Anyone else here a minority that hates other minorities? How do you deal with it...

Anyone else here a minority that hates other minorities? How do you deal with it? I'm hispanic and I hate hispanic and black people. And it's not even a matter of wanting to be white I just literally can't stand them at all, to the point I don't want to be around them. Not gonna bother with the reasons but anyone else like this? Is this how self hating whites feel or is it much worse?

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Stop caring about anyone except you and your immediate community.

Youre a cuck

I hate my community tho
And how do you figure that?

No, its fine senior. White guy here. Look at it this way: You're above your race's average IQ.

They annoy you, they are shit, etc. a large part of the problem is that your people have been Jew'd. You need to lift them up. Go back to the country where your people call home, and build something.

Self hating whites are usually cringy autists. There's nothing wrong with wanting to distance yourself from people who act like degenerates. All you have to do is prove to them that your way of thinking is better by becoming successful instead of following them down their path, then really rub it in their faces. Lead by example if you want things to change or support ethnic cleansing. Both are great options

Because you side with ppl that want to remove/kill you

You should listen to this guy

White hispanic here.

I fucking hate indio shitskin amerindian "mexicans". You know the ones. The wetbacks that can't separate themselves from their home country, waving the flags, strutting around like roosters.

If you're a citizen of the U.S., your loyalties lie with this nation first and foremost.

Any fucking beaner piece of shit that can't speak english or has some beaner flag shit on their car deserves to be sent back.

>Is this how self hating whites feel ?

kek betrays us all by giving you those numerals

some straight up jew shit right here

i'm a US-born chinese with parents immigrated from Hong Kong. I hate other Chinese people so fucking much.

>Do what niggers do.

First post, kike post.

nigga what do you know of KEK

Fucking special snowflakes everywhere.
How pathetic,

If you hate yourself you can do a lot of damage. Try to live a long life.

I would guess it's because you are a very high IQ hispanic. And you are agitated by low intelligence. Racially, and typically, darker skin have lower IQs.
Doubt this is your case.
I'm white, but have tested at 164 IQ. I get very upset deep down at people. I don't show it. But everyone is so....STUPID. So trite. Petty. Small minded. Even animalistic.
But I see this with everyone regardless of race much of the time.
You see it as a racial thing because being hispanic you are probably around them more. Perhaps blacks too. But it's not race. You're probably just freakishly smart is all.
And yes, it sucks ass.

White Latino here, I totally agree. Growing up in the rural US I was blown away by their faggotry when I went to the city for college. They're barely better than niggers

I've met a lot of based Hispanics in LA of all fucjing places. More patriotic than most of the white cucks I know

Based black man checking in.

I hate niggers they ruin the community, black lives don't matter to them

For a good fucking reason. Your genetics is a bunch of shit that turns society into ugly disgusting goblins

It's not even that, I just don't even want to be around these fucking people anymore
Actually no I don't side with them. I detest nazis/white supremacists and consider them white trash niggers
What pisses me off are the people who come here, live here for x amount of years and do nothing but bitch and complain. Then why don't you move the fuck back if it's so bad? Oh right because wherever you came from is a fucking dump
Chinese people don't bother me, mainly because they keep to themselves and aren't annoying degenerates. Some of the strippers I've met aren't half bad either.

Kek is kek backwards... one of the many mysteries.

Forgot your proxy? Or did you troll farm manager approve posting directly from Russia IPs

You left out the aesthetic and behavioral parts which is a good indicator that you are not fucking White. White scum that must be sterilized doesn’t constitute an argument for multiracial society


Top fucking jej.

I seriously doubt it's because I'm way smarter than them. This hasn't really been a thing for me until about 2-3 years ago. But my hated has really grown to a new level this past year.

yeah, I'm white and hate everyone else here

>Forgot your proxy? Or did you troll farm manager approve posting directly from Russia IPs

Nope it's me again. And this is the kind of bullshit I'm talking about.


>I'm hispanic
Can't believe I'm the first one to say this in this thread, but... You have to go back.

I deal with it by keeping a job and generally being responsible with my money.
Due to family my life is too shit to ever achieve anything so I don't really focus on the big picture since I can change none if it.

What “bullshit”? Most of the US problems come from loss of strict in-group preference and sense of eugenic selection

>first one

I said it up there, rtft

>You left out the aesthetic and behavioral parts which is a good indicator that you are not fucking White.
That. Bullshit. I'm very fucking white thanks. Couldn't be more casper if I painted myself white.
> Most of the US problems come from loss of strict in-group preference and sense of eugenic selection
You mean more tribalism less multiculturalism? Agreed.

>Is this how self hating whites feel or is it much worse?
No, you're a normal American reacting to a shitty culture. In the case of self-hating libtard whites it's a sort of ideologically induced psychological disorder.

Fucking noice.

Muh dik

any first gen chinaman in the US

Then again to be perfectly honest I can't say I don't also hate whites.
I consider them honorless scum for the most part who's only saving grace is the fact that every now and then (more so than in blacks) a genius is born and can uplift the race at large. Their natural cowardice more than makes up for this perk though, leading them to fracture periodically and destroy their own societies.

yo, wtf her instagram says she's 15??

The app didn't work on her face, but it did a nice little X-ray job.

>reddit spacing
>thinks saying "go back to your country" = "you have to go back"


I'm ethnically Jewish (not religiously, I'm a fedora tipper) and I unironically hate ethnic Jews. I'm not a cuckold, I don't love whites. I just hate kikes. If I could wipe out every ethnic Jew on Earth, myself included, I would do it.

I honestly think you guys are a bunch of retarded losers but you're the only allies I have in my hatred of the eternal jew.

> But my hated has really grown to a new level this past year.
Elaborate if you like. Why? What are they doing to agitate you so?






body of a 15 year old feminist..

nice digits.

She's 15, what the actual fuck?

There's so many to list, but mainly blasting their fucking music at all times of day/night, driving around in ridiculously loud and obnoxious hondas, their political views, and how utterly retarded they can be in general. The women are hot but it doesn't make up for it.
Calm down pedro

I also mean literal gassing of about 1/10 of “Whites” in America for not being racist. We can’t get forward without cutting off the dead flesh that drugged us down into shit in the first place

Whatever she's giving off heavy signals.



This fucken butt mad 56%er. Holy shit I am laffin.

Don't hate them for who they are, hate how they are.

Wew lad

You hate blacks and Hispanics, but you don't hate the Jews? Truthfully, I think if blacks and Hispanics realized that half of rich people are Jews they would quickly learn to hate them. But they think all rich people are white. The thing with rich people is rich whites are the ones who create jobs, whereas rich Jews get rich by manipulating the economy. If a white person owns a business that hires people, they're paying an inflated price to the (((landlord))) with shekels borrowed with interest from a (((bank))).

You probably feel a lot worse than self-hating whites, but self-hating whites are objectively worse than minorities that realize how shitty minorities are.

Do you honestly think that's all true of what you have just said?

white hispanic here too. this guy knows what he's talking about. Nobody likes the indios, not even the mexicans do.

What do you mean? What about what I said is untrue? Honesty I feel like you just wanted an excuse to post this girl's ass

>mfw I have good-looking mexican friend at college
>mfw she admits that mexican people are stupid
>mfw she openly admits that she is racist against black people since she grew up near them
>mfw she says her entire family considers white people to be the apex model of success

I have a serious hatred for white liberals. I actually like right-wing latinos and texicans more.


fuck off
white liberals > shitskin conservatives.
id rather live in lefty norway than conservative mexico

>fuck off
>white liberals > shitskin conservatives.
>id rather live in lefty norway than conservative mexico

That's false equivalence of what I said dumbfuck


Spic here. I'm in the same boat and I hate the thought of race mixing, but I love white girls.

Fuck me...

Besides America and cultures with western european-style values - I don't relate.

I don't care for people creating cultural enclaves in the US like Asians and Hispanics do.

Hate is a strong word though, I would say I have an aversion to and strong contempt for them.

I have to point out that Japan and some Hispanic countries have adopted western liberal democracy and values to the point where they get a pass.

I also have to point out that African-American culture falls under the "contempt" class, even though they're homegrown they do away with what makes the west the best - that being a strong value on self-reliance, education, family, god and country. Even though they're from the south the nose-to-the-grindstone work ethic and values have completly escaped them. It's too bad. all other nigger-tier subcultures are included, white trash not omitted

I grew up in Southern California and you’ll never see a person who hates spics more than a white wash Mexican.

I'm not kidding either.
My neighborhood is white and liberal, safe, clean, rich, quiet, the shitskins are segregated away from us just like liberals like them.

>Giving a serious reply to this obvious pasta
kek fucking retards


It's not about ideology, retard Politics can shift easily, ethnicity/race can't. Nobody gives a shit about how many "based Hispanics" you know, in the end the US would still end up a shithole purely based on racial demographics.

>Actually no I don't side with them. I detest nazis/white supremacists and consider them white trash niggers
And out the door, faggot. White supremacy is what made US great. The founding fathers were all proud white supremacists. If you hate the founders of this country, and the leaders of it throughout most of its history, you can GTFO back to your brown "tolerant antiracist" shithole

Chink here, can't stand my own people at all, especially the fobs. I wake up each morning wondering if Asians are humans or programmed hive mind robots. Basically the most soulless boring people with no mind of their own incapable of empathy and abstract thought.

That's a great beksinski piece.

I'm Half Black and I hate other nogs.

I basically had to post that picture just for fun anyways

I don't think you hate Latinos and blacks directly, I think you probably just find their cultures to be gross.
I'm there with u m8

Why would he ever do that; he doesn't want to live with low IQ people

I'm mostly european (german/slavic) but I am a quarter Muslim (Levantine).

Fucking hate islam, and all the inbred muzzie religious ultra conservative loonies they're importing en mass into our nice western societies.

I'm not much of a racist by Sup Forums standards but I am not a fan of importing trillions of black migrants from Africa either given the deleterious IQ effects over generations.

Fortunately no one other than Sup Forums would describe me as non-white.

>How do you deal with it
I tell people how much I think muslims don't belong in our society and when they call me a bigot I remind them of my heritage. Love watching lib fuses blow.

niggers - caring about immediate community

korean here

Some black people are okay. Friendly. outgoing. well mannered, great conversationalists.
Most brown people are okay. Funny. Know how to laugh. down to earth.
White people are alright. Just stiff, and will talk your ear off.
Chinese people are barely human. I could kill them without flinching, but wouldnt feed their meat to my dog. Seriously if you are a chink - hong kong or not - I will stab you when shit hits the fan and leave you gurgling.
Japs have beautiful women, but pretend to be too complicated individuals. They are rather annoying to be around.
SEA - all good in my book. very down to earth people, expect simple things in life.

Hispanic here.

Proud of being hispanic but I do not buy into racial collectivism. any sort of race-based collectivism is fucking retarded and i've fucked so many white girls. stay mad pol

>Did you grow up poor?
>Are you short/dark?

Bring back the rooftop Koreans and my shit neighborhood can be saved

Fuck off Ivan.

I heard a beaner friend speak Spanish at home on multiple occasions. Told me point blank that he doesn't know spanish at all a few years later. I didn't care if he did, infact I thought it to be interesting. He said he was a spic-American, with a capital A. Kinda makes sense now. People either go all in or act like morons as the left encourages them to. Struck me as weird then. He was definitely the darker blend too.

The white mans burden was to spread the word of Jesus i believe and through the English empire they did so through colonial rule.
Whilst the ideals were there they couldnt resist greed and were brought down from within.
When done correctly i believe the western christian civilization is the best. When other religions and races bring their custom its no good. They have to completely let go of their old ways. Thing is after ww2 and the like the white man is now weak in themseles as they have been influenced by the multicultural agenda and fallen away from their customs by others outside influence. I think they just forgot.
Outsiders are more and more being an example of what the British brought to the world. Its now being eroded from within by people who claim victim for past tragedies but infact now have a better life for this.

This guy is not Russian. He is Mansi. This is siberian tribe something like your american indians.

I love how most reporters overlook the fact that they went up there to play noghunter

'defend my store' kek, no they wanted to put bullets in people.

What the fuck did you just say Ivan?

White guys couldn't give a fuck about any of it for the most part. We're just here for our families. Everyone else can eat a dick

and i say this because i know: most koreans are just waiting for you to give them a reason. theyd absolutely love for you to try something

its the reason i dont really trust my own kind

Hispanic isn't a race. It's meme so no one has to call Mestizos what they really are.

russian elon musk

I feel like the only turkroach that acts like a human...
>still h8 niggers ans joos tho

Choose one you degenerate asshole, can't have both.