Seriously, when did you realize that the military is just a meme?

Nobody protects our county. The military is trained to fight for and defend the special interests of the people in power.

Fuck off. There were bombs in the towers and Israel did it.

Doesn’t invalidate his point.

It's a deterrent mate.

Doesn’t seem to do a very good job, the picture is incorrect we were directly attacked at Pearl Harbor as well, and we got fucked up then too.

>The one time it was directly attacked
You think if you had no military 9/11 would be the worst of your problems ?
The fact that there was only one direct attack given the number of adversaries is evidence of the success of the US military and the security it provides.
Please think before you post.

It is mostly just a racket to funnel taxpayer money into the pockets of jewish arms manufacturers and to cause chaos around the world

Please think before you post

by "helping" you mean commiting white genocide and bringing in pedophile mudslime rule.

the thing is that our military could have easily stopped it but the kikes in charge let it happen

Nothing is fool proof. But even then, what was the consequence for both Pearl Harbor and 9/11? Somewhere, half way around the world, people got their shit kicked in.

>what is Pearl Harbor

It's also the reason for the last 70 years of U.S political and financial hegemony. You think the US would be the global reserve currency without a military ? Do you think you would be able to run up a $19 Trillion debt ?
Do you think the Saudis would have agreed to sell oil strictly in US dollars without the US military.
You really have no concept of geopolitical world affairs.

Don't forget they work for fighting Israeli Libya iraq Syria etc..fuck the american military

Leaf """military""" was there during every single one of those with us.

So would you concede that defending our county and citizens and the grossly overstated hero worship they ascribe to the military is all just a farce for geopolitical relations?


You mean millions of civilians got bombed while the people who were responsible for both attacks never saw a day in jail, or so much as any consequences?

that's cuz we don't have a choice we're your little brother

Yeah hype is a part of recruitment and morale. People need to believe in what they are fighting for so there is some smoke and mirrors involved.

However, the overall benefit to the US specifically and western world in general is undeniable.

More often than not, the interests of the average citizen of the country happen to align with the ((((((((special interests)))))))) when it comes to matters in which use of military force is deemed appropriate

The deaths of 6000+ American citizens since 2001 for a farce doesn’t really seem like a benefit

those 6000+ lives were worth it.

I think that one of the purposes, among many, for the Afghan/Iraq war was keeping the gears in the American war machine turning. This maintenance of battle-experienced personnel and battle-tested equipment gives the US a huge advantage over every other military on the planet. No other armies are carrying out invasions and occupations of countries. You may call these a failure but I think some of the true objectives were achieved.

Checked and decent argument i see your point but I’m still not for the deaths of our people especially when they lure you in with the promise of glory and admiration to fight for bullshit.
But i see your point.

>the one time it's attacked
How horrifyingly naive. Dozens of attacks on U.S. soil are thwarted every single year.

This was Bill Clinton's fault. He disarmed our fighter jets
so it would have taken them hours to equip missiles.
(supposedly to ease past cold war tensions with Russia)

We had a fighter following one of the planes that day but it
had no weapons.

Yeah the NSA keeps telling us that’s why they surveil the entire population but they’ve yet to back that up with facts

Fuck you you piece of slime. I give a fuck about all that shit. I would rather the US be a third world country, but have a clean conscious than be the useful idiot of international jewry and finance. I hope you and all your family die slow painful deaths.

Kiss my white arse. I'll say what I want when I want.

at least it's a better perspective than "they died in a meaningless war for nothing." in some way they did die for your country and freedom, if indirectly. This requires you to love your country, though, and if you don't then fuck you nigger go live somewhere you love

Meant that for leafy, broheim

>I would rather the US be a third world country
That is easier said than done user. I doubt you would feel that way when faced with a starving family.
How clean would your conscience be knowing you child died of malnutrition so that you could live like Ghandi ?



Intelligence was the failure. Military intelligence and the military will prove to be the winner!

Better than dumping depleted uranium on half the world, killing scores of thousands of civilians, causing the migrant crisis that will ruin europe and the US and canada. But then again you can always run to israel right rat face?

I understand

Um, I'm pretty sure we lynched Tojo and half the Japanese military officials committed suduoku. Unfortunately (((they))) were never truly punished for 9/11, and probably never will be.

The point is the MILITARY is the one who attacked it.

9/11 was an inside jew.

Are you actually this retarded? Are you speaking Arabic? Are you under Sharia law(yet)? Are you dead?

If you answered answered no to the last three, then the first one is answered with a yes. As long as those last three are no, the military is keeping you free, and pretty safe. Nothing is perfectly safe, even liberal echo chambers. So go back to yours, and realize that you are that special person your mother always told you that you were.

Short-bus special.

>implying the military has kept me from living under sharia law
Jesus Christ you’re fucking naive

>But then again you can always run to israel right rat face?

Take your pills, you sound unstable to me.

this is some strange new bait

It ain’t bait son not everybody worships the military industrial complex

Last time the military went on the defensive to protect the US was Pearl Harbor. Four branches are used for global protection if anything.

terrorism is an indirect attack


Semantics, our infrastructure was directly attacked that’s undeniable

You can't possibly think you're just as free as an American 100 years ago.

ITT: Butthurt Americans who can't come to grips that soldiers are the ultimate welfare queens.

you're trying too hard famalamadingdong

Alternative use: A male descendant
What’s wrong with that term?

When did you realize that 911 was a military stand-down?

Any military powerful enough to "protect" you 100% of the time would be a lot more than existentially insulting to your delicate sensibilities, user.

quick question to the sharters, if your guns offer you so much protection, how come you didn't shoot down the airplane with your firearms?
check mate sharters

whether it be the military, or police, their job is to aprehend, and punish, not protect.
It is YOUR duty to protect yourself
That is why we have a 2nd amendment


we have the largest military budget in the world by a long shot, they damn well should be able to protect us 100% of the time.