Long story short: niglet (around 8?) Bumps into me at the grocery store and i felt like saying it outloud once and for all so i told told it "watch out you dumb nigger". Apparently that nigger dad (how ironic) Heard IT and lost His shit and started punching me like the Savage it is. Other people calmed it down and i just left
Guess niggers really can't control themselves ,proving they are Savage animals at every turn. Who the fuck gets mad at a fucking Word?
(Only pic of a nigger i had on my cell) (Messenger folder)
Messenger folder. Automaticly downloads pics or gifs shared in convos
Andrew Barnes
Get shot, drink bleach- were cleaning up the image board, we can't have this type of commentary any further to bring in new customemers
Adrian Gomez
Leo Ramirez
That's fucked up man, treat people better. He just bumped into your on accident.
James Harris
Good, hope it hurt you weak cunt, Sup Forums isnt like RL faggot
Liam Adams
Try watching where you're going and not running into little kids you fucking limp-wristed goof.
>but he was black, so my nigger-tier behavior was acceptable!
Literally kill yourself.
John Cook
Why is There nigger lovers here all of sudden?
The Day of the rope is coming.
Elijah Cox
NFL so black- whites and Asians are under represented in NBA and NFL. Since we've socially evolved to the point where the victor or the one who gains is no longer based solely on ability, education, etc.. Sure these things are considered, but then there are boxes that need to be checked off and they need to fill the gaps with whatever immigrant or shade that they don't have
Lincoln Davis
>be nazi >get punched
Alexander Rivera
The niggers are invading! Hide your white women, watermelons, and KFC!
Camden Flores
They both sound like pieces of shit, I bet the other dude is drawing this shit in the sand, bragging about the Nazi he punched
Matthew Gomez
While he did react like a dumb chimp, so did you you raging nigger faggot.
Leo Thomas
I just called him a fucking nigger, not my fault the unevolved nigger Brain can't understand that it's just a fucking Word. I didnt attack the niglet, i just talked to it
Dominic White
So you make a thread just to say you got Blacked at the supermarket. Bravo.
Jaxson Russell
>call a little kid a nigger cause you just felt like it >WOW THEY CAN'T CONTROL THEMSELVES
Stop trying so damn hard. Sup Forums ain't rl.
Christopher Brown
Calling them that implies you think they're subhuman and no good dad is just gonna sit around while you call his son a subhuman.
Dominic Sanchez
>Blacked >Nigger proves the nigger Brain is unable to show self-control
Pick one
Alexander Anderson
So you sperged out in public because some kid annoyed you and his dad kicked your ass. The only part in this story that surprises me is the fact the nigglet had a father.
Austin Jenkins
>niglet >dad
Sorry boss, but this story just doesn't pass the smell test.
Nathaniel Richardson
You sound like the first part of American History: X
Adam Myers
>Call little niglet nigger >Nigger father proceeds to beat you >Walk out due to intervention of bystanders
This is shit quality bait mate.
Brandon Peterson
so i can call you a faggot and you wont do shit faggot?
Angel Ramirez
funny cuz the same can be said for u as well
Jason Howard
While I agree you should call out niggers for being niggers. A kid is a kid, and you're a faggot for being mean to one. Also the fact you didn't fight the dad back and defend your convictions means you're even a bigger faggot. Race war now, OP isn't invited.
Wyatt Fisher
That's what you get for being a soyboy,and stop hiding behind that flag.
Lincoln Nguyen
Connor Ramirez
>Day of the rope is coming
Whatever, keep larping faggot.
Josiah Nelson
This didn't happen and even if it did you're an autistic idiot.
Jose Parker
>tells an eight year old he is a subhuman idiot >really offended by said kid's father hitting him
Fake thread, fake flag. I swear to god some of you are so fucking retarded it's a shame it's testament to the death of the right that this is the best place to talk about anything that isn't left politics.
Jason Robinson
stuff that didnt happen for 500, alex
Daniel Foster
No nigger passes the smell test
Ian Smith
>the nigger cries out as he strikes you I’ve been called cracker and honkie and even “a god damn Jew” by niggers asking me for money. If niggers can’t deal with being called niggers, then we need to bring back lynch mobs, because the like justice system is not in our side
Caleb Rodriguez
You insulted his son. Him fucking you up is a sign that he has morals and a strong belief in protecting his family. Any man of any race defending his 8 year old son from humiliation and showing him how to stand up for himself by fighting instead of crying for help is a good person.
Gas yourself you fatherless mutt piece of shit.
Gabriel Lopez
Teaching your kid violence isn't being moral or a good dad. I remember my dad showed me when i was first made fun of how to deal with it. You tell on them, then you go to the principal, then the police, and then the courts.
Joshua Parker
so your dad taught you how to be a pussy
Asher Campbell
>149784937 This is weak bait and I will not give a (You) for it.
Luke Harris
No, he taught me not to be an ape. When i was in highschool I was beat up by another kid. I could have fought back and probably lost. Instead we launched a civic law case for assault causing bodily harm. My dad owns a law firm so of course we got some good lawyers. We won 10K from the family for any future medical fees that may come of a consequence of the crime and to that family that was a lot, they didn't have much.
Aiden Gonzalez
>calling an 8 year old a nigger
Wow, you truly are a big man. I wish I could be as awesome as you.
Lincoln James
Get Out part 2.
Brayden Butler
Bet you if I whispered Drumpf after I bumped into you, you would try an attack me like the white nigger you are
Elijah Evans
Wtf is wrong with you retard?
Carter Baker
>The Day of the rope is coming.
Ethan Garcia
lmao what a fucking pussy
Oliver Hughes
t. Shlomo shekelstein
Jordan Ramirez
Literally no one is saying this is fake and gay... Fucking begone nu/pol/ fags
Aaron Phillips
so instead of kicking his ass like a real man, you ruined his family because you couldnt handle being a good ol ass kicking that every boy has a right to enjoy as a young one
i bet you're jewish, what with a sneaky lawyer dad
Carter Long
its too bad that you and both of them didnt all kys
Daniel Roberts
My dad is Jewish but I'm not. Judaism is only passed maternally and my mom was Anglo-Scotish
John Morris
Shouldn't every young one also enjoy a court case? Yes my dad is Jewish, I'm not though.
Oliver Morgan
stand up for yourself and dont fucking cry on the internet bitchboy.
Jaxson Moore
Spoken like a true heeb.
Christian Thomas
This board is full of cringy autistic virgins, ive finally had enough. Later you faggots. I hope you all grow up soon.
Carson Richardson
are you trolling by acting like a beta faggot? telling ? you being a spineless little rat? is this what the cuckold faggots are being taught now? how to be a giant fucking pussy? wtf is wrong with you faggot let your balls drop and grow the fuck up
Carson Taylor
>talk shit to a 8 year old >so brave >get punched by his dad >complains on Sup Forums >meme flag probably bait, but you deserve it you fucking piece of shit coward. next time call the dad a nigger and hold your ground if youre so tough.
sage this cancer thread
Luke Powell
i agree any man would defend his kid only a beta faggot would allow that shit to slip
Brayden Ross
>gets assaulted >doesn't sue the shit out of him ????
Gabriel Moore
grow up you non-virgin
Not everyone was raised in a third world carribean shithole where it's a battle royal. Unless you're trolling, grow the fuck up.
Robert Wilson
you deserved it for your dumb fucking autistic racist remarks, kys piece of fucking goddamn shit
Grayson Stewart
>be nazi >get punched Nothing new here folks
Colton Bennett
lol get shit on retard why would a father let you talk to his little kid like that are you a bit slow lad
Zachary Moore
today on things that never happened
Josiah Sanchez
>call kid nigger >his dad starts beating you
I don't care about the politics on this one, I seriously hope it's true because it sounds hilarious!
Elijah Thompson
Wondering this myself. Theres been a pretty massive influx of newfags recently.
Wyatt Green
even if you had lost a fight you would have learned from it and been respected for trying now you are worse then a jew or a nigger could ever be you have become a whiney beta faggot you are now a pussy and you are probably gonna get your pussy fucked by people who feel you owe them 10k of pussy juice
Austin King
Super Jewy but that was your form of fighting back. A black guy with no money or connections can show his son how to stick up for himself by using his fists.
Now if OP had said that after he cried “nigger” that the dad pulled a gun, then my opinion would be different. But he used his fists, like a man.
Ryan Hall
I can't believe that happened!
Dominic Carter
You're a pussy, too pussy to fight your own legal battles so you use fists. You're a whiny brute.
James Price
Joshua Rodriguez
>my dad is jewish >im not though ahahahahahahahahaha
Jacob Gutierrez
you are jewish alright its a mindset the mindset of a pussy who tries to get others to fight his battles for him you need to stop and not dig your hole any deeper kid and abandon Sup Forums you belong on reddit, not here and dont call kids nigger either, your hebrew virgin ass is gonna get shot one day if you keep it up
Samuel Williams
lmfao I love when people think their niche 4channel views will fly in real life.
Anthony Nelson
Jew detected
Brandon Hughes
its 1st world dipshit its certainly nicer then wherever you live and its not the caribbean either columbus
Ayden Cooper
Judaism is passed down by your mom dingus
I live in a gated community and never leave it that will never happen. Besides i don't call anyone the N-word anyway I'm not rude to people
Henry Walker
>WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST ACT LIKE THE NIGGERS WE TALK SHIT ON FOR BEING NIGGERS EVERY DAY ON THIS BOARD!!??!??! >WHAT ARE YOU A PUSSY FOR USING THE LAW TO GET EVEN INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE A NIGGER?!!?!? I swear to god this board gets more niggardly every day. Also, hes using a kek flag, come the fuck on.
Jordan Lewis
Dude, my son and I are white. I'd beat the shit out of you if you called him a nigger. Just saying.
Nicholas Watson
legal battles? when i got into a fight at school, long before you were even a glint in your jew dads eye, we dealt with it without teachers, police and sure as fuck without lawyers. after we beat each other up we usually became friends, at worst we didnt want a repeat and we didnt mess with each other again. i fight my physical fights myself and i fight my legal fights myself with proper representation using lawyers on a kid and his innocent family (who are poor) is the lowest form of kikery that there is if you were my kid id beat the shit out of you
Landon Butler
So we should ignore all posts that use a kekistani flag?
Fuck you, if you post an argument that can be argued, we’re going to argue. And using the law for name calling instead of making them back the fuck off?
You’ve got dicks cumming out of your ears you big faggot.
Jacob Nelson
Well good thing I'm not your kid. I grew up in the private school education system so I rarely had to put up with savages that you're describing but on the few occasions I did. I find calling the cops or sueing is better than fighting.
Justin Fisher
Really? This is not obvious bait? You must be a newfag
Julian Brooks
Tbh experience like this would probly make a bigger impact on the kid who beat him up, maybe he'll think before beating someone up next time. But there is no denying that you would have gained more respect by fighting back.
Leo Ortiz
my bad i should go easier on you i thought you were the OP for some reason i dont take back anything that i said though stand up for yourself and dont have others fight your fights for you unless you want to be a beta forever
Wyatt Hughes
I'm short and weak. I could never fight my own battles as you said.
Thing is im way weaker.
Christopher Morris
real life wont be like your private school or your gated community kid its gonna bite you in the ass if you dont wise up
Adrian Davis
In "real life" you don't have to deal with getting beat up or you can easily go to the police.
Nathan Watson
>So we should ignore all posts that use a kekistani flag? Yeah, pretty much dumbass.
Jordan Robinson
Why would he call a white kid a nigger? Think before you write something, BOOMER. Kill yourself
its not the point a small guy with a good spirit can put up a good account for himself ive seen it, and ive helped kids that stood up for themselves when they got into shit later on but id never waste effort trying to protect a rat or someone who didnt even stand up for himself and relied on the authorities you just try to explain your position and why you stand up for whats right and if it comes to blows so be it. do your best and youll see people treat you differently even after you lose ive even seen guys become best mates after trying to kick each others ass
Carter Lopez
the police just make a report or draw an outline of your corpse if you dont know who fucked you up chances are they wont either you cant rely on the cops dude you need to be able to protect yourself
Andrew Torres
Owen Gutierrez
pics or it didnt happen tyrone lol
Nolan Jones
This isn't anarchism.
Caleb Bailey
>attacking an animal's offspring havent you watched enough nat geo?
Owen Adams
This is yet another LARP thread posted by analytics companies to gauge and exploit Sup Forums's predilections. Your "guy who yelled at a nigger" is a sad 40-something man in an office building in NYC. He gets paid for doing this. It's pathetic.
Julian Howard
This board hates jews more than niggers because jews control our lives and make us poor while niggers are just an easy target
Caleb Ramirez
how are u gonna get beat the fuck up and not kick his ass? come on, be MORE savage than him u idiot