
Can we discuss this mans obsession with Sasuke?

They weren't even friends for that long. 3 months at most, and yet this fucker went to the ends of the earth to try to rescue him.

Not to mention he eventually let sasuke off scott fucking free for all the shit he ended up doing.

>Oh, you tried to kill all the kage, twice? No problem!

>They weren't even friends for that long. 3 months at most
It's more than just "friends". They were basically same boat and related with each other.
>Naruto's parents were killed and was hated by the village
>Sasuke's parents were killed and was hated by the village

Naruto was just desperate so he latched on to Sasuke. If he had managed to make some real friends first, it never would have happened.

Sasuke was actually a pretty cool dude in part 1.

First to give Naruto food in the bell test, sacrificed his life in wave and was basically team leader in the Forest.

Even when Itachi came back, Sasuke's first priority was getting Naruto out of harm's way. Plus why they weren't 'comrades' for long, they knew each other for years in the academy.

>Sasuke's parents were killed and was hated by the village

Did you even read the manga? Parents wanted him to fuck there daughters, had his own fan club, and was treated extremely well. He was treated great, but his anti social ass pushed them all away for power.

>Sasuke's parents were killed and was hated by the village
Yeah I mean look at all this heavy bullying.
>How dare these little shits say that I'm awesome

yes naruto is a shit nonsensical narrative and naruto fans are humongous mongoloids, tell us something new

homoerotic asphyxiation

I think everyone agree that Naruto showed more love to Sasuke than to anyone in this manga. If they had actually ended together I would have not been surprised.

Considering their homolust and Madara's Hashirama boner, did Indra and Asura have an incestuous relationship?

I completely forgot about that. it's until after gaara's fight sasuke realized he soon envy naruto cause he was able to get stronger without much help from the start.

Probably. Asura did give Indra the wood smackdown

>>Naruto's parents were killed and was hated by the village

No they weren't, infact they were loved and his father was hailed as a once in a 1000 year born hero. Infact Minato was the youngest Hokage before Naruto. Naruto however was hated due to having 9tails in him, but those who knew the truth didnt hate him, infact loved him and some pitied him.

I don't have a problem with Naruto considering Sasuke his friend.
I do however, have a serious problem with Naruto considering Sasuke to be his BEST friend. It's an insult to all of his other friends that never tried to kill him and everyone he cares about, actually gave a shit about him and hung out with him, doing the kinds of things that friends do.

Yeah, pretty much everybody in Naruto's social circle makes a better friend than Sauce. Especially Shikamaru

This is one of the reason for why most of Sup Forums hates Naruto. Poor writing between Naruto and Sasuke. I mean Shikamaru was a muuuch better bro to Naruto throughout the whole series including after he became hokage then sasuke EVER was. There was no build up between them, nothing that could be considered a decent friendship. From the very beginning Sasuke was a dickhole. Naruto was blind, but atleast he chose the right wife.

Agree, their relationship was way more tell than show. Naruto kept saying how much he loved Sasuke and how he was his best friend but I just never got why?

l remember when l read the valley of the end fight and naruto started blabbering about ur my brother my best friend

l was thinking what is this autist talking about where does this come from they were rivals and not even friendly ones

He was his long lost friend.

Has there ever been a moment where Sasuke and Naruto act like real friends? Hanging out in their free time, playing games, having conversations about whatever, cheering each other on for things other than battle...


I think the problem is that Kishi wanted to have more missions between the wave arc and the chunin exams.

To bad that the editors rushed him.

Besides people like Iruka, he had no friends until Team 7 and then, Sasuke was the only one who treated him like anything more than dirt (looking at you Sakura you evil whore).
So desperation.

The manga would have been 1000x better if Sasuke was female.

Would also somewhat explain his obsession with him

Fuck, this manga would really have been perfect if Sasuke and Naruto were gay. I hate to admit it but it's true.

Literally anyone but Sasuke would be a better best friend.

Now had there been some type of prophecy or something saying he had to save him to save the world of could have made some sense

They both kissed each other, the writing has been on the wall the whole time.

You aren't a best friend if you didn't fight

fuck off yaoi fag

Are you literally unable to read? I'm not into that shit.
Ah fuck it I'm probably being baited. This is what I get for talking nurutu.

Sasuke is part of a very select number of people who sacrificed themselves to save Naruto. This tends to earn a lot of leeway especially for someone as emotionally isolated as Naruto.

His parents (who got fatally injured doing so),Negi (who took Obito's wood) Iruka (who took a giant shuriken in the back) and Hinata (who went up against Pain and tried to take Obito's wood).

Also Sasuke never aims to kill Naruto until Naruto tells him to redirect all the anger he feels towards Konoha at him. Before that like at the end of first VOTE fight, Sasuke even refuses to kill an unconscious Naruto even though it would give him power that would make Orochimaru jealous and put him on the same eye level as his brother.

sause is also of a very selected group of people who tried to murder naruto and his friends and his village as well

Yeah... sorry.

Something something friendship

Something something homosex

I think that's entirety of Naruto. It's definitely not hard work, look at Rock Lee.

>Also Sasuke never aims to kill Naruto until Naruto tells him to redirect all the anger he feels towards Konoha at him
this is what yaoi landwhales really believe

Well, actually a lot of people tried to kill naruto



You forgot Kakashi, Sakura and some others.

Yes, so evil, sticking up for him at times and having confidence in his abilities.

Who had the dumbest, most asspull power in all of naruto?
hardmode no kaguya

It's not a very select group considering that most of Konoha was in it at one point. Remember that group of ninja in the first chapter talking about how they had to kill a 12 year old?

It's pretty obvious that Naruto doesn't hold grudges about trying to kill him considering that Neji was going to try and he got forgiven and how Gaara became one of his closest friends after nearly killing all of team 7.

Any Uchiha shit.
Madara is the might be the worst offender but he was also fun.

when the sharingan started to generate invincible sprit skeleton armors out of thin air you knew the manga turned into irredeemable shit

That eyehax used to beak Kabuto, Izanami. Made even worse when they tried to explain it.

Sharingan in general is a load of BS.

I was always pissed that byakugan got retconned from being "the most powerful eye jutsu"