Saw this in my University Gym
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Are soy boys the fucking worst?
I'd probably put a pepe over it
It's called co-ed intramurals faggot, you can be a pansy and play with other pansies (but ultimately get beaten by a Chad-team)
What a faggot
Are you sure that's not satire?
fucking kek
Sports shouldn't be competitive?
good god i dont know what to say to that, other than that is the stupidest thing ever
Nothing says aggressive heterosexual competition like women's badminton
Well you an fix that. Just pump him full of test and whey, a few hits to the head with a sledgehammer. Months and months at the gym. Plus lot's of sex with female concubines. He'll be good to go
that means it's a test shooting dyke
Just laugh out loud every time you walk by it
Team sports aren't really a heterosexual thing, they're an alpha male thing. Many alpha males are heterosexual, but a few are gay or bi. You're not going to get kicked off a team for being gay.
Aggression and competition are the point of team sports though. If you're not competitive enough to participate, great, don't play. I'm not very strong or competitive either, so I don't try out for any of my university's sports teams either. But don't go bitching about it on a fucking wall.
Cant even work out at the fuckin gym anymore
>team sports
>a bunch of sweaty dudes colliding with eachother
women are the worst
Translation. I was a girl, now I have an abomination-dick, but I'm about as male as Richard Simmons, and would get fucking killed in Americaan Football.
>I don't like to put effort into helping my team win and it's your fault
woman logic
>y are teams politicized
>transgender boys absolutely floor wymns teams because their bodies were originally raised with testosterone
>sports teams
>very heterosexual
It's fucking sweaty guys playing with balls then showering together, how the fuck is that "very heterosexual"?
This is actually an incredibly valid point- sports are IN NO WAY homosexual enough.
In fact, I DEMAND that all the players participating in the college football playoffs are forced to have gentle sex with each other at least once every five minutes.
It's the only way to create TRUE diversity.
I love playing sports, but if fags can get college athletics banned then I'm all for it just to see the outrage from the niggers when all those scholarships dry up.
There's always Turkish oil wrestling.
Glad based college is aware that team sports is literally not for faggots
"sports are competative"
"sports are competative"
"sports are competative"
The only reason this quote is on the wall is because of the word heterosexual is in it and some SJW who thinks this transexual has uttered some quotable profound wisdom. Too bad people who think this have been around since the beginning of time. Just ask any middle aged woman or some passive guy how he feels about sports. Guarantee you will get the same answer as this irrelevant tranny, without the sexualization of sports of course.
>team sports
I've heard plenty of credible stories about the WNBA and dykes. There is an avenue for almost everybody.
Just because some mutilated abomination wants to play in a men's league doesn't mean they physically or mentally can or even should.
The fact that bathhouses can be very homosexual, aggressive and competitive has kept me from participating.
sports are fucking gay
>I’m so alpha bruh
>now come over and fuck me in the anus and then put your shit covered dick in my mouth until you spooge on my face
Women’s badminton is actually full of aggressive dyke chink competition
>very heterosexual
well, most people are fucking straight aren't they?
>aggressive and competitive
sports are physical contests aren't they?
jfc america
There’s literally nothing turkey can’t fag up
>even based thanksgiving
>team sports are heterosexual
What the fuck does this even mean? Ive never seen competitive fuck teams.
and to think I stayed out of sports because I thought it was for fags
>trans male
If you dont think there werent at least 3 fags on your high school football team you're delusional
>Is a """""male"""""
>Still complains like a bitch
There's nothing that these people even try to create. Their whole lives are about destroying things and stopping others from having fun.
good, stay the fuck out soyboys
Not a team sport
>grown men tackling each other and slapping each other on the ass
Sports are like the gayest thing on earth, seriously
>competitive sports is too competitive
It’s not for him/her/it. Stick to the elliptical
My thoughts?
As an Iraq Combat Medic?
The men who believe in honor, honesty, dedication, and integrity should fight in the classroom and flush these pedophile liberals and traitors out of the classroom.
These ignorant animals, (liberals), have sucked the jewish cock and invaded the colleges and universities. Men like me need to flush these subhumans out of school so that we can influence the children of tomorrow.
just let them die, they won't reproduce
The problem is radical left faghags who push for this shit. Without them, the faggot brigade wouldn't be much of a constituency at all.
did you ever wrestle your friends? it's not gay. you might just be a faggot bro. competition is the least gay thing in the world.
uh team sports are super gay
"Literal competition events are too competitive"
--mentally ill faggot
Someone should have wrote "good" underneath.
The fact that life can be very heterosexual, aggressive and competitive has kept me from participating
t. tranny
yah they're faggoty but in a good way that promotes good health and virility.
i hate when people post white cats because the last one i saw as at a relative's and it had face cancer. now all white cats look like it to me
>sports are competitive and this is bad
looks like sports aren't for you, because every single sport in existence is a fucking competition and if it wasn't, then it wouldn't be a sport
Of course there are fags everywhere. It’s the job of alpha males to identify them and make them an hero through shame and osctracism.
Policing the gene pool is the chadigorical imperative
>the fact that team sports can be... competitive
no fucking shit?
Why the fuck do you faggots reply to this kind of shit.
This board use to have decent threads.
Obviously this person has no idea what the fuck it's like to play team sports.
I also like a bit of soy bean sometimes so everybody shut the fuck up and choose another food item PLEASE
go make a decent thread
Gosh, I wonder if 3 board splits had anything to do with it? /biz/ /his/ /news/ hmmmm
t. soyboy
Goyim's Gym
Keep up the good work I guess
How are they hetero?
That's amazing Mexibro.
>free speech is a defenseless woman with her head down
>antifa is the predator with the knife
just fucking stupid, awful propaganda.
Why the fuck did they put that on the wall? They actually think that sports would be improved if they were more opposite of those things?
soy is nutritious, just eat it with meats and carbs and you'll be fine
Keep sports great!
Yes. Sport has always been heteronormative and aggressive. Why can't we participate in fighting to the death?
Funny thing is sport is a competition and the only thing that trans people are competitive about is suicide rates. They should sort themselves out.
They've dominated the teachers colleges and education departments for two full generations... More notable ones before that.
A disaster is when 4/5 vote Democrat...
Thank fucking god I'm less than a month away from graduation.
Antifa. Just like the african american community, hides behind the police.
Give anarchy a chance, and we would fucking eradicate you mother fuckers off this planet along with your dying religion known as "political correctness" and "liberalism".
Since you'll accuse me of white supremacy I'll throw this shit in for free.
happy ending
So which one is it?
Maybe Trump's support for people like Betsy Devoss who devote their lives to destroying public education has something to do with public school teachers not voting for him.
I mean, I wouldn't vote for somebody whose stance threatens my job.
>college teams full of niggers on handegg/throwhoop scholarships where they get free degree in exchange for playing on college team
>complain about the aggressiveness an homophobic attitude of the sportsball teams
raciss ass cracka soyboys
>"people like Betsy Devos who devote their lives to destoying public education"
charter schools
muh teachers union manditory fees
muh unfirable inept public school teachers
muh keeping kids in failing public schools
Yeah. Like I said.
If you threaten people's jobs, they won't vote for you. Shocker, right?
And although public schools aren't always great, there's no incontrovertible evidence that they actually perform better than public schools, or even that they are more cost effective for the taxpayer.
Pretty sure only the tops are alphas.
soy lowers your testosterone and makes you a soyboy
>Cuntboy wants to play with male sport team
Why? At least you'll get reamed in the showers.
>And although public schools aren't always great, there's no incontrovertible evidence that they actually perform better than public schools, or even that they are more cost effective for the taxpayer.
being this ignorant
Charter schools introduce an unprecedented level of accountability into public education. If a
charter public school is not improving student achievement as laid out in its charter agreement, it can be closed down. This is not the case for district-run public schools, where failing schools often undergo school improvement and turnaround measures for years, while generations of children continue to receive a subpar education.
On average, charter schools receive less public funding than district-run public schools.
The largest national study of charter school performance was conducted by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) at Stanford University in 2013. Researchers found that overall, students in charter schools are outperforming their district-run school peers in reading, adding an average seven days of learning per year, and performing as well as students in district-run public schools in math. A 2015 CREDO study by found that students enrolled in urban charter schools gained 40 additional days of learning in math
per year and 28 additional days in reading compared to their district school peers. In both studies, results were more pronounced for minority students from low-income backgrounds, and the results increased the longer a student was enrolled in a charter school.
Isn't this the whole point?
How does it feel to know you've succumbed to Jewish programming and are now conditioned to react to every male activity and male space by calling it gay?
There is nothing more manly than physical competition.