Anyone else miss Obama mostly for his mannerisms? I think he objectively conducts himself better than Trump...

Anyone else miss Obama mostly for his mannerisms? I think he objectively conducts himself better than Trump. He was always distinguished, calm but firm, spoke with polish and diligence. Trump seems comparatively buffoonish and remarkably mean-spirited, and many of his statements are more focused on being sensational than conveying a clear message. I think it may influence the way foreign countries come to perceive Americans, being as loud, obnoxious bullies.

Can't wait to watch him hang on live TV for treason.

I would never miss a nigger
especially from close range

Treason for what dumbass?

Conservative housewives picked a man who talks about assaulting women while his wife was beating his kid. This just shows that Trump is repulsive and republican housewives are fucking dead inside.

I meant bearing


Inbred Conservashits and alt right NEETs are uncivilized shit bags . Don’t bother coming here asking for their opinions, just troll these stupid inbred pedo fuckers

Don't worry he's still going around trying to represent America as a faggot. You can probably go see his speeches for a price.

For a second there I thought you were trying to say Obama spoke Polish so I had to re-read that sentence 3+ times.


To be honest with you, I never heard anything good or bad about Obama in general. He was a lameduck president that continued the policies of Bush

no one who matters to america misses obongo.

He was a complete bitch and acted like a pussy.

I'm not even interested in his actual policies for this thread, I just want to talk about the way he conducted himself in relation to Trump. This is obviously a much easier difference to perceive.

ever heard of psychopath/sociopath, no conscience????

I am NOT a pedo.

I don't uuuhhhh miss him because ummm I don't really think eeeeh, and you know, sometimes, when people speak, it's hard, but uhh I don't think Obama was the best uhhhh speaker, and uhhh, you know, the greatest threat to this country is racism.

Sure, Obama had a certain academic veneer that Trump seems to lack. I'll give you that. Yet, Trump is articulate in his own right; carries himself in a genuine gentlemanly and dare I say, chivalrous manner. Of the two, I definitely find Trump more attractive, both in speech and in demeanor. He could grab my old peach any time he'd like. Obama? i don't get the vibe he likes peaches; hotdogs, perhaps.

he spoke like a crackhead lol probably was one too

Obama was nice to listen to for a while. After about a year everyone with sense realized he was full of shit but they kept pretending he was cool cause white guilt/black tribalism.

The real Obama

>projecting this hard

user, a word?

250 billion dollar to iran
The Rotschild scam TPP and Paris Accord which would have move the entire wealth of USA abroad. Face it. Obama is a communist.