Why is antidepressant use on the rise so dastically through the recent years?

It has to be more than just a money grab. What is causing the depression, the anxiety? and rise of all other mental illnesses?

Are we being experimented on through our food? is it because (((they))) keep tightening the screws on us? what is it Sup Forums?

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modern people are just pussies and the pharmaceutical industry has found out how to profit from it

thats why u gotta fight the system by popping hella xannies

The world is boring as fuck, maybe the ssris stimulate chemicals to make the world feel more entertaining


cause we are told we a depressed instead of just introverted losers that need to get out more

I dont think you can just write it off as "people being pussies"

I think there is a cause somehwere.Experimentation, overpopulating with shitskins definitely plays a role.

Because the direction the world has been going in is a terrible one and people know it

Everyone is on drugs because poor diet and no exercise has fucked up peoples hormonal balance.

That, and the general decay of society, destruction of the white in group where we feel happy and safe, rampant narcissism from social media, and the deluge of media that tells us if we aren't happy all the time, we are doing something wrong or someone is hurting us.

There are a lot of reasons weak willed people want to drown out the world and just coast through in a haze..

Doctors are paid to put people on pills and get them addicted until they die so that the Jews can steal their orgnas. Daily reminder Kojima predicted all of this in Policenauts (much like how he predicted a bunch of shit in MGS2)

2 things:
1. Millenials have no coping mechanisms
2. World events such as False Flag events, Islam, terrorist attacks, increased drug use/ abuse
My 2 cents.

Flashing lights, infinite option paralysis and worry about what fagtards opinions of one self are.

getting out is just getting drunk, there is nothing else to do

Pretty much this

Rising Income inequality = more people of opioids and anti depressants

You can still have mental illness with a good diet and exercise.

Sedentary lifestyle, stimulant abuse, too much free time.

Tactical nihilism on top of the loss of community and, frankly, religion.

As much as I hate fucking Church, it was a backbone to our society. It's gone now, and families are going next.

At least we have multiculturalism and faggots prancing around in public.

Violent niggers & the fucking left-wing diversity pushers who are insistent we all live together in peace.

Big pharma & western "medicines"

We're all consumer patients working our entire lives until we're crippled enough to need drugs to live

unfortunalty for me getting drunk is a crutch i use to deal with social situations so no good in reality. anti depressants leaves a silent hole in my in my mind and makes me even more paranoid because of it (sorta dulling my consequences vs action thinking in my head). Im just a social awkward spreg how dropped ouyt of socially long time ago and only ventures out for work nowdays. I know what i can do to fix it but cant be honest cause i find no reason to try

If for nothing more than common sense morality

>At least we have multiculturalism and faggots prancing around in public.
if anything that is only going to increase mental illness.


The hollowing of America's manufacturing industry and a loss of sense of identity and community in favor of pop culture has turned everyone miserable and without a sense of direction.

We're living in the worst period of time since the Great Depression era.

Its cause of all the tech that leads to all this feminist crap and deep state bullshit and society formed from all the tech. No one was depressed pre 20th century cause there always land to conquer, wars to fight, surviving was fucking hard, people didn't wake up to repetition in work, living, whatever bullshit story of the day is spread on the news. Throw in everything is indoors, getting places is always a vehicle, the screen is the sun.

Right. Who the FUCK needs either one of those things???

most depressed people never had any real problems

used to be depressed, followed by 1 year of street-tier homelessness which miraculously cured any anxiety or depression

Because the doctors get paid for prescribing them.

You walk into a psychiatrist and say you're feeling depressed, a few minutes later you're walking out with an SSRI prescription.

they simply convinced you that (((they're the professionals and you can trust them and their product for that condition they're certain you have because consumerism induced your anxiety and feelings of inadequacy)))

So next time you see a jacked Chris Pratt starring in an action movie having a cool space adventure with a talking raccoon voiced by a man with freakishly short arms, just remember all the steroids he had to do and circumcised penises he had to suck.

>goes almost directly by wealth
Is this a result of the "mouse utopia" experiment? Does something change in human DNA when it lacks significant stress over course of a couple generations?

being homeless cured your depression/anxiety?


DO NOT TAKE SSRIs. Theyve chemically castrated me with ED, lack of libido, and huge varicocele veins on my dick.

couldn't afford being depressed, that's what i'm trying to say

I blame social media

The decline of local social organizations that involved the whole family. Added to the increase of fake online social interactions, people aren't developing a social-healthy mind. This leads to increased anxiety in the real world and depression from lack of interaction. I am an atheist but the greatest benefit of Christianity is the community connection and social building youth groups with strong role models.

Because majority of millennials hate their lives due mostly to taking poor care of themselves, so instead of trying to make improvements in their lives and work on figuring out what's causing their depression, they're lazy and would rather just seek a miracle cure through a pill. Which unfortunately does more harm than good, especially in the long run.

you just probably have low testosterone. I was on SSRI's and my sex drive was perfectly fine

for sure they're poisoning us, and that doesn't help, but really it's the medical system (from med school to practice) that is setup to incentivize sales, and the kicker is that the drugs themselves are designed to cause even more depression and mental problems to keep you hooked

I personally see that the world is going to shit, leftists won. They won and they're bringing society and decency down. Sure you can fight but its inevitable that in 20 years whites are done for. My dreams as a child are no longer possible, they were possible preobama but not anymore. Im probably gonna sudoku soon anyway.

When a civilization is in the collapse phase the people get a bit sad

Yes, you can, but those are a very small minority.

I worked in a pharmacy for a few years and have talked to a lot of people who are on anti-depressants and anxiety meds. They are always complaining about something in their life or bitching about small things. These are people who just don't want to deal with their own problems.

Actually they do the opposite. They take away any kind of spark of interest or emotional reaction to everything and just leave you at a baseline of nothingness. Good for people who are legit severely depressed , bad for the majority of people who get put on them by their doctors for all sorts of retarded complaints

>and huge varicocele veins on my dick

the fuck? I took lexapro which made it hard for me to cum.. never heard of shit like varicose veins..

I cant get hard anymore and my dick is deformed with these huge veins now. It wasnt always like this.

Modern life is objectively more depressing and stressful than it used to be. Most people feel deeply pessimistic about the future.

Also take a look at American cities

You have cities that were once manufacturing giants that were completely gutted during the 80s/90s and are now filled with nothing but abandoned buildings and high crime (Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore)
Then you have cities that are doing economically well but they're extremely expensive for the average citizen to live and are filled with homeless and tent cities (LA, Seattle NYC).
Then you have suburbs which are filled with opiate abusers looking to escape reality

This whole thing feels like an Aldous Huxley novel

Okay Canada. I'm sick of all these socialized medicine countries shitting on our medical industries when they produce zero innovation in their system.
All of the world benefits from the money grubbing pharma corporations. All the wonderful socialized Nordic and European models are using US produced medicine. r&d isn't cheap but you don't have to pay those prices.

oh i thought they raised serotonin

Could be from chronic masturbation

Get off it ASAP and never touch them again. SSRIs can have permanent effects on your sexual health. Look up PSSD. Im in my 20s and basically castrated from that shit and my cock looks like a 70 yo pornstars cock.

the toxic culture stemming in our moral values post world war 1.

everything is inverted to avoid a much deeper reality. therefore, people lose hope because meaning is lost in memes and shallow culture.

take some mdma in a controlled setting or out in nature. better yet psilocybin and stop watching tv

Especially the pop culture part. Pop culture is poison.

People are so desperate to be on top of the next new hip or in thing. Then that thing changes. Pop culture is literally chasing the magic dragon. Enjoy the high while you can.

queers n shit

Maybe but Im only in my 20s, I used to do it 3 times a week but cant anymore because I cant get hard.

Post a Dick Pic

did the Dr say its from ssri's?

Jews want all easily obtained drugs outlawed so they can sell pharmies like anti depressants. They make money along the whole chain from testing to prescribing. Heroin, coke, weed, all should be completely legal because they are easy to produce and that way we can cut out this massive drain of resources that we line Jew pockets with.

we closed all of our state asylums and did nothing to replace the framework

Because Schlomo Shekelberg has an agenda to push on the goyim. Are you a newfag?

SSRI = Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor, meaning that it reduces the amount of Seratonin that is basically fired twice.

Anecdotally, a lot of people on SSRIs feel more stablized in their mood, sometimes to the point of being a zombie. But SSRIs are designed to increase the sparks of interest. That's why SSRIs have an increased risk of suicide - not because you'll feel shittier, but because you're more likely to not be a zombie and act on those impulses.

So you're both kind of right, but it's a much more intricate issue.

Idk if I can on this board
I haven't seen a Urologist about it. I need to get my test measured. It's either from those SSRIs or chronic fapping. Either way I have terrible ED. An US already found a varicocele in my testicle which are notorious for killing testosterone.

>pharma companies are only in the US
you shills are too easy to spot, how many times are you going to recycle the r&d cost nonsense?

This is Sup Forums. If they allow pictures of nogs, Im sure your flaccid penis will be fine. Be sure to time stamp

the technology has improved dramatically over the past few decades. believe it or not, most doctors are actually well educated and well meaning people and the benefits of antidepressant are measurable and beneficial to our society

Are you joking? They aren’t well understood at all, it’s all a bunch of horseshit. Everyone knows that dosing on things like LSD, mushrooms and ketamine has a greater impact on fighting depression. Everyone. But their is no money in them. Finally we are starting to see trials get underway but still slowly and why? Jews make too much money as phsychiatrists.

If you believe in anything other than the complete legalization of drugs then you must be a fucking moron.


Microdosing LSD in cycles is fucking life changing

SSRI are crap that turns you into a fucking vegetative mode.
But on the.other hand Bupropion ( brand name : Wellbutrin ) works just as it should. Extra energy, motivation, more feelings.
But in Poland it is ten times more expensive that other antidepressants like setraline, fluo, etc.


no, its women. They drive us men nuts

I have generalized anxiety disorder and SSRI's seem to help without the racing thoughts. Been on it for about a year

Letting go of sex is a change for the better. It was never real. It's all squelching flesh.

I can say that lexapro helped quite well with my severe gad.. I've been off for 6 months now and my anxiety is back 2 fold.

which one do you take?

rollin for sertaline


Because society has opted for a Godless existence, and instead tries looking for the meaning of life in the best food, music, movie, or possession. Thing is, you can never get enough of what you don't need. It's a rabbit hole.


The red/blackpill has pushed me over the edge lads.

tell us your story

I've been almost a year on setraline 150mg/d and trazodone 150mg/d, it turned me into a robot without any passions, feelings, just nothing, void, emptiness. Then shrink on my demand changed setraline to fluoksetine for half a year, didn't help to improve my state either.
Changed shrink, get instead bupropion and trazodone for night, and it changed my life by 180 degree.
Now I'm going to swimming pool three times a week, make pushups, ride a bike to work. That energy just gives me a mega kick to life. I highly recommend to everyone bupropion, it helped me a lot.

I think money is more profound than any of that.

Moral decay, Lack of family unit and values, The abandonment of god, Living a life unfulfilled with out responsibility's and challenges. Men are told they can't be men, Women are told they can't be women.
So instead of looking inwards and fill the void you feel inside just fill it with a cheap imitation of happiness. Consume the latest entertainment mindlessly, Indulging your sexual frustrations. Humans have forgotten how to be human. Exercise, Get a job, Contribute to your community, Start a family, Find purpose, Interact with nature.

Weaponized Pharmacology courtesy of the Satanfags in the Solvay family.

if things don't change its all going to collapse.

That's odd. Trazadone turned me into a zombie.

Also, I need to point out that your outlook has been altered.

Really, one cannot validly ascribe a moral conclusion to all of reality. Life isn't that simple, sadly. I would advise finding a way to function despite the depression, though since taking those drugs, you are probably altered beyond repair (not speculative, though I don't have a source at the moment). Slowly re-wiring your brain into an unfeeling robot, then re-writing it again into... something else apparently... means you are no longer "you", but a product of the medication. Maybe we can say you have already killed yourself? I tend to think this, especially after a childhood of intense medication of everything late '90s-early '00s approved.

or the medication aligned his mind to his more natural state. if he is feeling better then it's a win win

I work in pharmaceuticals. It has to do with serotonin. Serotonin =/= happiness. Serotonin is 'motor oil' for the brain times of stress. People have more stress because they feel like they have less control over their lives. This is why we have 34 genders. It creates a system where you have to submit to another person's demands, by doing something you normally wouldn't do, calling them a different name/pronoun ect. It is because of the internet, it creates intimidating competition so people have to make up other things to feel special. All of this is a major simplification. I am not going to write a dissertation in this circle jerk of a chan. If any one is curious let me know, ask away.

It's due to a sedentary lifestyle full of luxury and a grass-is-greener outlook on life.


Iodine deficiency

The world is shit as always. People don't have threats to their daily life to keep them distracted and invigorated. That combined with the lack of purpose (dying religion, loss of concepts of honor, justice, morals) causes people to be rightfully cynical, depressed, and thus they get desperate and think a pill can cure them of their sadness.

It doesn't, suicide rates are still on the up and up.

There's a lot to be upset about. After 9/11 the good times were over, forever.


kikes. these things are the most dangerous type of (((medicine)))

post pic of dick veins or gtfo

empty meaningless comfortable lives