CBTS controlled LARP

Can we talk for a minute about these fucking calm before the storm threads. I had for awhile assumed they were just a LARP that got out of hand, but its clearly a controlled OP.

There are blatantly obvious bots posting in the threads now, spamming posts over and over. They're taking old (real) posts from earlier threads and just reposting them and replying to posts with completely random responses.
Go ahead and check out the current thread out
Look for the non american posters with a large number of posts and see what they're saying. It's more than the usual nonsense, they're clearly just repeating other messages and sometimes even attaching images as well.

Who in the fuck is raiding our board.

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,23&as_vis=1&q=Switching chromosomes&btnG=

Go post in the thread and you'll probably get 1 or 2 responses from a bot, completely random nonsense.

But if you post words (((they))) don’t want you to know of or you hit s good lead, they don’t repeat it.

You guys cant handle the magick.


pz moloch. See you in 10,000 years.

It is not cbts that is causing the problems. Some strange shit is going down. The bizarre shilling and atrociously banal posting will pick up again on burger time. You still see it now, but not as bad. There was not a single interesting thread yesterday. Never seen anything like it. I had to go to fucking infinity and end to get my fix. It is that fucking bad.

Mods need to crack down, but they won't because they have been compromised for a very long time now.

I can't even tell if this is a joke post

Either controlled or will be/will be attempted to be controlled. Probably start with parallel threads or posting from OP ip to get banned

Terry might be the only fix to this problem

I'm sure it's a joke.

If there's nothing to CBTS threads than our average lefty shill bots would ignore them. Instead they're raiding them in the weirdest ways. They also got serious LARPers to show up and even attracted absolute newfag boomers.
Someone really doesn't want these threads to exist

I mean 1/2 of the shit in those threads is pure LARP, but there's some shit they're actually talking about like Fusion GPS, Uranium One, the fucking 1400 sealed indictments in 2 weeks across the country(yearly average is 300), and of course the fact that Trump flew across NK and didn't bother saying anything about it

More Eyes on the Heart of Q

Connect +++ The ++ Countdown + Signals Everything you need to know is on the Qmap.
Read it. Read it again. Questions are Statements? Let it sink in.

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice.
4. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
5. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
6. Do just that.
7. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

QMAP (The only thing (You) really need)
Legend Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX
Advise for your first step into this PREV CBTS Sealed Indictments are a huge thing. Really.
MSM curiously silent..
Q confirmed Q trip !ITPb.qbhqo (ctrl f)


The drops by Q are all we need, and that exact format of questions in an answer chain provoke the very feeling we need to share to others. MOCKINGBIRD fucked with the normies, we're here to unfuck it.

Remember. You made a choice. Eyes Wide Open lads, and pray for the protection of those in harms way.
Godspeed to us all.

Because Q already fucked off in utter disgrace. Please go back to the first posts and remember what the President is supposed to say to the public. "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us." Nowhere in this shitty game has this happened, in real life nor in your own minds (for the kikes out there). Please point this out to fake Q and other alphabetfags you see ITT.

Convince me to like this thing.

I love day Lycanroc but it's been pretty much rendered obsolete by this forced shillmon. How do I get over its lazy design or the cheese of using an eventmon in game?

> what's below
Hyangsan NK
AF1 directly over the HEART of NK airspace

> the world will be a different place


The lack of shilling is concerning...

Q didn't show last night, perhaps they dropped it...

The only other time they're quiet..... is when the bread is poisonous and they control it.

This follows the Crown Prince's massive purge of hundreds government officials this week billed as a crackdown on corruption. However, at least a handful of reformist and rival public officials were specifically targeted in the purge as well.

Those purged at the higher levels are being detained in 5-star hotel rooms in Riyadh.

So it doesn't fit the M.O. at all for what the Crown Prince is doing, which casts doubt on the notion that it was a deliberate internal attack, unless perhaps it was a retaliation against the Prince's government.

Q's letting the world know that ratlines and wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with the bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, and everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump in what you might call a position of STRATEGIC PATIENCE against the bad actors left on the stage. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.


>"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us..."

1. PRODUCE Infographs/Memes detailing SA, CF, Fake News etc..
2. Dig into the $$$ trail

Spreadsheet of Answers

Q CONFIRMED SCREENCAP CONFIRMATION Quick RD M-Intel user Saudi theory Big picture
Social Media ThoughtCrime SA timeline Search analytics Theory

tttthreads.com/user/imperator_rex3 (NEW)

NYT Post (Declaration of war as per Q)

Well something I said just attracted them here ...

I want to take a /bant/ safari trip.

Starting to agree. Thought this was all silly at first until the shitshow in SA. Now today been reading more and weird stuff has been going on.

Seen this thread? Everybody is saying it is not q, but the post is interesting and I am starting to worry cbts megathread has been compromised and lead down too many twists and turns. What do you think man?

Either CIA or JIDF-tier kikes.
/leftypol/ and plebbit are too stupid to do this in such a clockwork fashion when you look at the thread makers.

>My money is on cia

Original Q seems at least somewhat legit ... less sure about the rest


asking the real important question here.

How could it be a jewish psyop? It litearlly has more people digging into various government conspiracy theories than ever before. It's got people digging into uranium one, vatican corruption, possible arrests, Las vegas false flag and a dozen other things.
BOTTOM LINE: it doesn't matter if Q is a LARP or not; Q is asking the right questions. People are following up on those questions. People are spreading the redpill. HOW COULD THAT BE GOOD FOR THE JEW? THe jew just wants you to post more "BLACKED" and "HOW CAN WHITE BOY EVEN COMPETE" and "THE CALL THAT SAVED EUROPE?" Spam threads...

You can find ALL of Q's posts on the spreadsheet
with direct links in the archives to his posts +timestamps

They are also on the graphic compilation in the OP and they are also in a pastebin in the OP.

Q did mention keystone, asking what it was. He NEVER said "Can North save South?"

To figure out what Q meant by keystone, look at the CONTEXT of his statements/questions before it in his posts, rather than just guess. It's better to be accurate.

Hope that helps


[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #191 (Fri 9th Nov) [x3 Dx5TPc5d] :: CAP VALIDATED: #210 via
IMG: 1510280445405.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910) ie. Qnov7.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910) #131 IMG: _AF1_5A_2.png (988 KB, 720x1280)

> Calm before the Storm #192 (Fri 10th Nov) [x1 O4+aJ1mH)

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #210 (Fri 10th Nov) [x2 ln25Q56n]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #247 (Sun 12th Nov) [x9 gO/UntOB]
[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #260 (Sun 12th Nov) [x2 99LpGawB]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #264 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 /jAm9Qi+]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 v2 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 l/hYVcRn]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #266 (Sun 12th Nov) [x3 X/EWIOzz]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #267 (Sun 12th Nov) [x1 TrJge011]
IMG: Freedom.png (3 KB, 310x163)

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #306 (Mon 13th Nov) [x1 /lc4nimE]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #329 (Tues 14th Nov) [x2 EV3pI+ol]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #339 (Tues 14th Nov) [x2 wmN+33xv]

[!ITPb.qbhqo] Calm before the Storm #339 (Weds 15th Nov) [x1 snf602p9]

OP is correct the CBTS threads are so shilled by bots at the moment its insane. I have kept up with it since the low numbers as there has been some interesting conversation if nothing else.

But in the last 24 hours its gone to autobot prime mode they really dont want us having whatever conversations were having.

>there is more to this, even if this started as a larp its gained traction and we even managed to red pill some boomers which I was not sure was even possible.

fucking NASA is the stupidest trend. just get a plain bomber.

Ive never seen a smash thread on here

These things we already know of and talk about at length in many threads so none of that is new.
You went straight to Jewish psyop when I said it seems more cia oriented and it certainly seems that way.
Sup Forums has embarrassed them alot lately, its not hard for a couple of them to start something like this up. If for nothing more than a proof of concept on how to control Sup Forums to some degree.
When I lurk in the threads and sometimes comment it just seems fishy on the same level as when Richard Spencer was first shilled here suddenly and relentlessly.

Did you notice how the bots showed up here when I posted this response? The India, Thailand, and Bangladesh posters are bots

>it simply won't be believed at the moment.
Q is a quantum computer AI confirmed

pic unrelated

LOL op you used the CBTS in the title thats what attracts the bots - our Bangladeshi friend here has been with us for about 24 hours.

Shit, I wish I knew what it was about instead of telling me to read back almost 400 threads.

When the 20th rolls around and nothing happens, no Trump confirmation, no Q, and no “storm” will you finally kys? Q is gone because the scam artists behind this thread have been identified and shamed. Please wake up. Come back.

Anything reaction images that doesn't look normie tier

what's the appeal of lingerie?
“true art is to conceal art”

Interesting. This is a thread about a CBTS thread and yet, the exact posts in the CBTS threads are showing up here. The only thing they have in common is the CBTS title.
Anons, create a thread that says 'CBTS is a ggod recipe for cookies' and then wait and see if these same bot posts show up...

Didn't Q say something about storing water or staying hydrated? Sorta like POTUS was doing during his speech.

Thank you so much!

Honnestly this is unclear atm. Q might be real or not, I tend to believe he is and he might be someone really close to Trump.

But even if it turned out to be a LARP, Q is someone very informed and who can ready the bigger picture.

Something is definitly going in the World as we talk and lot of people are being red pilled.

The Q insider is helping in that way.

Q's letting the world know that ratlines and wealth strings are drying up and being cut. They [Wizards and Warlocks] have already carried out one of the largest silent sweeps in history (The massive amount of pedo-related arrests after Trump was sworn in). Got the lackies on the bottom, flipped 'em, and worked up the chain as much they could. Now the sources of wealth that fueled these entire operations got cut off. (The +++ ++ + is a countdown associated with the bleeding the three groups: SA Rothchild and Soros) The ones in the middle of all this are on their own, and freaking out. With the full weight of the Military, Navy, and everyone Loyal to the American People/Trump in what you might call a position of STRATEGIC PATIENCE against the bad actors left on the stage. Pray for those who are saving the Republic of America.


>"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us..."

1. PRODUCE Infographs/Memes detailing SA, CF, Fake News etc..
2. Dig into the $$$ trail


well, Mark 4:10 almost sounds like a Mission Statement for this Q fella

>have a gf with trust issues and self confidence issues
>live with her and two roommates
>I jack off a lot
>a lot, always have
>Also, since hs have creeped on FB pages and archived pictures of girls I thought were hot (mainly the pics with open shirts for boob shots)
>over time I just accumulated a lot and it became habitual
>fap to archives
>over time, I also put nudes in them... and gf pics in there
> didn't delete as I went
>did this when I had Gfs, too
>present day: comp broke, so I archive on my phone
> my gf finds pictures of girls and exes on my phone
>she's upset

I've never fucking thought about it. I just did it.
inb4 "How would you feel about SO, fantasizing about exes"
she asked that.
I told her that I would feel like shit.
Yeah, I've been deleting my archives.
>"I don't trust you."
I dunno... I get that it's fucking bad now, but shit, what do?

why would it be infested by b0ts for days if it was a larp
doesn't make sense

>But if Mega is legit and Q was legit. You're all trying to be part of something you are not.

If Q was legit, than by definition we are part of it, as Q indicated. You are either entirely ignorant of what Q said, or you're just telling us to shut up. Either way, a lot of effort to silence people on your part.

>a population's ruling government fought some illegal wars nobody voted for or abetted or condoned in any way shape or form
>muslim scum fucks enact revenge on innocent civilians as retribution for those crimes
Tip top jej

I would not put it past some script kiddies with nothing better to do, my concern is why the mods have not cleaned up the obvious bots

my assumption is its t_d mossad kikes. someone posted a picture showing the bots get mad if you talk about jews.

Seems real to me if the Washington Post reports on it

Checking out that FedupWithSwamp twitter profile and the dude is clearly using random Q posts here as a source he said works for the NSA, wouldn't use him as a reference for anything
His profile is literally designed to be part of the LARP.
@valak4trump straight up admits in her profile she's a fake account.
Why are you getting your info from fake accounts when real info exists?


How do I stop falling in love with and obsessing over every woman that talks to me? This has happened since grade school and now it's happening again, with a female co-worker, after 5 years of NEETdom.

If someone could please do this constanze that would be really nice!

That's me too sometimes, user. Truly.

Oh the Harrisburg thing, yes, that was a fake Q.

See above. No it was a fake Q sending people on rabbit trails. It was kind of manic in there at that time.

LARP is still on the table.
In fact, I'm LARPIng right now.
Many LARP layers of the LARP onion.

Q first mentioned a Keystone on 11/9.
He asks a second and third time on 11/11, What is a keystone?

I just searched my backup copies. I can't find it, but Did Q ever say in conjunction with the keystone "Can North save South?"

I remember thinking it had to do with Korea, but that didn't make too much sense.


Since the "Keystone" pipeline broke in South Dakota, it would be a REALLY BIG DEAL if that all lines up. Can anyone corroborate?

When I answered one of Q's questions. 'Who was OBL's handler?' I didn't consider that there was a change(s) over time and only stated the one individual that I knew of that being Leo Wanta. I even said 'not CIA'. Oops. That's why I am linking to this article linking John Brennan, BHO, OBL, the CIA, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

You keep linking to the wrong post (i think), the post isn't by Q and it say's

I have the long sleeve blouse in black, It is one of the best blouses I've ever owned, I sold my brand blouses and just ordered these in every color. for 11/11 I have lanky arms so I was excited for long sleeves that finally fit better at the fraction of the cost of brand blouses.

They're on Aliexpress too if you want a link

Can we just shut these threads down? I bet these "bakers" and "Q" are working together to waste our time.

>rubbing hands together
The real Q would never lie to me.

Holy shit the bots are just all replying to each other its snowballing

>what could Q tell us about the $18 Billion?
>where did it go?
>what are the specializations of those being employed, and what were they told to do?
>is one of its targets a 36-dimensional Mongolian Underwater Backwards Basket Weaving and recipe forum? that is an awful lot of ground to cover with the number of subchans. the only effective to monitor, hijack, misdirect/misguide/mislead, is to have admin access to the server(s), upon which a keyword filtering sw is used to catch the keyword(s) and funnel them to an awaiting team; no? likely/not likely...use your best judgement
>the usual suspects of the Left whose job it is to enforce public indoctrination towards a narrative, are failing miserably; thus, something new has to be tried. read: thy won't rely on methods that simply do not work; the very definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over while expecting different results

In trumps speech today he used the term 'rogue actors'.

Q referenced the word actors as well

Hey guys! New on here. Just came from Reddit conspiracy. Can I get a "quick rundown", as you say, on this whole CTSB business?

Older breadcrumbs have been linked to OP Posts to reduce information overload

Concise Event Log Nov 10-12 Nov 13-14(some) Nov 14
Holy Get Vetican Dirt Trump tweet GONE
Nov 15 NEW
Clinton Pay4Play Scheme Podesta gets annihilated on twitter FBI McCabe Vault info drop Trump announcement involves New Zealand Before/After pictures of Trump @ dinner Clinton helped CPS Child Trafficking with legislation FBI states ANTIFA = terrorists Whew, soros everyone Trump tweeted +++ Remember Wonderful summery of groups involved John Taylor Gatto Major outages reported across the USA MS-13 Bust archive.is/nrHcv
Franken Grope archive.is/mKfyN

Osama Bin Laden History CIA Asset THE SWAMP Follow The Money Killary's History Killary's Body Count Deep State Ratlines Epstein, Weinstein & The Mossad Podesta-Madeleine Comet [not] pingpong Trafficking Arrests BlackRock RV/INTELLIGENCE ALEART EMS BEING PRIMED? DJTjr posts creepybiden U1 Arrests beginning Feinstein
Lots of memes White Rabbit memes V2
RUNDOWN ON LEAFBRO The only way to cast doubt on the message of Q is to poison the bread before Q posts. Stay strong lads.

Are you kidding? I was a Neurosurgery Resident for years. We STARTED GBM patients on 6 mg q 6 hr and by the end they were all on 10 mg q 6. And they ALL had the Decadron moon face.

But has there really been an increase in broken homes recently? That article doesn't say anything to that effect. And what would differentiate "an increase in social dysfunction" leading to more diagnoses versus more diagnoses due to what people are saying in the thread, i.e. more understanding and (at least slightly) reduced stigma?

This thread is literally going to hit post limit thanks to bots. Amazing

Maybe a mod will read this and figure out what's going on.

What why that person could have stopped buying shoes, why are they cutting off their shoes?

How would you even regulate what people want? That makes almost no sense. It's like purposefully limiting yourself when you could have so much better. I guess the perfect society will never exist since Japan outright banned trash cans over a small incident, but they have tons of technological advancement. Also guns rights? America? People should just suck it up and be truthful to theirselves.

Zo, is that you?

I still think this is a useful bit of information for making sense of the map.

Q-group’s “Pray” dropped some breadcrumbs about how to make sense of the questions. Then almost immediately deleted the post and replaced it with an unsigned one. The original is in the attached pic.

Pic related. I posted an idea last night and got an almost immediate reply from someone with Q's voice and signed as "Pray."

I'm pretty sure it was an affirmation that my general approach is the way to read the graphic. Remember that Q said the signatures matter. “Pray” is a person watching this thread. He said my approach is on the right track. See Pic Related. Pray then quickly deleted his signed post and replaced it with a more generic one.

Q has been telling us to re-read the questions after each event. Now “Pray” tells us to follow individuals. To put together my post RE: Barack Obama working with Trump, I just went through the pastebin text of the Q questions and searched for “BO” and “Obama.”

>Q ITPb.qbhqo
Tripcode must be Q !ITPb.qbhqo
with a bang - Fake Q

post this picture to stop the spam:

Wait, I'll make it official.

Are you mad?

We have to talk so much about this that the bots repeat it and alter google search themselves. Fuck the system with itself. brilliant.

Fix the information with an information overload.
Program the Ai controlling the bots.

The flag is an option for a custom license plate.

i've got the main bread baked, do you want to do the q postings?

What is Defcon 1?
What is Defcon 5?

""Defcon has 5 levels.
Defcon 5 Neutral
Defcon 1 WMD
Defcon details remain classified and criteria for their setting has changed over the years.""

Why do women vote left?
Because they move in spirals - theory - Thoth of the atlanteans EMT’s
Because right attracts the systematics the less spontaneous the older (Recent onion article)
Left attracts women because they're more prone to a political system that evolves and coexists with… feelings.

How do they think?
With their emotions, their intuition and their gut. An effective enough methodology to support impulse emotional reactions to base beliefs.

Do women think or feel?
Primarily feel.
Are feelings the same as thinking?
No but they have a direct correlation.
What's HRC's gender?
Male?... (I could see it)
What's BO's gender? }-lol fr do
Female (Fits perfect)
Which MO's gender?
Definitely male.

How do you change your gender?
Surgery… thinking. Hormones.
Wait… Neurosurgery??
scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,23&as_vis=1&q=Switching chromosomes&btnG=
Yup. It's possible.
Is it possible?
Isnt possibility rhetoric at this point?

What is gender?

Why is the gender line being blurred?
Anttchrist has no gender.
Promotes human augmentation
Bad vibes bro

What is gender?
XY. Anatomy. Neurology. Me. you. It is polarity. It is human.
What did DT declare regarding the military recently?
He basically mobilized them

False flag (Ref. Nov. 4 Q post.)

What is gender?
Why is gender important?

Is it always these glow in the dark asia nigger bots in the threads?

this is why

Sigh. Fuck it. I'm too tired to figure it out right now. If it was after, any of us could have seen the bottle, remembered that Obama spent a lot of time there, and speculated a connection that turns out to exist -- without any inside Q info. It's not like we never figured anything out before Q showed up.

Hope so. Oh fucking shit do I hope so...

Thank you anons very nice pictures



The Trump = Q is just a theory.

And rather than insulting the lads and just trashtalk, participate.

"They ignore obvious groups..." it imply you know some, let them know, explain and share what you know or think you know.

Zo, are you redpilled on the JQ?

oh fuck a real post, welcome friend are you enjoying the robot takeover thats going on here :o

just got back from a dig
LARPer tripcoding as !BOty4P6PYU
This LARPer showed up early in several threads on the 4th right after Sarah Sanders posted the relevant pic. Later posted goolagable pic of Sarah's gold pumps and legs. Used a cutesy "ya'll" (not to be confused with meg's "y'all"). Probably a VOTL fem-larp, likely related to TOPOLANON, which I doubted from the first.

I'll be digging for more obvious fakes. In the meantime, I've been looking at all of the images that Q posted, and I am near certain there is a legit Q. Still haven't completely decoded how to distinguish definitively from some of the less obvious LARPers, but I'm a as sure as I can be that Q is legit based on timelines and photos. I'll be stitching all that together and posting back. Don't know if I can get it done tonight due to domestic obligations, but I have the hard part done.

Stay tuned.

just tell us everything you know that might be interesting or spoopy, the Q&A thing is contra productive

I love imagining skeletons of people I meet everyday and how they move. This webm is pure gold for me.

No, its driving me crazy but knowing that the Jews are fucked makes it okay.

>mfw first thing I have to do today is outsmart some robots :o


If Q is MI, NSA, or whoever they're fully aware that Sup Forums cannot really be controlled.
Sup Forums all too often is effective because of 2nd order or 3rd order consequences/realizations.
If Q is legit, then they must know this. If they wanted internet armpower there's entire Units dedicated to this kind of thing.
They came to Sup Forums to start the conversation for us. Previously discussion of these topics would end in bans, and lots of people stopped trying.
Q came and LARP'd to give us a Cue that it's time for the truth to be free again.


It's almost as if someone is nuking underground blacksites that are part of the elites satanic logistic network.

>haven't watched newer seasons
>decide to watch some scenes on youtube
>hear cartmans new voice