How long do you think he's got left, Sup Forums ?

How long do you think he's got left, Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

he will rule forever

Imagine all that sideways pussy

Is he watching a movie with the lights on?
That's fucked up

I get it that he is literally a god there, but for fucks sakes he lacks discipline and etiquette, this is really bad optics.

Imagine that. People scouring the countrieside for fresh teens to fuck every time you feel an itch. This right here, is the luckiest guy on the planet. Nowhere is this allowed anyomore. Not even druglords can get away with this shit.

2019, then we whack him.

The whole situation is fucked that the teachers or tutors they probably had for that we're executed and he never got more cause that would mean that he's not a god if he has to learn from common people how to behave.


nice nork qts

Will be probably poisoned by his sister.

January 2018

Also I envy the soldiers that will conquer those nork slags.

would give away state secrets to

562 hours.
screencap this post.

As long as it pleases the supreme leader user.

Fuck off jew

>ywn have a harem of qt korean girls who worship you
what the fuck is the point lads.

ikr .. I would like just a year to bang the tang.

then give her the state D!

>had sex with every single one of them

looks like all those chairs were made for his fat ass so he could sit anywhere there.

Fuck off you poor faggot not everyone travels economy.

I'm starting to think God is a dick.

all the time he wants because Americans are fucking pussies afraid of the gook

I don't think he even cares about having sex with any of those women.

Imagine being that guy, what afucking live you'd have

yeah, life sucks man

You know what happens in the dark?


How long?
I bet those women would all tell you in secret...
...about 3.5 inches. Vewwy Vewwy Wong!