I've become blackpilled, Sup Forums. Everything just feels so hopeless. We live in a police state but nobody realizes it. We dont own our bodies. Money turns people into monsters. Nothing ever fucking changes. Where's the light at the end of the tunnel? What's the point of it all?
I've become blackpilled, Sup Forums. Everything just feels so hopeless...
>I've become blackpilled
It's because you're Jewish. You see your world falling apart and can do nothing to stop it.
People think that life is about finding the "good" in things but it's just the opposite. Life sucks, God made it this way on purpose.
Just look around, humans haven't adapted yet but they should. Congrats on the first step user.
Never stop fighting, user. Keep ighting, out of spite.
''this too shall pass.''
that is the only true constant
At least you're not black.
You're probably simultaneously deficient in magnesium, iodine and vitamin D from either natural sunlight or tanning beds (Vit D supplements dont work).
Please tip me in bitcoins once these suggestions fix your health issues and you become a high functioning person:
I don't know op... I hope you think of something
user, you sound like you're going through your teenage years. Dont worry. You will find light in life again. But rest assured that you will lose it all over again as well. And you'll do that multiple times throughout your life, then you'll die.
Being male is hard in modern society, may have always been that way.
Shekelnigger is right, try that shit.
If it doesn't work, just go down taking a bunch of kikes with you, k?
I am Jewish and I have taken the goypill.
I've come to realise that people have no agency, they are fed what they are given like stupid fucking cattle and ask for more. All they need is to be controlled by a firm but just hand.
When "you are what you eat" finaly made sence to me.
Life it actually really good.
Wouldn’t change a thing.
If you are iron deficient can you substitute with magnesium ?
>being blackpilled on Mosleys birthday
You need to start dropping Red Pills all over normie lie spaces. Nothing pours a cold shock of water all over the soul like having to confront delusional thinking. Try some of these:
Red Pill Level:
You still get more white children if you breed them that way. Do your children a favor. Make them white. If it is moral to force integration on white people, is it also moral for white people to force a community to be exclusive. Why or why not? Does your answer square up with the way you live your life? AKA: Do you walk your own talk on integration or are you a small time Slave Master?
Black Pill Level:
White people need to start killing their oppressors. How many more decades of self destruction are they going to put up with?
Breivik is right! Join the fight! Kill and anti white tonight! (That's the dude in Norway who shot up the Commie Children's Camp.)
Jewish Masters and self hating White Men are the greatest threat to the Pro Whites movement. Without Jewish Masters, the anti whites can't think straight. Without white enforcers, the anti whites can't fight effectively. If you focus on their non white Cheap Laborers before you focus on those two groups, you will not win the fight. The JM's and WE's will simply import many more Cheap Laborers and fight harder against you. Make smart choices if you expect to win a revolution.
Then take action. The things you know are proof enough your ready for action. Tell the world the truth and they won’t believe you. Take action, make a plan to undo as well as reveal their corruption and act upon it, suddenly they’ll start giving a damn. If you are truly black pulled you have nothing to loose but your pulse. The fact is, you’ll never be truly alive till you have something worth dying for and truth, justice and honor is sure as hell something to lay down your life for. I think it’s about time the world starts giving a damn about Zion and it’s true face.
you're rare, you know what this is all about while everyone around you is oblivious to the most horrible soul shaking secrets and allegations most people are far beyond comfortable knowing and just maybe one day if you survive with that weight in your mind, you may be called upon to fight the good fight and maybe we have a chance
and thats what we hope for user, that chance, growing stronger everyday knowing the god awful truths in society, to one day overcome them for us and the world
Study Norse mythology, lots of good stories about how to face the world like a man.
>Vit D supplements dont work
Do you have evidence? I need to know, I recently bought some.
>I've become blackpilled
You think things are bad now? You feel hopeless? You know what went down in the Soviet Union and other commie countries?
Your own life's meaning is up to you, but see if you think it's a worthwhile path to prevent the horrors of the Gulag Archipelago from happening around you.
>Kekistan flag
>Media suggested by an e-celeb that you wouldn't actually care about if it wasn't for Sup Forums shilling and beating off over it
How fucking gay are you
>literally falling for their serpentine trickery
I was where you're at now, it's a load of BS and you must keep moving forward. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
dont do this op, this shill is grooming you into the next mass shooting patsy. look alive spooks are trying new tatics all the time
if you're truly blackpilled you can be the next happening that we crave
You've finally have seen the true light OP, this is nihilism at its fullest, prepare your anus because this perspective will send you on a wild ride
This is hell and you're here forever. Not knowing why is part of the punishment.
Improve yourself user.
Basically Self-improvement general
Train, read, learn new trades and new skills, hunt, farm, write, make money (it's all paper but we need it for the moment, and have some gold and silver), get those degrees (it's all paper, of course, but we will need to occupy key positions in the academia and coordinate our thoughts) think about raising a family (or raise yours well, if you have one already), be a great husband and father (don't race mix if possible otherwise you'll defeat the purpose of having a family in the fist place. hear the words of a fellow brother from one of the worse fronts of the racewar)
We shall improve and evolve while the others degenerate further into their joowish hell. That's how we will do this, at the very end it'll become clear who's on the right side of history
its always darkest before dawn
>Nothing ever fucking changes
people are waking up to the true horrors of this world like never before
if you told me a year ago i wouldnt have believed
Actually for me Sup Forums came second. Nice try though.
That kind of tired is yearning for world war
This is exactly what they want OP. for you to become completely demoralized. Beaten.
Congratulations, they got you.