Men Are Now More Likely Than Women to "Marry Up"

>It used to be that women were the ones who “married up”—snagging men who were more highly educated and professionally successful than they were, allowing them to step into a higher economic class. But now that women are outpacing men in college enrollment and driving growth in the labor force, there’s been a seesaw effect: According to a new study in the journal Demography, the tables have turned—men are now the ones who are more likely to “marry up.”

>Researchers at the University of Kansas studied Census data between 1990 and 2011 and found that “women’s personal earnings have grown faster than men’s earnings during this time,” due to women increasing their education, and with it, their employment opportunities. As a result, the number of highly educated women actually “exceeds the number of highly educated men in the marriage market,” the researchers found, meaning that women are now more likely than before to marry men less educated than they are. This shift is notably upending stodgy, traditional ideas about marriage and family—namely, that instead of always seeing men as the breadwinners and the ones who wear the proverbial pants, women are contributing more to family income and becoming the so-called “catches.”

>“Marriage is now becoming more egalitarian and becoming equal,” said lead study author ChangHwan Kim, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Kansas. “If you look at gender dynamics or from a marriage-equality standpoint, that is a really good sign.”

>Case in point, researchers noted that you don’t often hear men complaining about the paradigm shift—because it benefits them so handsomely. “It seems fine for men because their wife is now bringing more income to the household,” Kim said. “Men are getting the benefit from women’s progress.” More proof that when women get ahead, everybody wins.


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Can't wait to divorce a women and force her to pay me


Women fuck up.

Men commit up.

A woman can fuck above her level but cant commit above her level.

A man can commit above his level*, but can't fuck above his level.

*Once she is 28+

>But now that women are outpacing men in college enrollment
Oh no, all those sociology students are going to earn more than me.Shit, should've went into philosophy and not chemical engineering.

The power of feminism.

Exactly what I was thinking.

They don't want happy marriages and they don't want pride in your family. All they want is you to have mongrel children to buy shit.

>said lead study author ChangHwan Kim, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Kansas.
>associate professor of sociology at the University of Kansas.
>ChangHwan Kim
Chinks are now deciding what american sciety is and isn't lmao

>higher education = breadwinner

How many of those College degrees women are taking are actually STEM or law?

More women are getting educated. It doesn't really matter in what they will get higher position then the majority of men who don't go to college.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is what the whole cuck thing is about. Go ahead and slut your nasty ass around. Just keep paying the bills.

Is this more woke than MGTOW?

I live in the same town, it's been full of asians my entire life and keeps getting worse, there's even a fucking Korean radio station in Lawrence. There's been a lot of muslims lately too, my sister works in a christian daycare and has 5 muslim kids in a class of 16.

>career women are up
I would rather have a 20 year old girl that still lives with her parents than a 30 year old that makes 100k a year

Husband and wife have always been equal just had seperate roles. To claim they weren't equal undermines traditional family values which are healthy and normal. You don't have to make the same pay to be equal in a marriage.

Do mememajors serve your coffee in Poland like ours do?

>Women are more educated =/= Women are earning more than their partners

>be woman
>go to college and get party degree
>companies jumping on you to fill diversity quotas
>get employed as a paper shuffler for 40k a year
>get fat and fill your house with cats

>Husband and wife have always been equal
Bullshit. Man of the house. Wife obey her husband. All that. Used to be the case. So not it's not " always ".

>buying into the 'educated is higher up, thus marrying an educated person is marring up' jew.
The last thing I need is some raging purple haired whore believing I'm the lucky one that she allowed me to marry her.

Women are not marrying up. These "less educated" men still earn more than her.

Sorry, guys.

Ladies, It's not about the money but look at Mom & Dad's relationship & lifestyle. Carefully.
Read my lips: Never. Marry. Beneath. You.
And don't date just anybody in the meantime. You never know who you'll fall in love with is 100% true.

Muslim chink wars in the midwest, when?

I'm confused. What are the actual findings? We've known for a while that women have been getting more meme degrees than men, and that men are withdrawing from the workforce while women invade it, but where does this translate into men marrying up? If anything, I would predict that more and more women end up unmarried because there are fewer men to 'marry up' to


The whole concept of marriage in modern western society is completely meaningless now.

Also ''matriarchal'' marriages have a higher chance of ending up in failure since women naturally seek for a partner who's better than them rather than below. She'll be sleeping with her coworker/boss while the Domesticated Cuckhusband is at home changing diapers, and will end in total shambles, then she'll be the one to have to give up half of her shit to him after divorce.

Western society continues to spiral into the ground however. Then shit like Islam will pick up the pieces depending on where the said falling western nation is.

More soyboys to marry.

Our guy talked about this already.


>be woman
>go to college and get party degree
>companies jumping on you to fill diversity quotas
>get employed as a paper shuffler for 40k a year
>get fat and fill your house with cats
>get laid off because the company chose fat purple haired retard feminist rather than competitive white man to do the job.
Sad_fat_woman_eating_canned_ catfood.jpg

This. Your education and income mean nothing to me. If your fat/ugly/old and a roastie whore then im ignoring you.

>b-but she can buy you things

What can a woman buy for me that i cannot buy for myself. A confirmed bachelor can live comfortably on very small income. I want a nice gaming PC, fast internet, 1-2 streaming services and to be left the fuck alone with as much leisure time i can get my hands on. If you wanted me to be a husband a provider then you should have kept your fucking legs shut and courted me a decade ago when you had the chance. Im gone now. The few women i fucked weren't not even worth fucking so if you cant even bring sex to the table you have absolutely nothing that i want.

>b-but the white race will die

tell you what fags. When the race war comes I will break out my arsenal and kill as many nonwhites as I can and take a few teenage white girls as my warbrides. Until then shut the fuck up and stop pretending you are accomplishing anything.

>If anything, I would predict that more and more women end up unmarried because there are fewer men to 'marry up' to
literally this

>woman has 4 year college degree in liberal arts, ends up graduating with 150k of debt and manages to get a job working in the makeup department of Macys earning 19k a year.
>man went to trade school, got a job as a welder, earns 65k a year and no debt.
>they get married
>she thinks, and all her feminist friends agree, that her husband married up because she is more educated

Ohh, this is in terms of ''education''. Well yeah that doesn't mean shit then when you have a degree in making cheese on toast while you're married to an ''uneducated'' self employed husband. So no, this is still a ''patriarchal'' relationship then.

Marriage needs to be fixed though, otherwise its a huge gamble for any normie who works hard.

>teenage white girls as my warbrides

The article is talking about (((highly))) educated, ergo psychology PhDs

No it wasn't. The stereotype that men back down from women all the time when they are married is around for a reason. The women wins most relationship battles and tells the guy what he needs to do.

In spite of only making $0.70 on the dollar. Maths are racist anyway, amirite guyz?

>I want a nice gaming PC, fast internet, 1-2 streaming services and to be left the fuck alone
I w-would also like a gun.

mmmm yummy

Well, let's consider the other possibilities
> woman is more educated than man
> they get married
> she is unhappy in the relationship
or perhaps
> woman is more """""educated""""" than man
> she can't find work and ends up offloading her debt onto her husband
> she is happy and he is not
> woman is more """""educated""""" than man
> she finds a job as a diversity hire (rather than a competence hire)
> female delusions of grandeur continue
> may or may not get married
Etc, etc.

Yes they are stupid and annoying but thats nothing a few beatings wont solve.

We're becoming a matriarchy. Women have ALL the sexual power now, with the ability to ruin anyone's career on a whim.

nice, what kind of job you got, or are you on neethood? Getting pissed of with my current job hours and I'm thinking of some change

>“Marriage is now becoming more egalitarian and becoming equal,”
Which is what nobody wants. Women don't want equal. They want somebody better, and they'll happily destroy any bond to chase that

Already own several. I have a bigger arsenal that you ever will Vlad.

he married down

Yeah, yeah, rub it in why don't ya.
But I can at least have hunting rifles and shotguns, so it's not hopelessly bad.

That was assumed, It's like wanting to own a toothbrush, of course, no need to even mention it.

Niggers will fuck anything though. You always see these beat up 40-50 year old hags, walking hand in hand with 2 niggers, and one is always 6'9, to be blacked

Are you bring white sharia to the post apocalyptic world with your child brides?

>marry woman able to synthesize long chain hydrocarbons
>she is therefore more educated than you

Be me
> be NEET
> have no problem getting a girlfriend
> mfw can't do anything but marry up

>Thinking these (((educated))) women actually go into STEM
They think being indoctrinated by Marxists for 4+ years makes them educated

Im in an advanced trade (related to electrical engineering) and I spent several years specializing in a small but in demand field that cannot be replaced by spics and because their are so few of us qualified to do the job we can demand any payscale we want. I basically work 5-6 months of the year with half of my jobs flying me out to some location sometimes in another country for however many weeks/months the job takes. I have more money than i would ever spend myself and I've been keeping my eyes and ears open for a 16-18 year old virgin waifuu candidate in my local churches. A few options but they all had parents that refused to let them date a man in his early 30's which is perfectly fine. Im not gonna do the eloping bullshit. Eventually when i find parents who would rather their daughter be a taken care of housewife than a college whore getting railed by the football team ill court and marry her. One of the girls i looked into had parents give me the stink guy for "being a creep" and then their daughter turned into an SJW in her first year of college and came home with a nigger boyfriend. Welp sucks to be them :3

I always wanted to be a stay at home dad.

Why is she grabbing his benis?

matriarchies can't really exist tbf, especially in societies as big as ours. men still earn way more cash and have more influence. still, we're far from patriarchy or any form of stable/happy civilisation. We're just something in between, a cucktriarchy, where we've become souless consumers with little to no family goals. Biggest losers here though are still women since they're failing to fill their biological needs of having kids but instead dying alone while munching Whiskers™ cat food.

If nothing changes then we just continue to remain a cucktriarchy until some other shit like Islam just comes and sweeps us along.

All i'm hearing is might, could, should, and may.
Just because there's some successful women available doesn't mean that they ARE getting married only that they MAY marry down.

This is the bullshit thing about these "studies" it's all speculation on what could potentially happen without any reasonable proof it actually will or even has.
The reality is that the second a woman makes more then her male counterpart she dumps him and finds a man more successful then herself, consider the fact that over 50% of marriages end in divorce in which 85% are initiated by women with the #1 reason being financially linked or as they like to call it "marital dissatisfaction".

And on top of that some 70% of people (Americans atleast) in the 24-35 age bracket (the most likely to get married) aren't married and most aren't even looking to partner up at all. That alone should hint there's fuckery afoot between what they say may happen and what actually is.

I find it funny how men invented all the labor-saving devices that made them obsolete. The only reason women can out-earn men is because half the jobs are sit down and type/talk/print things, or else make food / do retail. Men cucked themselves, now men have no value to women.

I'd never marry a woman who made more money than me. Pointless statement because I'll never marry at all and no one will want to marry me, but still. Why would I want to marry another man? I'm not a fag.

Shame we have such retarded import/export laws (thanks to obongo nigger and Bush/Clinton) if not for them you guys would have billions of dollars pouring into your economy from Americans buying your Military small arms. Every gun owner in the US wants a proper full auto AKM, Druganov Marksman's rifle and a Makarov. The profit potential from that is yuuuge.

>yfw a new generation of Redpilled children is the result of stay at home dads that shitpost all day on 4chins

You forgot Vintorez and AEKs.

Was meant for

Men are not "marrying up" any more than before. A worthless degree and a parasitic job are not "higher" than a real degree and a productive occupation. That women have more education and money, merely shows how far our educational system and our economy have fallen away from sanity. So no, there is no increase in "marrying up". Men are mostly "marrying down" just as they always have.

OP is talking about niggers.
Everything OP said is true when view through a niggers only lens

Do they need to be beat? Isn't a dicking enough?

Women out earn men while they are single and childless, as soon as a man gets a wife and children, his earning go up exponentially.

Weird that fathers have some strange motivation to earn money for some odd reason.

You cant pull your dick out in public, breh.
Although, I do agree that "wait until we get home." Is a better approach to dicipline

> Men are getting worse and worse at school and higher edu
> Women doing better and better
> Men are getting benefit from women being better educated
> K fucking EK

>As a result, the number of highly educated women actually “exceeds the number of highly educated men in the marriage market,” the researchers found, meaning that women are now more likely than before to marry men less educated than they are.

Doesn't mean that they actually are

Doesn't take into consideration most women get shit libarts degrees that are totally fucking useless in real life

This article says nothing we don't already know

Shitskins skewing the fuck out of these dumbass statistics

Exactly this. If you think having a gender studies degree means a man is marrying up to you, you are fucking retarded.


yes beating are necessary. Women do unbelievably stupid shit and sometimes only a vicious smack and threat of another one to follow keeps them in line. Doesnt matter how good you fuck them. Plenty of chads give their girls multiple orgasms per session only to have them go back to being insufferable cunts and even pursing other men afterwards. There is no such thing as being masculine enough or chad enough to keep a woman in line without some violence and the credible threat of violence. And threats are only credible when the person knows you will go through with them when pushed.

Was the greentext on ironical?

>The last thing I need is some raging purple haired whore believing I'm the lucky one that she allowed me to marry her.

lmao underrated

What's the trade?

>The last thing I need is some raging purple haired whore believing I'm the lucky one that she allowed me to marry her.

This fag gets it.

perfect for nightly breeding
Gonna breed a dozen or two from that girl desu

I don't know if the article hinted at this, but if some feminazis are going "women are better than men" because of this.... then fine. I accept this premise. Let women be better. Let them continue riding cock carousel until they all are broken inside. Let them go "hahahaha" and laugh at out-earning us. When no man wants to marry them and they commit suicide, all the better.

>One of the girls i looked into had parents give me the stink guy for "being a creep" and then their daughter turned into an SJW in her first year of college and came home with a nigger boyfriend. Welp sucks to be them :3
Top kek.

My ex is anzu wtf

I'm thinking of an SKS - that is, in five years, because you're only allowed a rifle if you own a shotgun for five years and don't fuck up.


i basically just wanna die at this point

lol pottery. But it's true though. Most old marriages used to be basically the father handing his daughter to a man already working. Most of the time the working man had just left school himself, but yeah, they'd pretty much live fulfilling lives. Much better than the soulless ''relationships'' you see today where both the man and the woman are on some minimum age retail job. But yeah, I can't understand these parents who let their daughters go to college for....reasons. Most of the time they just become whores. But yeah, good luck on the search bro! Hope you find a nice decent young girl. Fuck what the old hags say about ''creepy'' or whatever.

Men marrying down and women marrying up has been because childbearing is so deadly for women, women have to shoot for an above average man for childbearing to be worth it, so females select for the right half of the bell curve.

Modern medicine saving women's lives so often with c-sections, antibiotics, sterile surgery, eclampsia treatment, etc., will reduce that risk, so we can expect women to start shooting a little lower for less awesome men.

I married up. Feels good 2bh. I make a mere 35k while she makes 85k.

{citation needed}

>Never. Marry

I own two SKS's they are decent rifles. First one was yugo slavshit and then I bought a proper russian one. Never owned the chink variants but i heard they were garbage.

Having a gender studies degree means you are LESS educated than a high school graduate.

How many children do you have?

>women marry down, ever
Okey generally speaking btw. I'm not saying ''all''

I ignore the opinions of other people completely. Someone calling my a creep means nothing because THEY are nothing especially old used up women. I was never a playboy I always tried to do LTR and make it work and it was the woman would fell short every single time. I have no guilt or shame for ignoring old whores and looking for a young girl who hasn't been ruined by modern jewish culture.

if we can unfuck our immigration laws we'll be having an assload of euros migrating to america, you should join in the eventual migration

That would mean ceding traditionally white lands to the unwashed shitskinned hordes. There is nowhere left to run to and yet people keep running as if they think that will save them.