You guys are all on board this hollywood sex scandal train right now, because it's fun, it's exposing their hypocrisy...

you guys are all on board this hollywood sex scandal train right now, because it's fun, it's exposing their hypocrisy, it's bringing down rich liberals who have sanctimoniously shat on you for years. i get it. it's fun right now.
but pretty soon you're going to wish you'd listened to people like me when they tell you that this isn't going to end well for you. this isn't going how you think it's gonna go. not leading down the road you think it is.
this is going to end in every sexual act or overture, including simply asking a woman out on a date, on the part of a man being labelled as a "crime" and make no mistake, this is the beginning of something that will ABSOLUTELY _ DEVASTATE _ YOUR _ LIFE and it will ruin your happiness whether you are a MALE or a FEMALE. make no mistake.
a LOT of the behavior we already consider "criminal" today was legal and normal and accepted in the very recent past, and both men and women were happier in those days, just remember that kids.
i may not be that old, but i've been around politics for a very long time and i've seen how these things play our. you're all making the wrong call right now

>this isn't going to end well for you
I'm not a rapist of beta male so I think I'll be fine, cheers fag.


you'll be labelled one. you're digging your own grave right now, same way sanctimonious hollywood liberals and guys like al franken dug their own graves by poisoning our culture with their own rhetoric, all the while being too stupid to understand how they were harming themselves

This is what you get for interacting with 3dpd

You think this is all new but it's not new, stop being a lil poofter.

right because "rape culture" wasn't a feminist talking point for years before this recent outburst in sexual assault scandals and "feminism" clearly wasn't a jewish tactic to destroy the west, right?

oy vey yourself

im sorry, tons of public sex accusations and scandals the way we've been seeing in the past few months, since weinstein? no. that's not old. that's all new. yes that is 100% new and nobody with half a brain will ever believe you saying otherwise. that's not a piece of wool you can pull over anyones eyes

Damn, how many women have you raped soyboy?


so beta. real men and fuckable women don't pay any attention to this over-socialized, politicization of sexual advances, it's a bunch of jealous ugly people and the virtue-signalers vying for power over them.

you all better screencap my post and remember it, esp if you think it's really "stupid and jewish" or whatever, cuz the hammer is about to fall on all of us, whether we're rapists or sexual predators or just ordinary men who have asked women out or engaged in normal flirtatious behavior. this is just the beginning of a massive cultural shitstorm that's going to rob you of any sort of pleasant or free future you once might have had. once more the conservatives and right-wingers play right into the hands of the feminists, lured by virtue signals

In case you're too stupid to understand why we are pushing this, the reason is 2 fold. 1. It takes down a bunch of pervs on the Left, some on the Right too. 2. It drives feminism to a whole new level of insanity. This is not sustainable and it will cause a massive backlash eventually and the whole thing will come crashing down.

>A son
when the fuck does that ever happen?

im married with 2 white sons, how will this effect me fagit?

#metoo i was sexually harassed by a fat chick at the swimming pool when i was 12. always trying to drown me and shit. probably why i only get hard to skinny chicks.

oh yeah, you think michael jackson or bill clinton or the 1 or 2 sex allegations a year was some how on par with what's going on now? REALLY? you REALLY think this stuff was going on before the weinstein story broke a few months ago? REALLY? i mean are people really THIS in the dark? god i hope you're at least a kid, and just genuinely have no frame of reference on the past

>t. Pedophile scared about what's going to come out.

You realise that’s going to happen regardless? May as well enjoy the ride.

Tell that to Sylvester Stallone.

>Son, Big Brother
Those are crimes, but not simply due to a lack of consent.

i am not the stupid one. i KNOW that's what you think but what i'm telling you is that you clearly haven't been around in politics long enough to learn how these things go. this isn't going to end the way you think it will. this isn't going to "disgrace feminism" and make people think "oh my god, look, feminism is bad". this is going to end up revitalizing the movement, demonizing male sexuality and screwing everything you want and hope for over in the future

that's exactly what i'm talking about. anons here don't understand the level of insanity of these people. you're all playing right into their games. you think feminists are really "shaking in their boots" over this issue? they aren't. this is exactly what they want. go to any feminist website, they're blogging about it like crazy.

it will effect you, faggit, when your sons are sent to prison for 10 years because they were flirting with a girl in a way that used to be considered normal and healthy for sexually active teenage boys

i've hit on no women. in fact, even though i'm not a virgin, even in communist land i'm still technically a virgin.

they are 3 and 5... this will have blown over by then and they will be alphas bringing in the 4th reich

a lot of people dont hit on women these days because the act has been so vilified by society and it's now borderline criminal. this entire "sex scandal" narrative is playing right into the hands of the people who want to criminalize more of your behavior simply because you're an "evil white male" and all of that. at least 30 years ago you would have been hitting on women. you might have been rejected a bunch, but you could have hit on them and you wouldn't have been afraid of any negative consequences. and hell once in a while you probably would have gotten lucky. that's where the phrase "got lucky" came from, beta kids who hit on women until eventually one of them felt like they were in the mood to sleep with him. that was "getting lucky" nowadays that behavior is called "harassment" and is basically criminal. that's one of many reasons why we have such a neurotic populace, full of depression, suicide and SSRI's. people are abused by society

>Hollywood jews can't mercilessly rape any woman they want anymore so you better be afraid to ask a woman out or have perfectly consensual sex


feminism is a conservative plot to make sex only legal if you are married

>this is the beginning of something that will ABSOLUTELY _ DEVASTATE _ YOUR _ LIFE and it will ruin your happiness whether you are a MALE or a FEMALE. make no mistake.
Do you know where you are? Do you even know what a NEET is? MGTOW? Fuck off, Geffen.

blown over? what's blowing over? this has been a steady move in the direction of left-wing authoritarianism for over 50 years now. what's going to "blow over"? what do you really think is going to happen? and in your ultra-authoritarian nazi utopia, do you really think that behavior will be looked on any better? and do you really think you're going to get your "nazi utopia" anyway, considering 90% of the US population thinks its ok to "punch nazis", and even more in europe? wake up dude. you're grossly detached

Except the endless whining and accusations leveled at men are going to result in a massive backlash, as dozens upon dozens of liberals and Hollywood elites get caught. No one is going to be safe, which will eventually cause people to fight back.

much of the behavior they are "accused" of is behavior that should be legal and at one time would have been considered normal and fine in our society. like banging secretaries? that used to be totally ok. it's obviously only right to give a secretary a raise after she gives you a blowjob, so there was an exchange of goods and services. its the same thing with banging women in exchange for multi-million dollar movie contracts

the only thing that's been accomplished is that you've been fooled by feminism into thinking that a woman sucking dick for 20 million dollars is a fucking victim

but oh yeah im the joo

i see your statement and all i can think is "this guy is new to politics. this guy just recently became politically aware and doesn't have concept of how things like this ACTUALLY play out, VS how it would maybe be SENSIBLE for things to play out".

if people had sense bro, you wouldn't be in this situation to begin with, just remember that

Agreed, it's already been slowly happening for the past few years. Ask a girl out on a date? Rape. Introduce yourself and shake her hand? Rape. Open a door for a girl? Rape. By giving in to the opportunity and presuming guilt without evidence just because we don't like some people... we've opened Pandora's box in terms of normie interaction. We already knew that many women wielded this kind of thing as a weapon. It's the fact that the sex scandals and the presumed guilt in the public eye will now plant the seed in many more women's minds that they can make shit up and ruin innocent guy's lives. In other words, that fake sexual harassment/assault we knew already went on is about to go mainstream.

Who the fuck asks women out anymore when dating sites exist, and who hits on women at the bar when tinder exists. So what if catcalling and approaching women romantically at random will be looked down on. It is easier than ever to find a whatever you are looking for in a partner, and thats good. Sluts can fuck around all they want on hookup apps without tricking nice people trying to find somebody to settle down with. Everybody gets what they ask for because consent is evolving.

I know that sounds like femnazi shit or something, but it is what is happening. It is actually more capitalist than anything. The marketplace of sex is modernizing, and just like nobody goes to the store for shit they can buy on amazon, nobody is going to the club. Everybody has a much higher chance now of getting exactly what they want out of a relationship, they can see who you are and what you want before you even meet.

In a way this was inevitable anyway. How else do you reconcile women in the workplace/society other than just removing all romantic/sexual dynamics. You can blame whoever you want for it, but at the end of the day romance ruins everything, so why shouldn't it go away. We aren't losing anything.

>yeah im the joo
Yeah, we know.

Listen to the man.

We are fucking coming.

Alt-leftist here. I'm giddy as shit because the gleeful skinhead right still doesn't realize how hard we're ramming it up their asses every second they spend on rape.

Keep it up, boys.



Go ahead.

Accuse a few more Democrats of high crimes and misdemeanors. Let them know what predators look like. Shout it from the rooftops because Republicunts have done a hundred times worse, and you fucking know it, too.

Soon Donald Fuckface will be impeached, convicted, and imprisoned for his undeniable sex crimes.

Soon the Big Blue Wave elects a few more piranha women who WILL, unequivocally, chop your small white balls off.

Soon we'll have a new tool to throw the book at any cuckservative. Any rapist. Any man.

Soon you'll do hard time in Pound Me In The Ass prison just for looking at women the wrong way.

And the day that happens, on the glorious, beautiful day when the culture has shifted so fucking far our way that we can annihilate capitalism, whiteness, and Jesus just by yelling BOO, you'll know true Red Terror.

We're bringing Stalin back, fuckboys. Mao is coming too. Try and fucking stop us - just try!

Feminist courts will literally send men to disappear you in the middle of the night if you've ever so much as said "nigger" just once on the internet.

I can't wait to crush your balls until you fucking SCREAM, right wing maggots.

>i may not be that old
>i've been around politics for a very long time
make up your mind, faggot

>I know that sounds like femnazi shit or something, but it is what is happening
it sounds like femnazi shit because it IS femnazi shit, that's exactly the world they intentionally engineered. and it IS happening and you are supporting it.

you're sitting here basically saying that im right. that everything i'm saying is already coming true (it is) and accepting that this will only accelerate the damage. and then looking around at the world, seeing how miserable people are these days, how neurotic, how dependent on drugs and medicine they are, how fat, how anxious, how suicidal they are, and all of the negative effects these changes in our culture have precipitated, you're seriously going to throw your hands up in the air and say "who cares"

ok bro, i think you've just got your head in the sand cuz its easier to just bend over and take it with some lube then to face the problem head on.

>leftists getting violent
If you were just a bit more thanhalf my weight or had ever thrown a punch at someone, then maybe my sides wouldn’t be so high up in orbit.

yup. every year it gets worse and worse and worse. is it any wonder that people are just keepign their heads down focused on their phones? is it any wonder that so many people retreat to their internet and online world? you have this kid here saying "oh who cares if people don't talk face to face anymore, it's BETTER to ask them out online!" i mean, he MUST be a young kid with no concept of WHAT HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM HIM. no concept of THE LIFE THAT WAS STOLEN FROM HIM. things were so much better in the world when people weren't AFRAID of eachother, and when we just talked, and interacted, and if you asked a girl out and she said "no" then it was no big thing

Shut up Weinstein. The majority of us aren't going to be waving our flacid man boobs at women as end detainment. So I think we'll be just fine.

>Feminist courts will literally send men to disappear you in the middle of the night
as if they'd be able to agree on the veredict

You're talking to Sup Forums. Aren't we all virgins?

>seeing how miserable people are these days, how neurotic, how dependent on drugs and medicine they are, how fat, how anxious, how suicidal they are

explain to me how any of these are caused by the social shift away from public courting?

every girl I've ever been with that I met and asked out in person has been a lying whore who had a boyfriend or husband. Online women are much easier to do background checks on.

bro, we are living in weimar... drastic change is at the forefront. i understand you concerns but change is on the horizon.

Nah this is going to end with Men not taking Women seriously anymore. More Women dying alone than we already have, and mostly beta outliers being jailed for trying to raise another mans kid. Women are crying wolf and eventually no one will care.

lets see how far this rabbit hole goes

satire, but accurate
i know what this is all about for someone like YOU. let me do some armchair psychology here:
you're an anxious guy, maybe autistic. you never made it with a girl. you've always been too nervous to talk to them. you see better looking guys and more successful men going after women and being accepted by them and it makes you resentful and angry. so now you're happy to see that sort of behavior become criminal.

well in all of your hatred and resentment and insecurity you're losing sight of the fact that YOUR rights are getting buried too, along with the rights and futures of any children you may one day miraculously manage to father

>this is the beginning of something that will ABSOLUTELY _ DEVASTATE _ YOUR _ LIFE and it will ruin your happiness whether you are a MALE or a FEMALE. make no mistake.

The vanities must burn!

All it is: a bunch of Hollywood kikes and DC fags suddenly have to play by the same rules everyone else already has to follow. Sexual harassment regs aren't exactly new.


All sex is rape anyways. Rape in unwanted sex right? Well the girl doesn't want the sex, she wants the things she gets for the sex. So all sex is rape.
Also, out of the millions of species on the planet, only human males are not allowed to mate. Girls are going to lose their minds when they stop receiving male attention. Pocket pussies are a great investment.

we want fresh blood
if it comes out that every republican is an offender, then draining the swamp just turned into a whirlpool.

the more sexual deviancy perpetrated by the current regime we expose, the faster the trump train goes. Enjoy the ride!

>explain to me how any of these are caused by the social shift away from public courting?
you really don't see how deep seeded neurosis about the most fundamental social interaction on the planet (between men and women) causes social isolation, depression, SSRI use and all of the rest? wow i'm trying to be nice in this thread but that is laughable ignorant and stupid not to be able to see the clear and obvious and indisputable connection.
hey, maybe you'll be happy when you're 50 and alone though, huh? and believing that children are better off not being able to mix with one another and interact with one another in the ways that they've been biologically programmed to do for hundreds of thousands of years

this desu senpai

Your typical working stiff has known that society's tolerance for his sexual pursuits is minimal for a long time. It's the previously immune who now have to worry about following rules too.

I never interact with women.


no. there are no parallels between this society and weimar. we aren't racially homogenous, we don't have a public that would even come close to supporting an Adolph Hitler, there are technological differences that are important. there are totally different sets of values and cultural norms here. no. just no. you're deluded if you genuinely think we are living in weimar. we're more like tsarist russia if anything

all we need to do as men is just stop fucking girls. say that its rape to fuck them. they'll quiet down about it eventually. we must all prepare for a good, long, nofuck

fuck off rapist

>we're more like tsarist russia

>not dating dickgirls exclusively and using them to cast shade on wo(mb)men?

>All politicians who have ever gone near a member of the opposite sex get hammered with innumerable allegations of sexual misbehavior
>Only KHV wizard candidates can successfully weather survive this tactic and win campaigns
>Society becomes ruled by a caste composed of its least socially adept members
>Autismocracy achieved

They're running headlong into our trap.

yup. you want to know what the future is like? that's it. that picture. maybe some of the labels might change. the right might even accomplish mainstreaming itself enough so that yesterdays "male feminists" now end up calling themselves "conservatives", but they're going to be the same psychosis and they're going to make your life just as much a living hell. only they'll be a lot more successful when you actually play into their games, the way the right is doing right now.

sexual freedom and liberation is actually the key to the future of this republic. and i don't mean that in the "Free love" hippie sense of the word, i mean that in the sense of understanding that normal, healthy sexual tension and behavior is normal and healthy and not criminal

>Implying she knows

She wishes.

>reddit spacing

we virgins are going to be so envied. lmao



they are trying to fundamentally destroy male/female relationships, primarily among whites
they are ramping the hysteria into overdrive and the results are going to be disastrous

for one thing, the people of germany could look at the bolshevik revolution and communism and see how horrible it was and say "we don't want that". there's nothing analogous to that now. you have about

Your Freudian view of the world is childish and pathetic. You are a weak ass man if you think a man's most fundamental social interaction is with a women. A man is not defined by a relationship with a women, a man is defined by his relationship with his family, mostly his father, his relationship with authority, and his relationship with God. The shift is actually returning men to his natural roots, where if a man wants a wife he goes and finds one, and if a man wants to fuck he goes and gets it. Even the most beta males can get sex regularly nowadays thanks to the internet.

The problems today do not come from the social changes between men and women, but the decades long assault on the family, the father, religion, and the replacement of all authority figures during development with women. Female teachers contribute more to these problems than the switch from pickup lines to DMs.

I'm a 35 year old virgin. What exactly dose this society offer me? And thats just me.
I can see normies and the wider population hate it now too.

Only autistic right-wingers will be able to get into power and it will be beautiful. The left is the ones embracing degeneracy and defining themselves by how many women they sleep with. Who do you think this is going to bite in the ass more?

>this is going to end in every sexual act or overture, including simply asking a woman out on a date, on the part of a man being labelled as a "crime"
joke's on you, dude. I'm no Chad, so this has been just the way it is for me all my life. I simply ended all association with women more than a decade ago. Never even been kissed and never will be, and no fucks given.

>i see a doctor, a scientist...

what you just wrote makes no fucking sense
you failed miserably in drawing a parallel between current US and tsarist russia
and whatever shit you're high on you should probably stop doing

hey, but fun larping, user/10

>Rape is more than the ugly guy in my apartment building that I painfully have to share the hallway with
>hes a boyfriend, son, brother, any man I know

Jesus fucking christ.

The two parties will become shrewish spinster catladies on the left and autistic permavirgins on the right... and it will be glorious! Elizabeth Warren vs. The Report of the Week guy

cool bro, i mean you are basically sitting here bold faced trying to tell me that society is unaffected by the destruction of sexual and romantic relationships, and that its not playing any role in an increase in depression, neurosis, prescription drug use, suicide or any of the other measurable metrics that have been on the consistent uptick over the years as this change has taken hold over our society and frankly it's just a really stupid argument.

there's discussions you can try to be fair and nice and provide facts and make good arguments about, but this is just something that's really stupid and disconnected with the most fundamental fabric of reality and human nature that you're suggesting. probably autism-driven IMO, but who knows. either way have fun with your weird beliefs about people and gaslighting for democrat endorsed marxist change in our culure

So we should let child rapists (and worse further up the power chain) get away with it all?


OP is shilling, but I'll treat this semi-seriously.

Is correct. You can't sustain public hysteria forever. Backlash is inevitable. There are so many accusations by so many people so frequently that people are going to start viewing it as fabrication. They'll become fatigued with the whole thing and dismiss it as feminists going wild.

There's a reason 'rape culture' is referenced as an utter joke by normies at large. We push it hard and fast now because we know it's all bullshit. We want to topple as many leftists as possible before people start tuning out.

'A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.'

It'll become like the stories of orphans in Africa. Once upon a time seeing an infomercial of some sad little nog kid would tug whitey's heartstings. Now it just irritates people.

>We ask no quarter
>We have no quarter

This society is shit. It needs to burn.

I want something else please. I don't care if I'm poorer. I want something more wholesome and healthy.

>you stupid goyim had better cool it if you know what's good for you

Its all a ploy to get everyone aboard the "muh feelz for rape victims train" with the last stop being an all out sexual allegation war on Trump.
Digis will confirm.

Feminists are our allies. A win for them is a win for us. They are the cement in the bucket around the ankles of this shithole country. I'm just gonna chill while they meltdown.

Jokes on you, I am never alone with a female.

i've never claimed society "offered" you anything, i've only tried to tell you that this new thing, this sex scandal thing, isn't going to be used to drive home the point to "the normies" that you want it to and that you think it should. quite to the contrary, it's going to be used to further demonize you and rob you of more of your freedoms and social leeway

It's not like we decided to this dumb shit. They introduced the rape culture, everyone's a rapist stuff, and now they are hoisted on their own petard. We didn't start this, we're just laughing at them blowing themselves up.

Also right-wing women are trustworthy and understand male-female relations more. Pushing this narrative may hurt the occasional right-winger but it'll absolutely destroy the left. This is a risk I'm willing to take (and the risk is pretty big with me because I've slept with quite a few women). As long as it destroys the left, I'll be ok with being a martyr if need be.

So wait the board full of r9k tier people is worried about roasties doing the same shit theyve been doing for a good long while now.

False accusations, ruining a mans career, etc... We all know about this shit and no one here is under any illusion that its fair or just.

Acceleration ism, that's what we need. I want betas and chads getting fucking annihilated by this feminist bullshit nonstop. Because when everyone is an evil misogynist racist sexist pig no one is, then we can finally begin putting the pieces back together of our fucked up civilization.

We are simple meme farmers tending to our memes, what could we losers in our basements possibly do??

It's the good old "I'm going to make you smoke every cigarette in this pack" strategy. The left spews endless bullshit about what has to be done. Let them see what living up to those demands requires.

Good thing I'm celibate

Go to bed Jared

>dear Sup Forums
>if you don't stop listening to reports of Jewish crimes
>you will NEVER HAVE SEX
>ever think of that? hunh? hunh? well didja?
This is less our brilliance and more their real life weekday evening sitcom self-defeating stupidity.

you haven't provided a single fucking argument, you just say things are bad and this is different so it MUST be because of this.

First of all, there is no destruction of sexual and romantic relationships, just a shift away from the public to the private and online. You'd see that if you weren't just a monkey brained nigger. But no, your ape brain can't possibly comprehend talking to a women with any purpose other than to impregnate and then abandon, so the shift to online interactions scares your black ass senseless because it will make it easier for women to track you down for alimony.

Can't believe I wasted so much time trying to discuss something with a baboon. God I hate sharing a country with you shitskins.

Hello, fellow wizard.

>stealing government memes
oy vey you're a bad goyim