Nazis watch out, we are coming for you

>Nazis watch out, we are coming for you.

You can bet nobody is twisting that things titties in it's sleep.


props to the shop owner, i would have kicked that fat ass out immediately.

also, i could have swore it was a man

>the second he called the police that autistic commie wale gets nervous and tame as fuck

>edgy commie athiest throwing bibles


she was reaching so much i'd have shot her with a 9mm

Oh dear, fatty is exhausted from throwing the bibles. So sweet.

I'm a male and I would actually be intimidated by that thing IRL.

Lol Mao made faggotry illegal and killed all faggots, just like china is doing today. KEK


Does this person not have agency?
Is he/she really proud of these actions?

I guess it is. In the last then seconds, the shop owner asks whether it's a girl and the officer says "identifies as male."

Of course you would you stupid cuck.

Loitering is illegal. Even for Antifa.

I take it that video is the sum total of antifuh's big November 4th rampage kek

holy shit the police response was fucking fast.

Calls from gun stores tend to get priority since shit can get waaay worse if it isn't dealt with.

did he just fucking assume zher gender??????

The gun store owner actually has a Filipino wife / children. If only the raging tranny knew . . .


Lol this is what we are up against? Autistic ausbergers gender fluid blobs? My lord, Sup Forums I can't stop laughing.

Ah yes, this reminds of a really good joke I heard. I believe it went something like this:


butt... dat ass doe

This can't be real
This is gold

What a pussy shop owner, calling the cops, handle it yourself like an adult, you can see at the end the awkward, barley broke a law, wasting law enforcement time, for stupid shit, like calling the cops cause I won't take the bill when I take you out to dinner and insist we split the bill.
cop shouldn't have even humored that, just see a woman and report as such ignore cries, that's how we solve this problem, everyone just speaks truth no more babying.
That's cause you're a pussy who just wants to kill people, fearing for your life cause you can't see people's hands, kys. I hope you have a stroke in the street from not being about to see everyone's hands.
Probably someone was in the area and just had to turn around.