Anyone else just waiting for the end of the world?

>We're nearing peak degeneracy
>There's a lot more people I'd rather not bother see live longer/aren't worth saving
>At this point politics is now so polorised nobody is willing to give any real ground to any major topic
>I like being /comfy/ and all this globalism and degeneracy is just making me tired and depressed

I just want to retreat to some isolated little piece of property and live out the rest of my days while this horrendous world burns around me.

Thread theme:

>we're reaching peak degeneracy
>political polarization

The ride hasn't even begun, senpai.

>We're nearing peak degeneracy

Oh, you naive child.

Fear not, friend. The aliens will come soon, and enlighten us with their superior memes.

If you only knew how bad things are going to be. This is nothing.

>Why are males checking out of society?
Because it's fukken shit


Peak degeneracy would be like lawlessness and people being raped in the streets where kids used to play.

Or, men being systematically imprisoned for having had any sort of relations with a woman at any point. Hmmm..

no, they are going to rape you in the asshole with big alien cocks

Anal probing is the meme of peace.

the day can't come soon enough, user

don't be so dramatic, there's literally never been a better time of prosperity in human History.

I shouldve voted for hillary. We would all be nuked by now.


Oh God yes

There were major wars about every 50-80 years.
Will humanity break the cycle? Idk and Idgaf.

>The ride never ends

That is the last thing I want to happen.
I don't want that kind of lame apocalypse.
If apocalypse were to happen, it should be alien invasion (or even better, faked), WW3, Skynet, and etc.
Would be cool if this plague will be TWD but lame if it will be The Last Man on Earth

No more tears for future fears, we live in the moment and forever in death!

>I just want to retreat to some isolated little piece of property and live out the rest of my days while this horrendous world burns around me.

Fucking this. Seems like the only logical thing to at this point, if one wants to live a truly happy life.

>We are reaching peak degeneracy

This is literally the bottom of the barrel.
Soon "The Great Whyong" will begin.
This is only the beginning.


I don't know what to say. Yes, I feel it. For the longest time in my life I’ve felt it. The hate, the disgust for the emptiness of meaning with modernity. I try to seek isolation, but can’t never truly be alone. What is there to do? What is your refuge? Its a place like this, in here I can vent. But, in here you also feed a beast. A beast feeding on chaos that can be brought on this giant farce. Yet that beast longs for order, for something purer. A future worth living and dying for. Something better for future generations. But I am afraid of letting it out. I am afraid of becoming something horrible to achieve it that vision. But, slowly that usually tamed infuriated beast inside wants to come out screaming ENOUGH! You feel it too, don’t you?