Is Trump's presidency a bust because he too cannot stop virtue signalling?

How can one argue Trump is still going to save the nation when he can't stop virtue signalling.

It's one thing to save a soldier trapped behind enemy lines or a political prisoner, but he used those "save our people" chips to save thieving niggers!!! Niggers!!! How can any country or person recover from that.

This is classic "look, I'm going to do something retarded for a colored person - try and match this everyone HAHA! I love the coloreds more than anyone!" Why do these stupid behaviors continue? I mean - no one gained anything from this and Trump made the obvious move of trying to score brownie points here.

This president isn't going to save anything. Even if the economy is saved, which i doubt, it's not really credit to him - because what's going to happen is things are going to collapse and a free market MUST take over - he doesn't have a choice as to whether this happens or not; and it will if there's a collapse or dissolution. The world economy is growing larger than ever before so it should be impossible for that to totally fail; even if there are undue losers in the mix.

Anyways, this "save the women and niggers" behavior has permanently put a shit stain on the underwear of the USA and Europe; and the shit has bled through the underwear and leaked onto the pants. Contrast today with world war two... disgusting.

Fuck Donald Trump. He's a false savior and no hero to me.




The sad truth is that most of Sup Forums is too brainwashed to accept that they have become pseudoSJWs.


i guess that's a good way of putting it


>How can one argue Trump is still going to save the nation when he can't stop virtue signalling.

Virtue signaling is something people that do nothing like SJWs, liberals, and OPs do.

Woah nigga i ain't reading that shiit

ok. how does that progress the conversation?

If any of you Trump cucks got arrested in China he would not save you.

But he will save 3 basketball Americans because he literally thinks they are more valuable than you cucks

so much this

They are more valuable than us, politically. Trump is going to run into trouble because he's wanting to please the wrong people. WTF?

uck and this is why im not fighting for anyone but myself


there was no political gain except trump fucking virtue signalling.... like i said, there are so many things wrong with it i'd be here for hours talking about it

This is Trumps biggest flaw. He puts faith in people that don’t deserve it.

kys op btw
you complete retard

I wouldn't get arrested in China because I'm not a nigger who steals

rebuild the USA yourself then asshole. I'm not contributing to jack shit.

hell, i might even head over to china and see if i can help them overthrow the US - it's going to happen anyways. so long losers...

i live in AUS

this stupid ass behavior from trump has done irreversible damage to my position with him. as soon as i get a chance i'll tell the chinese exactly what to do to take over this country. all it takes is a few social and cultural moves and you're finished. oh, and fuck your white race too, thye're going to flood you with their kind so hard your neighbors and relatives will be chink eyed before you can screech reeeee

did u blow a gasket or something mate?

when the US falls so will you. you faggots already let in innumerable asians already. I'll help finish you off just for laughs... what's the difference?

on one hand you get taken over anyways and i have to hear all the stupid loser talk from you people while your impending doom nears.

OR I can just move into the midst of chinkland and help them destroy you. this latter option sounds much more satisfying to me

fuck europe, fuck the usa, fuck australia fuck canada, and fuck new zealand you're all going down and quick

but i'm sure this is the way you wanted it; i.e. surrounded by colored people... don't make me puke

you're goddamn right i did. that fucking prick has been leading people along this whole time and then he does something so stupid that it shows he has judgement worse than we ever thought... both sides lose now. left and right

go to bed

i already took my nap

you seem sleepy
im going to eat dinner anyway
maybe go and relax for 10 mins

God Emperor Trump: Liberator
>how history will remember him

i think i'm going to delete all these trump memes from my computer too. i just don't feel the same way about them anymore

you arent fooling anyone
your attempt at concern trolling is 2/10 at best

whatever, i'm not talking about him like that and i wont agree with anyone who does. just liek the nigger father of the nigger released from china.... silence in the face of getting shit done... fuck trump, he can do it himself he's got plenty of groupies and crooked business deals under his belt to con his way through. no one becomes a billionaire without doing massive illegal shit, especially theft (trump university is one great example)


i don't know what you're talking about but i did, in fact, just delete all his shit from my computer

Ok shill no one care sweetie Trump won hands down now stop crying we are winning

No one cares little faggot, you never actually supported him, if you did you knew he would of done this, stop larping as us you arent one of us


>you never actually supported him,

yes i did, and i was on board before the nation was aware there was a heated presidential race on the way.... i was 100% a solid supporter.... i will not be going back now though. he already did the damage

> if you did you knew he would of done this

i knew he would have freed known criminals for virtue signalling points under the same scenario in which fucking POWs would be freed... dude FUCK you that is incredibly disrespectful to the country - the very same country trump is trying to become super famous with....

he may be a uniter, but he's no adolf hitler.

and so you know, i don't even care ifhe turns everything around. because he showed what he's really about here.... he's not perfect but this is too deep a mistake

who gives a fuck why are you so retarded?

i'm out.

have fun with your gay culture, shitty women, nigger music, drugs, degenerates around every corner, and have fun with your atheist bullshit.

>hes defecting to china

Trump is a zionist shill...

But you are a political shill

>Trump tweets
>workshop ideas
>virtue signalling... ive heard these alt-right-polsters use this term
>post this thread

Im sad you ruined this place. Remember to infer what your actions now mean for you and your ability to effect real political change. And then kys...

>acting as if these things wouldn't be 10x more prevalent already with Hillary in office
good, fuck off

this post is funny but stupid
half kys


Are you shills autistic? I mean, do you not understand how people communicate and reason?
This is so awkward and transparent that I actually feel embarrassed for you.

Jesus Christ...

you two faggots.

i don't actually mean "virtue signalling", but the language has become so corrupted that's the only term i can use to come close to saying what i'm trying to say, concisely.

the reason i don't mean "virtue" is because i don't think it's a virtue to not be a race realist. but seriously, white people (and it's ONLY white people that do this) always try to find novel ways of declaring to the world their LOVE FOR THE COLOREDS, OH ME OH MY DO I EVER LOVE THEM!!

It's a fucking retarded behavior i've seen since iw as a kid and i've given each and every person shit for it if i had the opportunity.... so you see, I have a pretty good perspective on the topic and for the president to walk right fucking into this... it outs him as a person.... a person with bad judgement, a law breaker, disrespectful to the US's culture (seriously fuck him for doing this - even if it were white people there would still be a massive issue here).

also, are either of you faggots the same guy that comes on pol and talks about how "blacks are human because they can breed with other races" (making it very clear to everyone that you think that)

>>acting as if these things wouldn't be 10x more prevalent already with Hillary in office
>good, fuck off

no, i'm not saying that but if he gets impeached or assassinated hillary doesn't become president. someone else will. and we can wash our hands of this fool. well, you guys can, i'm out.

>This is so awkward and transparent that I actually feel embarrassed for you.
i'm embarrassed to live in the US with this kind of shit going on... goddamn he's the fucking president operating on the world stage... and impressionable faggots will follow this retarded ass example....

you motherfuckers are going down... wait and see. you'll never recover from the damage already done, but i'll make it ten times harder for you

>im out
>for the tenth time

im out

Systematic racism has existed well into the 1980's. If you think that Black families have not spread mistrust of the white man over time, and justifiably so, then you are incredibly ignorant of United States history. We forced Blacks to create an alternate economic system by alienating them, along with destroying Mexico by drug trade. If you cannot realize the mistakes of our government, and why the created our current problem, then you deserve to be ridiculed by people that actually value historical truths, and those who work towards a better future.

The shill has been defeated and i am victorious...

Its obvious to me now that australians are charged by god with protection of these lands

shitpost et eternium

wow youve finally convinced me
im leaving Sup Forums too
Sup Forums BTFO

You forgot to post the picture of wojak tossing his MAGA hat away, you dumb motherfucker.

i'm a pretty intelligent guy, it's definitely a loss for the US to lose people like me. and i'm not the only one. I have dozens of expat friends who've already left because of the culture. I can get connected up with the chinese government in no time and let them know exactly where they should start to target you all.

and new zealand sounds like a land of nigger worshippers too. i saw one of you faggots post the same stuff about your shit tier women here. i know exactly how to wreck your country.

UCLA is one of the major shitlib schools where shitlib arguments are developed for the rest of the bugmen to download. Pretty good 4D chess. If you make him hard to criticize on one of the major UC campuses you neuter anti-Trumpism.

Autism it is.

this /x/ tier LARP is somewhat entertaining
its hard to keep up

i don't care about anything you say. i'm not fighting for the US and i hope you white people get wiped the fuck off the face of the planet.... go ahead, feel your fuzzy warm feelings about letting your daughter fuck a nigger and have niglets or spic kids.... i'm not doing that shit and if civil war breaks out before i can leave the country i'll slay as many of you people as i can. there's something wrong with your brain and it's going to stop even if you have to be killed.

im out

that's not what he was doing, and that doesn't fix that he did something that should only be applicable for war captives and it doesn't change the fact that he freed criminals and it doesn't change the fact that he is sucking china's dick in new and novel ways, and it doesn't change the fact that blacks are violent criminals on average anyways.

you can be ignorant all you want it just makes the blow to your psyche that much harder when the truth is realized. i'm mean, you get nothing for declaring you aren't following what's happening, except poverty probably


I'm out too. Moving to Canada. Goodbye everyone.

i'm out

In about 90 minutes, someone will be knocking on your door.

what are they gonna do ? break another couple of laws? freedom of speech, invasion of privacy? wow. interesting how you advocate it. again, fuck it all. i guess it was fun to fantasize a better future while it lasted


Kek, he has everybody dancing to his little tune and you're mad.

It's OK, user, let the butthurt flow through you.

you're not going to win. he's going to let everyone reign freely over you. it's over. i mean, look what he'll do to bring niggers BACK INTO the country... break/ignore laws of both countries and use a nation's cultural history to damage it further...

he was only trying to gain fame here and nothing more.

>he has everybody dancing to his little tune

never understood what people were talking about here. I was following him closer than anyone and i never got this impression

>I would suck trumps cock no matter what
Obama had the same type of people on his side

>blackpilled boomer nonsense
You'll enjoy this ride you dirty bugger. Maybe it's time to reflect on the choices you've made. There's still time, but it's running short.

The worm has turned.

you'll have to kill me

Yeah, this is pretty gay of him, but he has expanded ICE and they're doing some great deportation work.

>If any of you Trump cucks got arrested in China he would not save you.
I mean, I would never go to China or any foreign country, I feel no desire to traipse about in strange and sundry lands. At one time I wanted to visit all the historical monuments of our people in Europe, but now European cities are as shitty and browned up as American cities, so I don't see much point.

yeah and ice is pissed at him for something or another else and refusing to do work.

this is what i'm talking about, people can circle jerk and be groupies all they want but it doesn't stop people from being uninspired by his actions

point is, trump was saving them because they were niggers and nothing more. then the motherfucker tries flattering the chinese president by having THOSE niggers thank him....

I hope the chinese make a fucking fool out of trump. they've already called some of his actions "petty tricks". well, this IS an overt petty trick... god what a fucking faggot "i'm going to save the niggers, everyone will never be able to call me racist anymore (followed immediately by someone calling him racist), and then the chinese president and i are going to touch dicks becuase we're such pals now because he got a thank you from some niggers who stole from his country"

this was incredibly embarrassing for the US.... what a fucking loser trump is to do something like this


with the amount of antidepressants you must be on to cope with your loss there is a great risk you you doing it yourself

those pills cause bad thoughts user

trump is a false savior who acts like a virtue signalling nigger lover. that can never be erased

Pussy. You ain't gonna do shit but yelling at the sky with your impotent rage. Go ahead and leave the country, folks abroad don't like fuckheads like you anyhow. You'll end up drunkenly ranting about your country until the locals kick your ass. People like you are obnoxious both inside and outside of the country.

I've identified your problem: You dont understand virtue-signalling and you're massive piece of shit racist.

Virtue signalling is an empty statement in which you take no action or responsibility, its simply to make yourself feel good and have others look at you positively for it. Eg: "We need to save the Rhinos! Stop their suffering!" and then you proceed to carry on with your life without a care in the world.

A person taking credit for what they did IS NOT VIRTUE SIGNALLING. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH TAKING CREDIT FOR SOMETHING YOU HAVE DONE. It would have been a virtue signal if Trump said we must save the kids but then did nothing.

why are jews so racist?

At least change the file name you fucking faggot

not sure what you're talking about. sound like you don't know a small amount of anything you're talking about.

comment ignored.

>You dont understand virtue-signalling

read the thread's posts. you're too mad. i've already addressed this.

also, Herro south africa. i forgot to mention you earlier.... hope you get slaughtered faggot. i've heard from people there about how they used to snub people about "if you don't like africans leave africa" and now you're dead. hahahaha whatever... keep pretending that if you feel tingely feelings in your vagina that you'll go to heaven (or whatever the absence of religion thinks is netted for these actions; please do tell me what you get for feeling the tingles of loving the coloreds oh so much)


another thing, the blacks that are killing you whites there don't give a shit that they're racist. not to mention that you're losing.

you people say you're being killed left and right there. are you not being killed? maybe everyone should stop caring, you must be lying if you can be losing so hard yet not identify the enemy and take care of it. Personally if a swarm of teddy bears attacked me i would know to attack the teddy bears...

i'm starting to think nothing is actually happening in south africa.... either way go fuck yourself you not-racist, you.

also, you missed all of this in the OP as well. and for some reason all you heard was race? virtue signalling on an anonymous board? you must be very not-racist, for real.

>It's one thing to save a soldier trapped behind enemy lines or a political prisoner, but he used those "save our people" chips to save thieving niggers

>pedokike boomer doesn't realize he can't bump his own thread
oh you are a precious little one aren't you? so brave

>comment ignored

Yet you bothered to type a response. Get fucked, cunt.

you guys sound mad

And still responding for some weird reason.

if you're mad, just calm down guys


>T-Trump b--
Shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you think, your mother is a whore, your father is a shemale, your dog has been eaten by the Chinese man across the street and your cat was turned into a match by a nigger.
If you think Trump's main benefit for us is that he will fix shit, you're retarded and shouldn't be allowed to use firearms just based on that you have the intellect of a barstool.

Chaos, chaos is whar we desire, and he brings it up for us.

>can't bump thread
>doesn't know what a nice tasty green herb which goes with lamb is
it's going to me a rough 7.25 years for you user


You can't bump your own thread, retard.

i'm posting images though. images always bump

Heh, just amused at your attention whoring. So where's the wife's boyfriend taking her?

american cuck detected.

dude, guess how many girls i've had sex with in the past week. i'll give you a hint, it's probably more than you've had in your entire life