

So this is the power of shit


That is all Mr. Shits from the last 7 years

Our women are stronger than your poo army


designated shitting streets

The smell.. I can't even imagine

Perfectly healthy soy-consuming übermenschen

Vegans - 1, Meat eaters - 0

>Soy consuming
Projecting much?
Typical ugly americans your wooman is manly and ugly mongrel

Can tourists use the shitting streets or is it just for citizens?

she'd be awesome for a handjob

We have 24×7 marts for our tourists.

Is that your PM?
>this is what happens when you use your hands to wipe your ass

>not being on the pooce (or should I say pooids?)

Moreover like pooids on steroids to stretch their dicks from 1 inch to 2 inch.

>Pathetic coward hiding behind memeflags talking nonsense about anyone
You can't hide your inferiority with a memeflag.

All that designated squatting really strengthen your core.


And you cant hide your 1 inch dicks inside pants.(ROFL)
I speak for entire white race motherfucking pajeet
Get outta Canada

Stop projecting. I hate bragging about dick size so I'm not gonna tell you my size. Fuckoff keep believing in dicksize myths and stay hidden like a pathetic coward.

Trigerred pajeet with 1 inch


>I hate bragging about dick size
I can't imagine why, asian boy.

there is no white race

There is and these pajeets are polluting Canada,moving here in large numbers working groceries,driving taxis,working at call centers etc etc.May be you are leftist so you are happy about them coming here but i am not.
Working at bare minimum and polluting everything.
Atleast me and my friends want them outta here.We hate these pajeets with blind passion.


Those guys are ugly desu

>tfw you can't do 50 reps of squats while pooing

Alex Jones is a poo?
the more you know

lol even bodybuilder indians don't look powerful and manly

did they get that strong from removing toilets?