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No nipples is fine

but that? no..just no.

I'm hoping they color correct that body to make it skin-toned for the actual film.

They probably won't, though.


(Fuck this film, by the way. No reason to exist.)

But I remember the major being fully functional and anatomically correct! They ruined everything!

robot have no nipples?

Why would she have nipples? She's not Batman.

it is skin toned

Buy Blu-ray.

She literally has normal skin color in a different scene, come on kids pick it the fuck up.

Have you seen video? She doesn't have nipples

Its pretty much spot on. They even have the reflection when she goes through the liquid.

If you pay so much attention to detail and homage to the original you know what youre fucking doing!

You know, I really want to hate this but I'm encouraged by what I've seen so far.

I am cautiously optimistic.

theres a catalog for a reason

>muh precious catalog
>I cannot see my hundred loli threads now because there are some other threads there


At least it looks like they are trying.
That is something I suppose..

>straight kenji kawai

>can't use the catalog
Fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit with this 3DPD shit.


Looks like it's going to be a typical action revenge type plot about finding out who Motoko was and fucking up whoever was responsible for whatever happened.

I don't remember GITS so well, but wasn't her body damaged in a plane crash?

In SAC, yes.
The movies never really go into it, nor does the manga.
It's intentionally ambiguous in the movies whether or not she ever had a human body.

She has to have had a human body at one point though since she has a human cyber brain though.

We don't know that though, Motoko is constantly having an internal struggle and longing to find out if she ever was a human.

I thought it was mostly her questioning whether or not she was still human since she's basically a robot with a human brain.

How mad you fags going to get when this gets a 88% approval rating and makes 600 mill+ and GitS becomes bigger than it ever was?


>mfw they might pull it off

Angry because people will know GitS for this movie and they will probably never watch the original.

Same with I Am Legend, I'm constantly annoyed at the fact that people worship the 2/10 film and leave the 11/10 book untouched, the only common thing between the book and the film was the title, and GitS will probably be the same.

Not even her entire brain is human. A lot of it has been augmented. There isn't really that much organic material in her.

Half the population doesn't have nipples. Is it that weird that robots wouldn't have them too?

Even bigger mindfuck is Paz. Not necessarily about whether the original lived or died, but if it even really mattered in the end.

I Am Legend was a collection of short stories, wasn't it?

Honestly, it just looks dumb on her. They should've redesigned the suit completely. No point in being faithful on things that only look good in anime.


A true kino.

Keep your shit in one thread.

The collection was named after the story "I Am Legend," which is not a zombie movie but a movie about vampires being real and forming their own society and needing to execute Neville because to them he is the monster and his humanity and antagonism to their existence stands in the way of their recognizing themselves as a legitimate civilization.

i hated how will smith had the dog from the beginning of the movie so the dog meant next to nothing. he spent about three chapters in the book trying to befriend the little timid dog and worrying about it when it disappeared for a while, so when he finally befriended it and it died, it was 10x more upsetting

>book Robert Neville listens to Mozart
>Will Smith Robert Neville listens to Bob Marley


that was World War Z

How do you know you have a brain if you haven't seen it with your own eyes?

>The collection was named after the story "I Am Legend,"
I think instead of complaining about people that haven't read it, you should actually go out and read the NOVEL before you start spouting misinformation.


What happened to her big tits?

That depends on your definition of novel, but it sure as hell wasn't bundled with other short stories when it was originally published.

How is it possible it looks and acts like human tissue while also being compartmentalized?

If it's bad then it'll be a laughing stock

If it's good then we'll probably get a live action Akira too

Animation limitations and different materials for different parts

What did you expect? This is american cinema, not japanese hentai artists.

That's pushing the envelope though as far as parent's are considered they won't put their kid's with-in ten feet of this adaption purely on account of the "no clothes" & "shock lesbian kiss"

TL;DR it should have been rated R for posterity sake

Get that pedo shit out of here. Blue board my friend.


That's the least they could do.

>i'm a fag, the post

>i'm a paedophile, the post

>girls look older than 11
Spot the normalfag.


What's that at 1:36?


I'm not too sure about this, given that it's from the director of Snow White and Huntsman.

Ohhhh normalfag is a bad thing now. Stay buttmad pedo scum

Who the fuck cares about what "people" think or do? You can enjoy the origianl movies and people can enjoy the new Hollywood movie.

The IP is not your personal waifu that most be loyal to you and only you.

Even if you movie turns out to be just some regular sci fi action flick it will be fun and I'm llookign forward to seeing it.

>someone still fapped to this

Suit is rather flesh-toned, when not turned on.

Normalfag and a newfag, I see.



Trying to hard to it in now

Batou has a nice DeLorean.

>people worship the 2/10 film

Who the fuck worships that film?

i don't think this is an issue actually. even with humans, some parts of the skin are tighter or looser, might be possible to replicate that with different softness in the materials.

Were these things ever in the manga?

I think they idea is that the nipples were pretty pokey through the original movie's optical camo suit.


They should add you to the post-production staff.

Literally the first episode of SAC, kinda.

I don't like the way it looks like, it could've been worse I guess but wherever you look there are small things that they fuck up.

Why the fuck is she running inside and shooting all of the dudes like she's in the Matrix? In the original she just shot a dude in the head and peaced the fuck out since Secion 9 didn't want to get involved.

Imagine a world where Hollywood has moved on from The Matrix.

I remember there were geishas but did they do the spider thing? Or the thing with the tongues?

>that slow-mo

It's all irony considering that the Matrix was inspired by GitS.

*Record Scratch*

Yup, that's me alright.

this movie is gonna fucking suck but i'm going to watch it anyway

trips for truth

>*Record Scratch*

They should have done the trailer in upbeat record scratch format.

>The Major thought she had it all figured out, but then *record scratch* she had to get a whole new body! And she's about to find out...

>Half the population doesn't have nipples.

...do you have something to tell us, user?

That's not Batou.

So he isn't allowed to be dissapointed if it turns out to be a shit movie? People are allowed to enjoy the movie but I guess people aren't allowed to dislike it?
Then they are just haters who don't like fun right? Fuck off.

>Half the population doesn't have nipples

That scene is from the first episode of first gig, I think. Don't remember them being spider things but otherwise it's fairly on point.

The thing about this movie is, it doesn't look that bad (so far). The problem with why it doesn't look that bad (so far) is becaue they've just cut and pasted most of the iconic scenes from the original movie, movies, and TV shows. If they try to branch off into other stupid shit it will be much worse, but I went into the trailer expecting nothing and came out slightly impressed. The story is already changed and thus dead on arrival, but maybe if they just follow what's already been laid out for them in terms themes and scenes it won't be that bad for a mindless action movie.

Who knows. I don't think Scarjo's voice fits the major at all, though. It's too wishy washy and airy. The major needs a deeper, more commanding and androgynous voice.

>watch trailer
>depeche mode
>The Major wall running in slow mo shooting people
> U are the first of UR kind.
Fuck you

Using a tiny white woman to play the major was a mistake, she is like 4ft tall.

Batou looks like a faggot instead of a old salty mother fucker. They should've gotten ron perlman to play him.

And seriously matthew good ost?

The 'twist' ending also seems like a shit sandwich.

Looks pretty disappointing, not a fan of the casting (especially Batou and Major) or the way it looks like it's going to be a typical origin story/muh revange plot from the trailer, but the effects look good and hopefully it'll be an enjoyable watch.

As long as you don't waste money on a movie ticket.

Well I guess men don't have nipples
also most be bait

No amount of CGI can fix that huge jew nose

Of course he can dislike the movie, but there's no need to get angry because other peopel like it.

If the franchise gets mainstream popular it wil be more easier to get funding for more projects, including new manga/anime.

it looks more like a suit than skin

>Ishikawa is a nigger now
>Togusa looks more like late 40's tired fuck instead of a early 30's honest to god family man
>Batou's head slider was set to half of what it really is in the anime

They should've gotten Emily Blunt.

Visually, I think the film looks pretty good and stays true enough to the original GITS.

My big gripe is why did this adaptation had to be made? GITS is a classic anime film and even in the best case scenario, I can't see the live action version surpassing it.

It's a rhetorical question, I know money is the reason they're making the film.

I want this to be good, but I am genuinely concerned for anime fandom in general if it does.
>film succeeds
>more live action anime adaptations are made by big studios
>normies start to watch source material
>instagram bitches start posing in seductive attack on titan, SAO, and GitS costumes more than they already do.
>#weaboo, #otaku start trending and become the new "nerd" or "gamer" where anyone can identify as one and be fashionably uncool
>normalshits invade anime conventions making them less fun and a more diluted gathering of people who actually enjoy anime and want to be around people like them
>normies expect anime industry to cater to their needs, and bring along feminists
I am not really expecting the industry to bend the knee, but it could fundamentally change the way fans communicate. It also might create a market for more entry level bullshit or for 2D women to become less pure.

It's a film adaptation of another film. Literally 0 brainwork involved in re-shooting shit that was already choreographed super well 20 years ago. Watch as everything movie-original is total trash.

Really makes you think huh......

Hahah her body doesn't measure up so they had to use cgi.

Just wait, they are gonna make Aramaki the bad guy.