Pretty princess needs to get what she wants at all times or it's the end of the world

>pretty princess needs to get what she wants at all times or it's the end of the world

Kyon should have punched her.

>I was having fun
wow, what a revelation. fucking bore. you have to be on the spectrum to think this show is anything more than perpetual high school fun times.

It adds to her appeal in my opinion. You must work hard for Haruhi's heart.

You losers didn't think it would be easy to date god did you?

>anime women deserving any less than the goddess treatment

Grow a pair you insecure loser.


haruhi is not a goddess or anything

Kyon is

>Haruhi is innately rational and skeptical, and when told of the truth she immediately denies it
>Kyon is a daydream in denial and longs for something interesting to happen to him, but the moment he claims to give up on his fantasies is also the moment when those fantasies become real via Haruhi
>The never ending summer was finished not by Haruhi getting what she wants, but by Kyon getting what he wants

Although personally, I think they're both God.

Two halfs, same coin.

There's no god. Koizumi and Tachibana are on drugs. Haruhi is just a mildly powerful reality warper.

all the characters in haruhi are shit

I'm a huge haruhi fan but I can't deny that. Aside form Kyon all other characters are cliché af and don't really matter.
But the story is still God tier.

>pretty princess needs to get what she wants at all times or it's the end of the world
looks like you'd better not cum too soon

That's why nagato is the superior choice.

But Asahina is the only shit character

Sure, because theres no S3 and no Sasaki.

shes not a petty princess though. shes a wide-eyed young dreamer with a lust for life. and to encourage her is to encourage that spirit which is most noble within all of us; our own better nature that we are conditioned to repress. which is particularly repressed within japanese society.

That's exactly why it's so good.

>a lust for life

and cock


Dear god how is something even allowed to be that hot


>calling Kyon a pretty princess

This series is such a piece of shit. It only appeals to omega cuck autists. As a delta cuck autist I find it repulsive.

It's only cuck if you were a koizumi fan though?

Everyone who wants to make love to Haruhi is a "Koizumi" to Kyon

I can rest in peace now


>implying the whole lot of them weren't chuuni fucks just pretending to be gods, espers and time travellers.

Nothing wrong with that, Haruhi deserves whatever she wants