
is this an example of the left can't mem?
>also everybody remember to sage

It amazes me that Trumplets don't see it coming, but there stupid so

you realize thats a drawing of marine le pen, right?

>drumpanzees actually believe this

Did guards get in to escort her or something?


Theyre more there to keep her from tearing the trumplet limb from limb than to protect her.

Gonna assume that you are baselessly claiming that Trump has been impeached and removed from office, since you haven't provided a source.

That said, even if he HAD been, that wouldn't make Hillary Clinton. As far as I know, you could nuke all of Washington DC at once, completely obliterating the chain of command of anyone remotely qualified to take the office, and Hillary STILL wouldn't be president.

And thank FUCK for that.


The Franklin scandal and Dutroux affair. Elite pedophilia and human compromise are real. Ritual abuse is real.

Watch Conspiracy of Silence on YouTube.

Hillary is dying you fucks. She is a shattered woman. Hope justice is done before she dies.

Is it bernie's turn then? I honestly can't think of a single repeatable candidate other than bernie this next election.

I just feel...dirty seeing all of this. It's not even cringe anymore, I just feel personally ashamed of those "memes"

I don't care if its before or after she dies, just so long as the Clinton dynasty dies with her. I've had enough Cintons. Time for them to get a real job, like all the people they see as deplorable.

>there stupid
Whatevar yuo sai suitey

Be a public servent is a real job though.

Name another repeatable candidate on the left that isn't Hillary or Bernie. Feel free to tell me their policies, too. Even if you can, the vast majority of the left wouldn't be able to.

Being a public servent is a real job though.

Niggas act like they forgot about Hil

No, it's not. It's literally thinking that you should be paid to tell people what to do. Farrage is the model politician: get in to change what you want to change, then bail the fuck out. Clinton, McCain, Pelosi, and Bernie, among many others, who have decided to get in and never get out, are the exact sorts of people who are just trying to avoid real work.

Never heard of her