Anyone else notice how it's only 120 million out of 320 million that voted in the 2016 elections?

Anyone else notice how it's only 120 million out of 320 million that voted in the 2016 elections?
Who are those other 200 million? Centrists? Elderly? Do these people even exist?


They certainly voted in the election so they are counted in, and I don't really think there are 200 million illegals in there
... Right?

Children, minorities and teenagers who dont care. Old fuckers always vote cause muh social security checks. Centrists dont really exist.

Been eligible to vote since 2000, first time I ever did was last year.

either people who can't vote (children, former convicts, immigrants) or those who realize their vote won't make a difference, either because they don't think the system will ever change or because most states are reliably red or blue

Those people were either:
>Hated both options
>Voted 3rd party
>Apathetic towards US

Elderly largely vote who will give them more social security, Centrists swing too much and don't have a hard line issue (I myself am Center-Right but only because I believe in the economics of the Right but have a huge distrust with the Left on mostly everything)..

A good chunk of those are under 18 and the rest don't give a shit

>Demographic of the state may not be a swing state.
Basically this.

Children, felons, inmates, non-citizens, etc. The illegals did vote however, so dont be fooled by other commenters.

At least 1/3rd of the US is under 18, they can't vote. Youth vote is always horrible, not sure but I'd say about 20% of 18-34 year olds voted.

probably 80 million or so is children and the feeble you fool


Are you stupid? US population is 323 millions overall, obviously not all of them can vote. It's only like 250 millions of voting age population. And 140 millions voted, not 120. Some voted for third party candidates.
The turnout is still pretty low, only 55%.

There's like 80-100 million people in the USA who have never voted in their lifetime even though they're eligible. Look up 'the monster vote'.

Plus there's kids and such.

Hard centrist here (not even by choice, it just shook out that way). I vote at every opportunity, and only for those candidates that will cause maximum disruption. You're welcome

A large number of voters are disenfranchised due to, ironically, the electoral college. Democrats tend no to vote in Republican held rural states, and by a far wider margin, republicans tend not to vote in states with large urban populations (NY and CA especially).

The rest of them are simply disenchanted with the political process, or are totally apathetic, which is exactly what (((they))) want.

democracy is a hoax

As an american citizen, its mostly really apathy.

also probably at least 5 million of the hillary votes were illegal aliens in california
thats because cali gives illegals drivers licenses and automatically registers them to vote
oh, and dead people
we know how dead people always vote democrap

Hey bermuda, guess you missed all the hurrican fun it looks like.

Voter turnout is just abysmal in the US, literally one of the first things you're told in any Political Science course taken in the US when voting is brought up.


A lot of Democrats stayed home because they were told by the media that Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.

Which isn't good because they probably won't make the same mistake in 2020.

Maybe USA should invent IDs like every normal country, but they are too freedumbs for this.

This would be a real concern if the DNC wasnt imploding, with some of its highest ranking officials heading towards prison.

A third party might beat Trump2020, but thats not necessarily a bad thing.

people who dont care about politics or are too stupid too

SAme could be said about Republicans not 100% behind Trump, but likely would've voted for him anyway.

Nobody liked either candidate enough to care.

No, Niggers don't vote, unless a Nigger is running, lots of people hated both candidates and didn't vote, most states you have to show up at a polling station and vote, so a lot of people where at work or doing something that kept them from being able to vote. If all states voted by mail I bet the turn out would be much higher, and the dems would probably always win.

You fucking degenerate, about time!


Not really. The Republicans were energized because they knew Trump was the underdog and needed to make sure everyone voted.
I'd estimate around 90% of his potential voters actually voted.

Whereas with Democrats there was tons of complacency.
>Oh well Chris Cuomo just told me Hillary has a 99.8% chance of winning so why go vote?

about 5% vote third party, its basically a meme vote.

I thought this till Trump was elected, really restored my faith in the republic.

This is true, Obama got 80,000,000 votes, on his first election Hillary had a terrible turn out for a democrat.

Something odd about the math on this one

This, you cannot blame low turnout on the electoral college. Mid-term elections have nothing at all to do with the electoral college and turnout is even shittier in those.
The choices were Bush, Romney, and McCain. I'm glad I didn't vote for any of them. Voting for downballot candidates in Chicago is an exercise in futility.

This is me. First time I was eligible to vote, I was 18 for Bush Sr’s term. I voted for him, but only because my dad physically took me to the voting location.

Never bothered to vote since until....

TRUMP 2016

That guy inspired me to vote again.

Giving everyone the right to vote was the biggest mistake because most of the time less then half the people even bother voting

Gerrymandering at work. Also its New Jersey, the one thing they are famous for is political corruption.

I for get most states don't vote by mail so I can understand that.

The information you want is easily google-able

In sure win states, people in the demographic expecting to lose, vote less frequently. Registered Democrats vote less in Alabama, Republicans vote less in Hawaii.

In swing states, cities vote slightly more and suburbs vote way more.

Baby boomers vote the most. Whites too. Almost 3/4 of white boomers vote and there's so many of them.

Hispanics only vote about half the time. There's the meme of busing in Hispanic votes but it implies Hispanics actually vote.

People who go to college vote way more often than dropouts

what? 64,223,958 illegals voted.

>too young to vote
>not allowed to vote (felons etc)
>20 somethings too busy partying to care about politics
>stupid people
>too lazy to vote
>didn't vote cause they don't like either party