What's this page supposed to mean? Did Takagi have a daughter with another man...

What's this page supposed to mean? Did Takagi have a daughter with another man? But they're living in the Nishikata household?


It's a NTR manga dumbass
Nishikata is raising his wife's daughter

Takagi is taking the reader for a ruse cruise.
The chapter is meta as fuck, the panel at the end where she smirks directly at the reader is basically her saying "I tricked you, didn't I", directly to the audience.

its more a "Shhhh, dont tell Nishikata teehee~"


It's another Nishikata.
That Nishikata moved on to get a wife that wasn't a washboard.




The daughter is pretty much female Nishikata, even down to the big forehead.

You NTR fags disgust me.

The whole chapter was just her rusing us basically making it a "she broke the 4th wall" joke especially with that pannel which has her looking at the reader the same way she looks at Nishikata when she tricks him. That page is part of the set up. Anyone saying it's NTR is delusional.

>her last prank was to have a child with another man and pretend it was Nishikata's
Did she go too far?

>There's still people that grasping ntr despite the mangaka making it clear they'll end up together.
Don't you guys ever get tired.

>implying that they didn't get together
>implying that Takagi didn't poke a hole in the condom as a prank
Why are you guys so determined to make this NTR?

Takagi did NOTHING wrong even before the timeskip

"If only he was back already, so I could tease him more"

What chapter is this from?

NTRfags are still ass blasted. My fucking sides

This is the one with the idiot and the girl who is always tricking him right? Did it end? Did the idiot die before his id grew up or something?

Every single chapter is the same but I can't get enough of it

>mfw NTRfags are still trying to bring their cancer into this pure manga but continue to fail

O look

Reminder that grown up fags avoid staring at Takagi's smile because it reminds them of that time they were on her wild ride.

Incoming dump and delusional as fuck replies trying to undo the comfiness of an untouchable manga.



It got updated cucks, what you going to do about it?

>tags: femdom, orgasm denial, vanilla


She's married to Nishikata and that's his daughter. The picture at the end is the same smile she does when tricking someone aka us.

Cuckfags being BTFO was funny as shit when the chapter dropped.

>tfw you never had a takagi-san in your life

You're all idiots. She says "...If only" because she's not fertile and they couldn't have children of their own, so they had to adopt. So yeah, that's not her dad.

Oh boy, now I can use my freshly made meme.

So she's resentful against herself and her child? M'kay.

Nishikata got cucked and that's not his daughter.

These delusions. Cuckfag tears are truly the best.

The teasing escalated so much that he eventually killed himself. Her guilt drove her to marry someone with the same name as him. That's why she was crying.

It's pretty obvious she fell in love with a heartthrob and got preggers while nishi was working his tail off

Eventually she left the guy and married nishitaka which is why she said "if only nishitaka was your father then maybe I can look into your eyes without being reminding of 'him'"

That's a good one. Come on mate, keep it going.

You are going to need bigger bait, nothing an NTR loser has said can counter the number of wins in Takagi's pocket for Nishikita.


>NTRfags are still butthurt till today

Why does it hurt in my chest after reading this?

There are people STILL who don't understand the chapter.


I didn't want to believe at first, but NTR fags have convinced me. I hate this manga now.

> mfw vanillafags doesn't know how relationship works because they never had a relationship before
> they don't know NTR is pretty common.

Can you recommend the cream you guys are using for your ass pain?


Pretty quiet on the cucking front, must be crying in a puddle of their own making somewhere



Is this the new chapter?





I don't care how late I am.


pic related pissed me off.

>set a trap on the snacks
>daughterul takes snack
>trap sprung


To be fair I believe the timeline is out of order.

Shh, don't say such things Sup Forumsnon.

Slowpoke here, is this really why NTRfags came in? They think Takagi didn't fuck Nishikata despite this being the purest manga ever?

That whole chapter was just a meta joke on the audience, it strings you along to think that she grew apart from Nishikata and had a kid with someone else, just to trick you and go 'woops I lied I'm actually married to him'

It's meant directly for the audience, not anyone else.

Like summed up, it ended up being the biggest potential bait only for it to be brutally crushed by smug 15 minutes later.

They never got over it till this day.

No they didn't give a shit about this manga until a few chapters in when Takagi said she liked someone else, which was another ruse. When timeskip chapter came out something broke in them so they make these wild fanfics to ease their ass after the blast. It was narusaku levels of analdestruction.com.

Godamnit this manga brings me back to grade. School although I married my Takagi's little sister.

>Godamnit this manga brings me back to grade school. Although I married my Takagi's little sister.
Fuck I really messed up my editting there.

Guess who's fault is that?

>NTRtrolls still trying
Give up, you were utterly destroyed.

That's the hole in your heart aching after realizing you will never have a a cute girl tease you

No only finally cucking him caused him to man up.

I love her smugness, and this makes her so fucking adorable too. My heart, it hurts.


Just look how smug she is to the reader at the end


step up senpai

I love the first panel from this page.

>if only
>sad look
I don't even care but why are you making such a big deal out of it?
It's clearly stated that nishikata is not the father

Fug, and the first one on the page after.

why are you guys still in denial? there is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck

She deserves to be fucked so hard
Someone makes justice

I'm going to just assume you're pretending to be retarded but in case you're not I'm going to explain it to you so you can kill yourself peacefully in the knowledge that you're a fucking moron.

Nishikata was doing whatever it is he's doing with his life and won't be back home till let's say 4:30.
let's assume it was 2 in the afternoon when that page occurs. Takagi would know that Nishikata isn't supposed to be home yet and wishes he was.

Bait or can't you even see the panel correctly ? There's barely anything draw on it but a kid showing a pocture to his mom

>Takagi threads are now ESLfags shitposting about NTR and ERPing
Great job guys.

>That one shitposter is still mad because he's too stupid to read a joke without being spoonfed the punchline

I've just read the chapter. The NTR fags must be truly desperate or delusional to not see that Nishikata is the husband.

I don't remember to well, but didn't the doorbell ring right before then. That would fit perfectly with your explanation and would go perfectly with the whole chapter being her taking the reader on the ruse cruise.

He's the husband but the kid is not his as said by Takagi.
Learn some reading comprehension fuccboi

I'm buttmad because thanks to translator faggot NTRfags will never get the chapter as shown with this thread.

This manga is shit anyway
>this is now some boring shit
I knew it, it was just my dick reading and being aroused yb that smug cunt the whole time.

>Shit manga gets shit threads

>I don't actually care about reading the manga
>I'm angry that because unless somebody explains the joke, I can't yell "HAHAHAHA NTRfags BTFO!" in threads because without the explanation, I have to respond to them and pay attention to them and take them seriously
Serious question, are you actually retared?

I just don't want shit threads. And there is nothing to discuss about this manga other that pic related anyway.

>I don't want shit threads
>We just need to have threads even if there's nothing to talk about so I can scream HAHAHA BTFO at NTRfags
Seriously, why do you retarded ESLfags have an obsession with screaming BTFO so much?


Never said anything about BTFO. I just want NTRfags to shut up like they're supposed too.


This isn't my first Takagi thread and you're not fooling anyone. Now answer the question, why are you idiots so hyped up about arguing with literal shitposters?

>they'll end up together.
Raising another man's child together.
Feels bad dude

>This isn't my first Takagi thread and you're not fooling anyone
Not sure what you mean by this.
>Now answer the question, why are you idiots so hyped up about arguing with literal shitposters?
You mean like what we're doing right now?

>everything Takagi says is always true

>You mean like what we're doing right now?
Only one of us makes it his life's mission to complain about someone not translating a joke that a magazine editor put in specifically so that he could proceed to shitpost NTRfags in garbage threads.

>so that he could proceed to shitpost NTRfags in garbage threads.
See in case you missed it.

Are you pretending that you don't go into threads specifically to shitpost about NTRfags, or are you so stupid that you think the NTRfags aren't just shitposting, and that somehow if the joke were translated (which it was in the live gook thread) that they'd all somehow just say "Oh looks like they're together. Better stop shitposting." ?

Seriously, how stupid are you?