A new ally

We need to start pushing this meme. Time to start stripping away each barrier (((they))) hide behind.

Other urls found in this thread:


>black nationalists


Black Nationalists are the only Blacks I agree with.

if blacks made a new Holocaust 2.0 Jews would actually die this time

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Need to start mass redpilling blacks. Don’t even care about turning them republican just fill them in on the kikery. They are already susceptible to conspiracy theories it shouldn’t be that hard.

The right needs to learn to unite with whomever it needs to in order to take down one enemy at a time. I mean fuck, Jews are willing to unite with Muslims to take down whites, that should tell you something.

The reality is that an ethnostate is a far off dream, however you slice it, and is an impossibility until Jewish power is clipped. Whites can unite with leftists, blacks, many people to drive out the Jew, then turn on their weak enemies, just as Stalin united with the national Bolsheviks to take out the Trotskyists, then turned on his enemies to the right when the Trotskyists were gone.

This will be ignored because white nationalists are always fucking retarded purity spirallers.

niggas getting woke that Jews sold them into slavery to become the 1% not whites.

Getting woke that Jews run shit like BLM just like they do neo nazi sites with their sneaky tricks to race bait and keep people off naming and uniting against the jews.

Black Nationalist here. I don't trust you whites but I trust a Jew even less. Everything bad about white people is amplified at least 100 times in the modern Jew.

wtf i love based black men now

No, seriously. This needs to happen. Get the Muslims on board too so (((they))) have fewer groups to weaponize as boogeymen
Nope, right there with ya. And if anyone wants to say it, no, I am not advocating to let them move in among us.

Shh, let them pretend while we use them as useful idiots.

Malcolm X tried but got fucked over by Islam, and probably (((them))).


God dang it, first horse fuckers, now negroes. What's next, furries? Hell, no one likes jews

Man I was literally just masturbating to a power fantasy where I was personally negotiating with BLM leaders to convince them that the jews were their real enemy in exchange for sending them to their own country.

Weird huh? Does it mean anything?


That and your belief blacks must be wiped off this planet make you correct twice. In one day. First time for everything.

Singularity is coming

Blacks shouldng be TOO hard to redpill, because they currently hate whites for the things that jews do.
All we need to do is show them evidence that jews are actually the ones they hate. Hopefully theyre not too stupid to listen



>villain of previous arc becomes new member of the hero's team to combat the main threat

This happened in the 60s. Malcolm X died because of it. And JFK. And a few others.

Imagine how the jews would react if blacks started turning on them en masse

I watched a Hotep periscope once this guy was dropping red pills left and right about the Zionists. I think I went a whole hour without really disagreeing with anything. He was hawking some fucking bottled water but w/e.

It was like watching a Bill Still documentary really

SPOILERS: The ALT-Left doesn't like the Jews anymore that the two groups choose to highlight

I heil in bars, I also do a lot of shit you faggots think impossible.

Naw, we want them both gone

I'm all for it. After (((they))) are dealt with blacks can have their ethnostate.

Lol that’s hotep jesus

>As with Haiti, Ghana sees American blacks as a potential source of skilled labor and capital.

if blacks and whites were to come together under the nationalist flag, the people controlling everything would literally shit their selves. they would be done, fucking over.


Heres some ammo user

Thank goodness this unholy union is finally happening. Is it Richard Spencer's willingness to take large black cocks in his ass that his facilitated this new collaboration?

I'm a fan of racialists supporting other races racialists but I don't know how we could actually help each other beyond acting as backup in internet shitfights. Hotep doesn't attract much of the talented tenth and letting another black ethnostate form is immoral as it would inevitably become Liberia or Haiti.


lol hey hey hey its me fat albert and i hate the jews


No. The beds of money that they roll in would be even bigger. .


>buy bottled water from hoteps
>filter it with waterfilter from infowars
>become maximum level redpilled

NewsWeek is pretty racist for lumping in Blacks with the Alt Right.

False, the left acts like they are anti zionism but will always cuck hard against anti semitism. Cognitive dissonance is very real.

Rockwell was great in Event Horizon.


All this shit just makes me realize how fucked i truly am. I should just die and go be with the nazis in our ethnostate in hell. You people just dont get it.

>our friendship is a meme

:'( Kinda rude tbqh

the regressive left is the communist left
the ethnonationalist right is the zionist right

Jews have always played both sides so they always win, always survive, and they flip-flop back and forth between both extremes whenever it suits them (see the Jews who jumped from the left to the right as Neo-Cons)

Look up Winston Churchill's article, "Zionism vs Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish people"

All the real white people died in WWII. All thats left are cuck retards who never understood.

Did you know The Root is owned and produced by Jews. Did you know gangster rap was made popular by jews mainly Lyor Cohen?

Hoteps will always have my respect.


I disagree with their view on Egypt but besides all that they're tolerable politically, name the jew, hate race mixing, want their own ethnostate in potential conjunction with the remainder of the u.s. and have a disdain for degeneracy/social engineering.
Quite honestly I "hate" niggers and wish them separate but with leadership like they present and offer, they offer a successful form of government that could potentially vault an African population into success.

It's a slim possibility but as was Hitler's rise to power, etc, etc. Better to see them successful and bustling than begging for a handout.

I was suggesting the hotep alliance before election and only got "shill sage" on everything. Theres no sense in warring with people over skin color. It should be a battlefield of the mind for peaceful revolution. Im not an antisemite or racist but float amongst many people and groups to try to change their mind from within. Fighting and insults dont change minds. Alliance and brotherhood does even if you disagree i believe anyone can find common ground


so the truth comes out. they bond over shared racism.

A union between nationalist groups would be ultimately ideal.

the final conference call with based asians, Islam, nazis, and black nationalists

Latinos have no qualms about acknowledging Jewish control and power. If we win this, it’ll be with their help.

We are in dire, dire straits. There is no shame in turning to other ethnic groups for help.

>float amongst many people and groups to try to change their mind from within

the one perk of being nonwhite

Hey, I think that would be funny as fuck. Having these niggas spreading the redpill.
Fuck, that video is funny.

when will a black alex jones rise up? I feel like a black version would delivery 3x the memes

They need an eugenics program to weed out their bad apples. They never had it. If the top 5% were allowed to breed they would be on par with the rest of the world.

Again our goal should not be to try to convert them to being republicans, it should be to redpill them. To truly free ourselves from the jew we need to break every barrier that they hide behind.

>(((Scott Timberg)))

Every fucking time.



So far no human has traveled through a black hole in outer space in recorded history right? RIGHT?

yes yes yes, lets do it together

>We need to start pushing this meme.
You guys really need to google the Hoteps. They hate nogs and jews. They are very entertaining, and somewhat intelligent. They recognize the JQ and the democratic influence and blame LBJ for ruining blacks.

Sure they are black nationalists, and there are places of disagreement, but there are MANY places of intersecting ideas.

The critical race theory isn't working. OY VEY!!!

Dont trust white people? Thats a very blanket statement that shows me youve been conditioned to think that way. Break the conditioning man. I think all the fearmongering from a young age makes everyone toe the racial line and stereotype. Im not white but can pass as such. I have no issue with any group because of their race. Im a race realist as far as its natural for people to notice differences in eachother and be curious. I try to figure things out and would like for every ethnicity to fix issues at hand but i dont have any issue with anyone based on it. As far as history... well i like facts and feel everyones been lied so question everything. Those in control are what everyone should fight against for the common good of all


We need to go beyond the hoteps because they are very marginalized in their own community just like white nationalist are. We need to get the average black person redpilled so the jews can’t hide behind them anymore.


Nah if they're serious about fascism and authoritarian style governments like some of their leaders have presented then every section and individual is made subjugated to the interest of the nation as a whole, this means if you aren't worth a shit and make trash for money then you don't get baby tax breaks etc, it's a controlled method without the "questionable" methods of eugenics.

Of course eugenics is preferable because its more straight forward and simply understood but if you placed proper control and family benefits off a merit based system that would be determined by intelligence and strength aptitudes etc, you'd have a much easier time.

>Trump made anime real

We should have been pushing this years ago

Black people are Golbez from FFIV?

> black nazis now exist
Best. Fucking. Timeline.

it's not even funny anymore

Black Nationalists were never an opponent.

Malcolm X was all about separate and not equal. He said Negroes and Caucasians could never get along together.



Nothing wrong with Black Nationalists

THREAD THEME: youtu.be/RM7lw0Ovzq0


I said this years ago no one listens to me

Yeah, there needs to be a realistic plan of putting the future into action, including actual alliances instead of 247 "you're not white" and other abstract conversation.

how the fuck are jews a race?

The SJW Jews are learning that the minorities don't like Jews. Only white protect Jews. The other minorities would exterminate Jews in a heartbeat.

Das Right! We gon gas the kikes.


Too late. Jews own black entertainment and culture and they create the stars that they follow.

Hey therrre hivemind

Spread redpill flyers all around cities in black neighbourhoods, specifically outlining exactly (((who))) causes their problems.

What state are you planning to give to the blacks? They implement their nationalism through empowering in existing structures and there's no reason to give it up and get much less in exchange.

>no place in a white gubernment for you, here's a Detroit for y'all

Get together and march and play the uncensored version of Micheal Jacksons They don't care about us.


This will be an interesting alliance. We'll both be killed most likely

>captcha was "church crime"

He should know all of those people are Jewish


Wanted to share this article, got updated recently to be even better, even black nationalists know Spencer is controlled op.

No problem just start pushing for “black ownership” they are already waking up to the fact that “whites” own most of their favorite companies, even the ones that cater exclusively to them.