How would you make Stella more attractive?

How would you make Stella more attractive?

Make her ass a little bigger. That's all she needs to be perfect.

Stella a shit.

Make her into a loving housewife, who spends all her time in the kitchen.

Remove cowtits and make her physically 14 years old with DFC.

lolifags truly are the worst

and make her voiced by kugimiya rie right?

Put her into a good anime


Make her an actual decent tsundere and give her DFC.

why havent summer left yet?

>Implying that's possible
Stella a shit. A SHIT.

would you slice her tits off and roast them over a fire?

Turn her into Julis

>triggered normalfag
Get out, cancer.

Ogura, you mean.

An ass that matches the boobs. Having cowtits and a flat ass is a deal breaker for me.


You can't improve perfection

Or better yet, give her a flat chest and a great ass and childbearing hips.

Best answer.

This, Stella is CUTE

Cover her head to toe with thick, creamy semen.

>Stellashitter is here

Stella a shit.

go away Stellafag

Stella is a mistake. Mistakes are meant to be corrected.


Literally who? Kugimiya Rie voiced famous tsunderes like shana and louise.

Why did you reply to yourself?

Lurk more. And Rie's days are numbered.

Stella is such a mistake, she ruined Rakudai.

sorry but rie will forever be a classic for DFC tsunderes


>actually bumping this thread when you're the only one who actually likes her unironically

i like her semi-ironically

Remove that stupid hybrid hairstyle and give her true twintails.

user pls

Why is a snailboat laughing at her?

Hear, hear

i dont think its laughing


I wouldn't. I hate her.

Shit taste desu kill yourself

Her hair is shit.

Came here to post this

about 30 dicks

Kill yourselves pedos



>another thread by the autistic lolposter
>he keeps bumping his own thread

Fix this shit
Change her shitty personality

she's already perfect

Why does she sit like that?

i dont think she has a choice

Stella is a mistake that can't be fixed.

Stella a best. A BEST.

Give her a feminine penis

>feminine penis
We've been through this


leave her tied up like that

that feminine penises are delicious?


I give up

Stella a shit. A SHIT.
