>tfw racists are a small minority of people that will slowly be phased out by the propagandist sjw media who repeatedly show it as an unacceptable worldview.
Tfw racists are a small minority of people that will slowly be phased out by the propagandist sjw media who repeatedly...
That was their plan
>The Left can't meme
[x] confirmed
[ ] not confirmed.
Okay now say something that is actually funny
>having the ability to meme
im not trying to be funny.
its just something that is happening and going to work. you're going to be extinct soon. or living in tiny despised sekrid communities like so many of you already do. cruel world we living in.
That was worse, i said say something thats funny not something thats worse, try again
>media who repeatedly show it as an unacceptable worldview
Instead, the complete lack of credibility and suspicion of the motives of the media (recognized propaganda machine) has caused their audience to ponder, "If they media hates them, maybe these racists are on to something and worth attention."
like i said, try to comprehend what i say. im literally not trying to be funny. i've never been that good at making jokes, except if it just comes naturally and mostly accidentally t. b. h.
ppl who hold radical views don't get "phased out" by shame...they only grow more convinced the mainstream is against them
60,000 in Poland show it's not working.
That wasn't funny at all either, whats wrong with you?
You're assuming that the media's consistent attack on White people aren't merely making more closet racists. I've found that most people pretend not to be racist until you get into a private conversation with them and drop subtle redpills. Once they realize they're not "on record", their real feelings come out.
I sincerely believe that growing pockets of society are openly willing to embrace traditional racist attitudes. We shall see what the future holds.
op here, you're probably right lol
my actual opinion on the subject is that it should be better not to massively ostracize these people and try to let them be part of a conversation or at least show some understanding and respect. but that might be too naive idk
Cable subscriptions and television viewership has been dropping steadily for over a decade, particularly among the younger demographics.
dude, i've never been really funny. but i have other qualities. can you teach me senpai? show me your funny ways.
The media literally made me a racist, the constant barrage of hatred towards whites is what made me hate more and more minorities and made me more interested as to the reasoning and well. Whites > Asians > Everything else. In some ways I thank the jewish media for opening my eyes. And a lot of people who I would've never in a million years thought of being "racist" are racist themselves
I stopped having a TV 3 years ago, nothing good comes out of it. the TV trend i'd say is dying pretty quickly
send me your credit card info and i will
>You're assuming that the media's consistent attack on White people aren't merely making more closet racists
yeah im not assuming that actually, i was just trying to bring up the fact that there's no mainstream respect and acceptance for so many people who are getting more alienated and, maybe like you said, larger in quantity, by the day.
exactly what happened in the election.
it was obvious that trump voters were so massively disrespected and disregarded that they felt like they couldnt even admit it openly, so the polls got skewed, right?
This, the media is what made a lot of us racist in the first place. The more they attack whites the more racists they make.
>send me your credit card info and i will
mild internal chuckle, nothing to write home about
on the off chance you were serious, i have no credit card. paypal?
trump won the election, doesn't that kinda debunk your theory then? day of the brush is coming, toothpaste.
Niet echt Ahmed, maar als het je helpt mag je het best geloven.
yeah i was just saying, i was just kinda ((((((trying to meme))))) in the op, my actual thoughts are a bit more subtle.
i dont think i wouldve voted for trump but my values dictate that i should respect people who vote for him, listen to them and try to figure something out like, together. im really tired of the mindless trump bashing, yet i also dont think he's making a lot of smart decisions.
I agree, discussion is always better...now the problem we have today is establishing "what are the facts"
yeah. so what are the things/subjects we should be able to have a clear view on (factual answers) to solve that problem? what are the things that are so hard to establish factually today which we actually need to know to make progress, you think? this is where fake news and propaganda comes in, right?
>not having the ability to meme
a-user, t-t-those are not memes
Whatever you say crypto juice
white racists*
all other races of racists are totally ok.
>racists are a small minority of people that will slowly be phased out by the propagandist sjw media who repeatedly show it as an unacceptable worldview
Then why are you the one who's nervous?
no backbone, typical soyboy
Wishful thinking. There are 10 times more racially aware people now than there were 10 years ago and there will be 10 times more in ten years.
another kike shill thread
another day
western yurope needs to die in a bloody genocide war.
that is all
OP on the left
I'm not nervous. You're mistaking my excitement for nervousness. Woo-hoo!
meant for
ever heard of counter culture?
What the media thinks eventually becomes lame and uncool, we are in that crossing period right now were people are getting sick of lefty shit
a picture of your erect cock and face in pic with suffice
hmmmm, gib email
Look you are a faggot
You are drawn to us sexually
Think what it is like for Hetero women?
People who are not just excited by the idea of fucking a nazi cuz it is oh so naughty.
but people who are biologically driven to create offspring and have been molded by millions of generations of selective forces to find a man who will die for his own. Die for her offspring defend them against all so they may live.
Racists are exactly what women want on a base innate level.
How the flying fuck will the thing that is most desired by womb carriers ever die off?
It is the faggots who are doomed fag.
Free fags are free now. No need to hide in a marriage.
And without that need no children
and without children no future faggots.
>faggot forgets we're the master of violence
nigga i just bust a nut in a test tube
post it here
>watching jew news
That's what they said in 2008
no i want it to be just for you. silly man i dont want my picture all over the internet
That happened before and, clearly, it didn't actually phase anything out nor were the racists a minority - they were just silenced and made to hide their views entirely for decades.
i was thinking of fake news specifically, there's enough "noise" associated with any viewpoint & it only gets worse when ppl are convinced to distrust journalists
Hi Micro
Your PsyOp is retarded.
Be a good boy and go back to reporting shitlib twitter accounts
actually our numbers are growing
dont be a faggot
so you're saying the only thing that stops you from committing genocide is being a minority atm?
heloooo have you seen my fagflag?!?!!
Sjws arecreating more racists.
Racism was less of a thing in the 00s than it is today.
Sjws have mis-stepped. By claiming that racism is only racism when whites do it and that in group preference is good and healthy when any other ethnic minority does it, tgey’ve Simply been increasing racial tensions and exposing their unfair double standards.
Whites who before were under the belief that we’re heading towards anMLK future where everyone is colour blind are waking up and realising that if everyone else is racially tribalist and has ingroup preference and identity then whites must as well or else we will be taken advantage of.
Their numbers are building more and more.
The left was closer to winning 10 years ago.
True political correctness is more extreme now, but the backlash to it is much more populous as well.
Muddying up people to remove raycism is erroneous logic and blind to facts. In-group/out-group preferences, including societal and psychological isolation/exclusion, are irremovable facets of being human. Sjws are chronically retarded because to remove social aesthetics will only create a superficial friendliness that has no actual sense of cohesion outside of corporate falsity and commodity. Sjws are regressive civilization enders and should be all killed.
Well it's true wH*Te boy. You guys gotta find yourself a thicc black and latino girl. And your wH*Te women need a well hung BLACK Bull. But we will stay with our own and you guys can't, hah.
Humanity and racism within it has existed for thousands of years, but racism will totally end right now because the totalitarian government of today is somehow different from the totalitarian government of the past.
This is what got me. I had to know why you guys thought what you did, I knew it had to be more than just "Oh they just believe those things cuz they're mean and hateful and totally wanna be the subject of societal beratement"