What has this guy accomplished since being elected?

What has this guy accomplished since being elected?

answer is nothing

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pick one

The Big List of 149 Trump accomplishments
Read more at The Big List of 149 Trump accomplishments
Read more at wnd.com/2017/11/4621979/#Idq7Adwv551doAeP.99

making hillary lose the election

Alas, he was juuuust a bit more qualified than Hillary eh? It's okay though she wrote this book nobody bought!

He's given me quality entertainment.

TPP dead
the wall
And many more

If you know the answer, why did you ask the fucking question, faggot?

He’s caused the leftists to loose their mind. More and more people now realize the news media is full of shit most the time. He also is doing some good stuff with trade.

Nothing is the size of his brain.

Thats really it. Its a good one but he has nothing else. What does he plan to do when he runs against someone else?

Massive unrelenting ass pain for faggot liberals. That alone is worth it.

nothing else matters

no it isnt you trumpnigger. go back to /ptg/ with the rest of your reddit friends

>built the wall
>appointed a conservative supreme court Justice
>repealed Obamacare
>got Ford and Carrier to not move plants to Mexico
>made America respected on the world stage again
>got ISIS out of Raqqa and most of Syria
>called Assad out for using chemical weapons
>made Kim Jong Un look like a whiny little girl

Need I go on?


>First president to diplomatically isolate North Korea, did so in less then a year.
>Got Ford and Carrier to keep plants in the US
>Built a wall
>Deportations on record-high
>Bombed the shit out of Assad's Syria, something Obama never had the balls to do despite calling Assad a brutal tyrant
>Left the Paris Agreement

>1 post by this yard waste
Stay salty, faggot

Tax cuts and jobs act
op BTFO!

Here is the list:

so low income people save 200 bucks and high income save 4k?

>no it isnt you trumpnigger.
She lost.
Fuck off.

Actually both Ford and carrier are now going to Mexico. THEY got a tax break, used it then ran

Generally if you do a percentage-based tax cut, rich people will benefit more because they pay more in taxes.

The American Economy:

Created over 500,000 new jobs.
Approved the Keystone XL Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline.
Reinvested in American energy independence.
Rescinded Obama-era, job-killing regulations and anti-coal restrictions.
Signed the 'Buy American, Hire American' executive order.
Began re-negotiation of out-dated, anti-American trade deals.

American Security:

Reduced border-crossing rates to the lowest in 17 years.
Initiated a crackdown on sanctuary cities.
Launched military airstrikes against Syria after the use of chemical weapons.
Slapped new sanctions on Iran.
Asked Congress to increase the national security budget by over $54 billion.

Making American Government Work:

Created an opioid abuse and addiction committee.
Instituted a five-year lobbying ban.
Expanded healthcare options to US Veterans.
Negotiated savings over the F-35 military contract, saving taxpayers over $700 million.
Nominated and Confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court.

he's doing so well people are starting to think he's getting help from the pleiades or something apparantly


Well....to be fair - He did abdicate U.S. dominance, influence and respect in the world.

>and respect in the world.
Lmao the last time world respect you was you give su money. Thx for the dollah but nobody respect the amerilards and their country.

Now you can continue to whine about Trump.

we said the rest of the world, the EU doesn't count, you're part of the 3rd world now. We're talking at least 2nd world nations.


drumpf truly has been btfo this time. nice job anonetty


He stopped the horrible Obama regulations on colleges that forced them to ignore due process when it comes to rape accusations

Incredibly underrated story.

link to this?

He's Canadian it was over before it started

Ah, if only the left-leaning liberal parasites thought the same. no, apparently he ha done something, because every day there is another complaint raised against him. Every day there is another article and video being produced about something he has done. Oh, and every night, you are guaranteed at least one late night talk show will mention him at some point.

He might be doing "nothing", but many people seem to think it is "something".



What do you think? He's going to beat them too, you schmuck.

Picture is related.

Joe Arpaio pardon.