How do we fix white women?
How do we fix white women?
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we've gotta make them 2D somehow
Who cares, AI gf are happening in a decade
We cut off their reproductive organs, that'S pretty much what fixing means
Impregnate them. Dick them down...duh!!!
Make Shame Great Again.
we don't, it's all over
Send in Franken
KEK. thanks to whoever made the image
I agree confirmation bias user. wamen r such stuped whores lets spend all day on the interbutt and talk about this while patting ourselves on the back like we're doing something meaningful by going our own way
Zyklon B
Give up on them and start building sexbots/artificial wombs
Stop fucking them before you're married
KEK! That image will haunt him for the rest of his life, and we will make sure of it, we need a name for this groping picture.
The only way to fix them is for white fathers and husbands to hit them when they misbehave, and to shoot the kikesquads that try to arrest them for it.
Grab N Go
Give them to mudslims. They will teach them how to respekt a man and soon roasties will beg for white betas.
>tfw no ai gf
>that posterior
that's a man, baby
The men in the past had their time taken up mostly by work and that made them have little room for women's shit
Nowadays men gravitate towards passive activities and because their have more free time, they are easier to manipulate
So bitches do what they want because there is no one to keep them in reality check territory
Add to that the education system encoding boys to become white Knights no matter what, that you can never insult a woman even if she is a prostitute because it would hurt their feelings
Stop inflating their egos.
Stop telling them they're "beautiful"
Stop giving them attention
you're a bad troll.
the right way is to beat them and take away voting rights, the wrong way is to find a way to reason with them
No way to fix them. Easiest way to advance the white race at this point is to make abortions for whites illegal and rape legal between a white man and a white woman.
Also the destruction of testosterone in males all in the name of protecting females
Ignore the ones that suck, only go for the ones that don't and be patient.
>the shit ones will keep complaining and die off and won't marry until they're barren.
We can do it through kigurumi
Fuck them
Who dis bitch is doh?
By blacking them with superior African cock
lol being a woman's bitch on behalf of the state is awesome!11
We dont because we cant. Our only chance is to make sure future generations aren’t corrupted
best timeline
Give the attractive white women to the Chinaman
fix the white manchildren so women have something to respect
Fix urself
Of course! Fix men so this lovely landwh- I mean, empowered womyn won't have to settle!
Still would.
Somebody who gets it.
We need to put them in concentration camps.
Good thought. I like it.
Start hitting them like Jap,Asians,Muslim and Pajeet men.Their women are so afraid that they will poop in their pants.
Fuck her and stop being sensitive to them like gays.
Fuck them hard and say that "you are fucking slut , now go and make me a breakfast,dinner and if they resist just spank that ass"
They will be beaten and whipped. Daily. Over the gate will say 'Rape Macht Frei' and white men can just go in at any time and abuse them and discipline them.
The decent, virginal, obedient women will be at another camp: Wifenau - where they will be protected and taught advanced cooking and sewing etc. That way we raise a knew generation of healthy, suitable mothers, who don't get spoiled by casual sex or jew propaganda, and we get to give the thots and the lesbians and blue haired feminists and the darts players the punishments they deserve.
And then get thrown in jail. Great job. Bravo
When is your presidential bid? This is truly innovative thought.
And how the fuck did your country ever spawn the shithole that is New Zealand?
yeah be men not a pussy to them
Do you know that marital rape exists in US only and while in these 3rd world countries there is no marital rape.Stop being sensitive to them
Men are the leaders.
If men turn into pussy whipped cucks and butthurt manchildren (MGTOWs), women have nothing to respect and follow.
If they don't find a man who's worth a shit to impress, they are left to cause havoc trying to impress each other by becoming men themselves.
how did your country become such a shithole that you have to hide your flag
Pick one
By not shitposting here and actually fucking them.
And your country is doing great with the highest rate of cuckolding and female promiscuity.
>stop flirting with and fucking them so they can date tyrone and get blacked while you remain cucked and butthurt about gramcracker babies "ruining the white race"
I keep forgetting how dumb you mgtow faggots really are. Thanks for reminding me.
The State is the biggest Man around. When it enforced cuckoldry and submission, MGTOW are the result. Not the other way around. MGTOW don't ust appear out of nowhere.
nice to see another poster who isn't an autistic manchild
A woman faces no legal repercussions for sleeping around behind her husbands back, but if a woman decides (after cheating) that she wants a divorce, he is legally forced to give her money.
Fuck this. Concentration camps NOW.
We don't need White Sharia. We need Thotschwitz.
Alright bro stick your dick in crazy and have some STDs. If you aren't impregnating her then you're just jacking off and validating her. If you do impregnate her you'll be in for a ride.
It is a hell of alot more progress then being a faggot neet like what you are doing.
>jizzing on a bimbo's tits
I've been sticking my dick in crazy since I was 17 like a God damned bonobo. I used to think like you until I got the experience. At least keep an open mind, you are vastly underestimating the difficulty to come about becoming a MGTOW.
>when you're such a pathetic failure that you come onto a chinese finger painting board to autistic screech about women whilst hiding behind a meme flag
>when you have to lie about getting laid and preach about how difficult it is to be a butthurt manchild because you're so ashamed of being a butthurt manchild as well as your country
Hey, nice setup man. I like it.
You're doing that thing where you're assuming all women are radical left-wing feminist dykes. Are you that insecure that you have to tailor reality to your shitty choices in life?
>not being sexually active and raising a proper white family
>shitposting how shitty women because you are incapable of lowering your power level
>standing still is progress
Shit like this is why your country is cucked, leaf.
>that image
Maybe when these faggots actually get to touch a girl's tit they'll change their mind.
all of your post is made up
try harder shill
>I'm ugly
Welp, nothing to argue there.