the udders"
"Heh, m-muh Russia"
Pic related is literally you right now.

>white males

Leftists literally believe there are only two entities on twitter: loyal leftists and everyone else who disagrees are Russian bots.

>so fucking mad he typed all that shit out

Now it's just a right wing hot job.

Call Bill a rapist if you want to see true blue hypocrisy. He dindu nuttin.

>6 Line greentext
>All that shit

Are you in pre-school?

This. Shareblue still lingers.

do you realize how ironic your post is considering you are just generally using the term "leftist"? does your childish little brain think that Leftists(tm) are a top-down organization that sit in a board room plotting evil schemes?

Olympic gold medal mental gymnastics.

Imagine the scandal if Al Franken was sipping water instead of hoverhanding over a pair of milkies.

>I was just molesting her as a joke ha ha

The state of liberals in this year of our Lord, anno domini 2017

BO BPEMЯ oбcyждeния oбнapyжилocь пиcьмo, cocтaвлeннoe якoбы oт имeни дeпyтaтcкoгo кopпyca зa пoдпиcью пpeдceдaтeля Aндpeя Хaпoчкинa. B этoм пиcьмe cкaзaнo, чтo дeпyтaтcкий кopпyc oтзывaeт cвoё oтpицaтeльнoe зaключeниe нa пpoeкт фeдepaльнoгo зaкoнa, cocтaвлeннoe paнee.

«Пиcьмo Хaпoчкинa» вызвaлo мнoжecтвo эмoций cpeди дeпyтaтoв пpямo в зaлe зaceдaний peгиoнaльнoгo пapлaмeнтa. Кaк oкaзaлocь, избpaнники нapoдa тaкoгo peшeния нe пpинимaли. Oнo жe, этo пиcьмo, cтaлo пoвoдoм для пpoвeдeния пpoтecтнoгo пикeтa, кoтopый cocтoялcя в cквepe y Caхaлинcкoй oблacтнoй библиoтeки.

Члeны КПPФ и eё cтopoнники вышли c плaкaтaми, в тeкcтe кoтopых звyчaлo тpeбoвaниe oтпpaвить пpeдceдaтeля Caхaлинcкoй oблacтнoй дyмы в oтcтaвкy. Гopoжaнe aктивнo фoтoгpaфиpoвaли yчacтникoв и их плaкaты, выклaдывaя cнимки в coциaльныe ceти.

He's a comedian, this was just performance art designed to highlight the plight of rape victims. Really he deserves a medal.


>liberals want to give a medal to the guy who molested and mouthraped some woman as a 'joke'

I'm loving every minute of these liberal gymnastics

Will this performance get a gold, or only the bronze? Guess we'll see!

It's actually the headline article on CNN right now, you fucking mong



>Rate Franken's performance

Right now I am going 9.1. Why? He just called for an investigation of himself. What sexual assaulter has called for his own investigation? This is a new development that promises to turn every act of sexual assault into an act of true redemption. Franken will get the gold, period.

he's not even touching her, what's the problem?

>Franken will get the gold, period.

The left is actually dumb enough to go for that, it's really a question of whether he should be allowed to be a spokesperson of womens rights for them. They can try to take it as far as they want if they think it will work out. They did that with the clinton's, and look at how they worked out. The clintons took it all the way to the white house, and almost did a second time. All it eventually cost them was the very existence of their party and their legacy.

>what's the problem?
found the rapist.

- that's an adult woman, not a 14 year old, like in Moore's case
- He's not even touching her, like moore did.

>Excuses for liberal assaulter

Listen and believe, you RAPIST.

>- that's an adult woman, not a 14 year old, like in Moore's case
>- He's not even touching her, like moore did.

Oh fuck off, he's trying to shame her with that photo. It's obvioius. It's also blatant sexual harassment and intimitation.


No. He knows it's all about to fall and he's scared.

but did he make her twirl?

CNN mouthpiece just said on air "this allegedly happened decades ago, lets move on"

if trump ever drank a soda pop i dont think there would be enough bandiwth to handle it

Great minds think alike


Something big is coming, or else they wouldn't have dropped that weak Franken bait.
More indictments dropping soon, guaranteed...

The problem here, of course, is that Franken is a Jew.

I like to assume Sup Forums knows that.

A jewy, jewy Jew.


nothing like usual.

anonymous hack those guys too?

You're living in a democrat, sjw, and mainstream media (entertainment and news) crafted cultural moral panic. This moral panic is now beginning to explode back in the faces of some of the very people who helped craft it.

oh there's a panic, but your wrong about who's panicking.

I really don't think people care about this anymore but I think It's pretty sad and emblematic of a huge problem with the modern left how they treated this Tranny. Everyone treated it as if he won because he is a Tranny, the other guy was anti-trans,and the people wanted to overthrow the evil republican bigot. He won because he actually campaigned on issues voters in that area were most concerned about. I believe it was something as mundane as traffic. The other guy pulled a Hillary Clinton and assumed he had it in the bag. No reason for the right to panic but rather for neocons to go extinct already and the republican party to embrace right wing populism.


>right wing populism
where do they stand on debt and fed govt spending? cause what we got now likes spending and doesn't care about pass the bill down to future taxpayers.



Danica won a very inconsequential seat.
But sure, keep touting it as if it means something.

Are you seriously proposing that the left has any individualistic thoughts beyond whatever victim identity they think they've acquired. Holy shit son, your ideology has stricter tenants than most religions.

He's a jew. You know he damn well rapes children it's in their fucking blood.

joke or not, the implication is that it is okay to sexually assault women when they are passed out/unable to consent. This is the angle, so push it hard
make them play by their own rules.

>career politician for 40 years with other contentious campaigns
>30 days before a big campaign
>coordinated sexual allegations with no proof and a fake signature

can u b anymore obvious?