Fellow Patriots,

[W]e are in a great battle.
Not all is as it seems.
What seems right may be wrong.
What seems wrong is right.
Open your eyes.
[E]verything is there.
Why is disinformation necessary?
Stay very vigilant.
Some things must be excluded.
Must dig even deeper.
Somethings must be included.
Picture still not all complete.
Think grouping.
[A]re we getting all that we deserve?
Note everything still being monitored and recorded.
How is disinformation effective?
How was the Infiltration not discovered?
Swamp extremely murky.
Bad actors very much still at play.
Swamp is very deep.
Look to Hollywood for examples.
[R]’s and D’s.
Alice & Wonderland.
The level of corruption in our country is [E]XTREME.
Look to our forefathers for [A]nswers.
R’s and D’s
What significance do OWL’s have?
Why is this relevant?
Wizards & Warlocks.
Do people in power ever [L]ie?
Are [L]ies sometimes necessary?
Have more secret sessions been underway?
Where is POTUS now?
Is the WH all alone?
Was the mission completely jeopardized?
What message did POTUS give via MSM?
Who was that message for?
Should they hide in fear?
Who was that message really for?
Think MI.
Did anyone notice?
Was the signal given?
How is this significant?
What is the intent?
How is this relevant?
Think Jason Bourne.
Was anything out of the ordinary today?
Look to [E]U for latest events.
Who really controls the narrative?
Look to the([G]eo])graphic for more answers.
Must still complete the picture.
Look back and re(Hash) what is GIVEN.
Why is this [I]mportant?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=we are all egi&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS762US762&oq=we are all egi&aqs=chrome..69i57.2891j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8



It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Surprised q folks aren't talking about this.

We Are All EGI



Embedded gps/ins? Talks about geographic for more pics?

I wondered about that.

Somehow, I doubt it's the Ethical Globalization Initiative.

Odd code in there. Above my paygrade. Seems to hint at geo nav type stuff, if that's where he's going with it.

Wasn't there some GIS info in one of the breads awhile back?

Maitre. Vlash. Karistus

>Maitre. Vlash. Karistus

I have no idea what relevance that has.

Is he telling us to watch for ships or planes thru the GPS inertial navigation systems on them? Anybody know good sites where you can do the s fairly easily?

Yeah man. Where to start looking, though.

Look up

You're gonna have to be less cryptic, user.

I don't have a clue about that GIS stuff. Greek to me.

CBTS thread says wrong tripcode, Not Q

*Shrug* Beats me.

Hollywood tells all the secerts in the movies. They laugh at humanity.

The answers are in you and all around you.

You just have too see.



Wrong tripcode, wrong wording, not Q

We are all edgy (EGI)?

Not sure... His wording is excellently equal to the original Q´s statements

Funny coincidence that Anon5 got tons more shit and didn't have the run that this actual LARP has received. Hmmmmmm.

I would venture to say Q is Dante. If you watch the videos you will understand.

I could be wrong.

Wording seemed on the right course for me, too. I do understand English fairly well.

That said, syntax and grammar like Q isn't exactly hard to duplicate. But it does match the pattern. I can't say anything about trip codes. Don't pay attention to that stuff.

There are more than one Q.

There is a whole lot of people that know.

You just don't see.

I have zero clue what you're talking about.

He sent a picture of the sky. What do people pay the least amount of attention to?

People are always looking down.

Look up!

Also this "q" is leading (I think) to a serious search thru observation of travel data by air and sea of some specific people. It seems like a good lead. Need to read it again.

I look up all the time, what are you talking about? And what, or who, is Dante? Dante's Inferno?

I look up. I see clouds, birds, the sun, the moon, contrails... what am I missing? Just say it.

His cryptic message is

"We are all EGI"

Fake. A pretty good approximation admittedly, but ignoring the lack of tripcode, there's a lot that's wrong here. Too much obvious repetition of previous Q posts. Too much meaningless filler. Too little additional information.

The great battle is being fought upstairs.

It has been a great battle for thousands of years.

They are about to lose their grip on humanity.

Who are they?

Most don't believe in them.

Look to Hollywood.


Maybe... we don't even know what "EGI" means, or how we are "all" it... whatever it is.

Sigh. Why the crytpiticness? What ever happened to plain speaking? Like me. I just speak plain. Guess what? WW3 is a meme. It was a larp. Legacy nonsense. It happened, it was the cold war. We're in WW4 right now, but it's 4th gen warfare.

See what I mean? Plain and simple. And as significant as anything else, because we keep parroting around this WW3 crap, when it's really like, old code, still in our society.

How about I go into the Mouse Utopia, and its hugely significant relevance to our world today?

Just say it plain, man.

Q is a LARP so who cares what he says?

The letters in [ ] Write them out

Planes I think. GPS trackers.

But if egi means embedded gps stuff, what does the "we are all" part mean?

Also some people are saying some like Hillary are hiding ankle devices. Are these basically GPS trackers?

Anyways does anybody know of a good site to monitor planes and ships movements in real time?

I did.

> We Are All EGI

Whatever the hell that means.

No idear.

Although with the autists here, I wouldn't be surprised if someone has an app for that.

Google it. Wow. And that is a home run.

david duke video has everything except the video itself blocked. Sad!


EGI is a medical device company that designs, develops and commercialises a range of non-invasive neurodiagnostic products used to monitor and interpret brain activity. A key component of these products is EGI's...

Yawn. This thread would get deleted even on /x/.

EGI is a medical device company that designs, develops and commercialises a range of non-invasive neurodiagnostic products used to monitor and interpret brain activity. A key component of these products is EGI’s proprietary dense array electroencephalography (dEEG) platform technology. The dense array method gathers brain activity data from many more electrodes than conventional EEG products (up to 256), generating significantly higher quality and more precise levels of information. With regulatory clearance in the US, EU and a number of other major international regulatory bodies, the Company’s technology has been increasingly adopted as a powerful research tool and more recently as a cost effective and patient friendly clinical neurodiagnostic platform.

google.com/search?q=we are all egi&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS762US762&oq=we are all egi&aqs=chrome..69i57.2891j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

"We are all gay"

Da fuq?

What am I supposed to see from Googling it? Gimmie da link.



Were all being used for data mining?

Cloud computing for research?

I still don't get it. And what does that have to do with Dante (whatever that is), or ET, or looking up?

The webpage had a pic of a satellite on it...

Hive mind.


Go to the bottom. Start there. Watch them all working your way up.

Either ways, we need to find a way to make sure which Q posts are legit, and which are larp.

Help us with that if you will

Aliens are mining us for data?

I get the hive mind thing... but what's it's relevance? Q is a hive mind? We are? We who... Sup Forums? The populace?

And user, c'mon... what the heck is "Dante?"

What is legit? Look at the questions. Find the answers. Then you will know if legit or not.

Dante Santori

Q is trying to tell people that what they want us to believe is fake is real and what they want us to believe is real is fake.

Our reality has been inverted of all truth.

Dante, Dante.

Come on... I'm biting. What is it?

And what is DS AHK?

Ok, wait. You typed.

Here's what I got.


Sept 9 of 2016... well, that's kinda came and gone. Is this like, Project BB related?

Guys i know this has nothing to do with this thread but i want to know what you make of it. I was on google mars the other day and i found what looks to be snow on the north pole along with what looks to be forrests of some sort. Heres the snow looking shit.

And heres the forrest.

He talks about the Knights Templars and their secerts. He talks about the race of E.T's here.
He tells about HER.

Watch his videos. DS AHK.

Start at the bottom.

The human experiment part one.

Nothing is as it seems. He always says that. He gives examples from, news clips etc. Just watch

Who is "HER?"

I have dove down the ET/Templar rabbit hole.

My tale? Nephilim/Extradimensional beings/Demons-Angels.... Powers and principalities. Yeah, I know all this conspiracy theory shit (Believe it, too).

I just don;t know it that's what this "Q" was meaning.

How do you feel knowing WW3 is a legacy meme, user?

We are mined for our ability to create. They want us to create their reality. Which is inorganic to our original reality. Before they found us.

Mind before matter

What significance do OWL’s have?

Satan is actually the black cube, in a manner. We live inside of him. He is the "cherub that covereth." Hence, why we want to escape this reality he's been given dominion of.

Yeah, I know. I get it. They're evil entities, basically.

You know about 4th generation warfare? How about the Fourth Turning? What about Dugin's Fourth Way?

That's what he means! The forefathers had a visitor the day they signed the declaration of independence. Must dig deeper. They were foretold of this time. They tried to protect the U.S with the constitution and declaration

They eat mice?

This is a larp thread

Fuck off idiots you didn't even use the right file size for that picture. We also have the same spammers from CBTS threads awesome.

You are insane, kill yourself or stop coming here


>The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement, but the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth".. Niels Bohr

There you are! Lol

Ha! Jokes on you. Your secret codes and hidden meanings won't work on me! For I am too stupid to understand them.