Shinsekai Yori

I just watched this and I just need to get off my chest that I am so MAD that they just brushed pic related aside.
Most likely they died gruesome deaths due to torture but that's just my interpretation. Either way I'd love to have seen how they died and not have it brushed aside. It had so much potential. Furthermore, I hated MC more and more each episode. Is the anime just really badly adapted? /blog

>Is the anime just really badly adapted?

The entire show was a waste of great ideas all of the stories they tell were far more interesting than the actual plot until everyone starts dying. Also fuck Saki literally anyone else could have been the protagonist she's so fucking shit.

What's wrong with Saki?

They're saying she's strong as all, but she's easily scared and a bit unstable as observed in later episodes. Other than that, nothing

>brushed aside
Their deaths were supposed to be unconfirmed up until a certain point, and even then there was supposed to be doubt until the identity of the red haired ogre was known for the sake of suspense. So the only appropriate time for them to have shown the deaths visually would have been after the ogre attacked the town, when it had no place to disrupt the immediate important things happening in the show at that moment.

So was Like Saki and Maria actually in love or was it the bonobo thing?

Could have been an ova for all I care, I just wanted to see them live together and see how their kid got torn away from them

I don't understand; why does the OP think they have been tortured? There's literally not a single hint in the anime nor novel that implied them being tortured to death. The two were fucking brats that went into undeveloped (probably unprotected by magic n shit) without planning, there's nothing odd about them failing to survive and die naturally.


You gotta be kidding me with this. Obviously the rats housed them until maria gave birth then killed both of them. That was obviously squealers plan which is why he offered to bury fake bones. Theres no way both parents just happened to die in an avalanche while their baby child survives and the rats just happen to find her.

Ok. But such a flashback really has no place in the main anime, it cant be shown until like 5 episodes after the deed and by then its just not relevant.

Saki loved Shun

>died gruesome deaths due to torture
Torture would be too risky and ultimately pointless. They most likely died soon after the child was born. Why torture someone who can kill you at any moment?

Wasn't this showed in-series? Or am I just remembering things wrong? The queerats took them in because Maria was pregnant and killed them as soon as the child was born.

And what was wrong with Saki?

Everyone loved everyone. The "groups" that the education department puts the kids in become their extended families.

The anime played up Saki's and Maria's relationship for money. It's not that "serious" in the novels. Even in the anime she still loved Shun in the end.

>Maria was pregnant when they ran off
Nothing implies this whatsoever. And yes, you are remembering their deaths wrong, along with this other thing, because they never showed their deaths.

This. I just want to see what happened because how would their child end up with the rats if they weren't killed?
And how did the rats kill them in the first place?
Shouldn't their Cantus protect them?
Also they said they ran far away, in that case they should be nowhere in the vicinity of rats so how did the rats find them?

I can see why you have questions but I cant really see how the answers to your questions, while never said explicitly, can be inferred with confidence pretty reasonably.

>how did the rats kill them
The attack on the human town should show pretty easily that humans are not invincible. They can only use their power on something they are aware of. They cannot stop an arrow that they do not see coming, and even more easily than that, they could have just poisoned them. If they killed Maria right after birth, she would be in no position to defend herself, and mamoru hardly uses his power to begin with.

>They said they ran far away
They "said" this before they actually ran away. The rats rule every part of japan besides the towns, they arent survivalists, so they take the offer of squealer of shelter, since they already know squealer from before.

This anime was such shit

thanks for answering some of my questions, I still feel confused. maybe it's just me being retarded


What didn't someone sacrifice himself to kill the psycho child. Are you telling me they almost lost the war because nobody was ready to die for their country.

Squealer did nothing wrong.

This also confused me a little, but then again the story would be cut short if they did that

To be fair the pain would slow them down, the kid will notice and will kill them instantly. If more than one person at at time tried they could kill him eventually.

It has been shown with the flashback showing the doctor injecting poison into the previous ogre and the use of the psycho buster that the reactionary effect from violence on humans from humans is triggered either by physical violence or focusing the powers to do harm. The humans can kill each other but only by using indirect passive methods that do not trigger an immediate feedback, like poison. The thought of violence is enough for them to lose focus. It is not hard to believe that the humans are completely incapable of killing their own kin with their power, which is necessarily some sort of gruesome method like dropping a block of earth, burning them alive, blowing up their organs etc.

It is clear that the feedback does not just work like: if a human kills another human, then they die afterwards. The evidence is clear. For their entire school lives the humans are not taught that a feedback effect exists, yet no violence with the power happens anyways. There would be cases where a student harms a student and then afterwards suffers the effects of the feedback if there was just a physical feedback after the deed, rather than a psychological "wall". Ingrained in their genetics is an inability to commit violence on humans with the power.

I assumed that through the genetic modifications and their upbringing that the thought of killing another human was completely unfathomable to them.

My guess was they were poisoned after the child was born. It's the safest way to dispose of them.

Just the idea of harming another human being would force them to suffer. Considering it was pointed out early on that even somewhat precise control of cantus required mental stability, to the vast majority even considering trying to sacrifice themselves to kill the enemy is simply physically impossible.

wew lads did you all forget the part where the rats lobotomize their queen but still give birth?
Guess what happened to Maria

except rats are not human and Maria was a human child