Sorted yourself out yet, Sup Forums?
Sorted yourself out yet, Sup Forums?
Still working on how to rake in cash via habby merchant®
my room is full of jews
Eh, kinda.
First they break your legs.
Then they help you to recover.
Then they ask you to compete with them on equal grounds.
Trying, switched my major to psychology and am in the process of transferring from a community college I've attended for four years to a uni. Started enjoying my job and stopped drinking alcohol. Still can't kick my smoking habit tho :(
Plus whatever he makes with his real job.
my room is a mess today
There are 5 JP threadS atm. Either you have a low IQ, which makes you incapable or reading or you are a stupid fucking poo shill with a meme flag.
If you was genuine, you would post something interesting or controversial about him to discuss.
>not a pick one
>i'm jealous of other's success
have a 150 IQ and work hard and you can do it too friend
most surgeons who go to medical school for 6 years dont make that much money dickwad
hes a hustler, making huge amounts of cash just running his mouth
I clean my room everyday. Not one dust particle in this goy's room.
Just got back from running a beep test with a mate looking to join the army... He got 8, I got 6, so I've got catching up to do, but I've been up 16 hours on 2 hours sleep, so not too bad considering.
My room however, is still a mess.
He has a product people are willing to pay for and I dont REEEEE
no, because it includes everybody from anywhere.. & that's a good thing
>house is clean and aesthetic
>been lifting seriously for 4 years, /fit/ af
>Meme Masters degree but years of relevant work experience
>I read; try to learn something every day, don't watch the electric jew
>have applied to literally hundreds of jobs, but can't get entry level work due to oldfag and background
>NEET for over a year now, starting to seethe with RAGE
>I can get with girls but it never lasts because of all this
so yeah Jordan, when is the universe gonna cut me some slack you fucking leaf faggot
t. guy with a dirty room
when you stop working for others
start a farm
I'm getting there
Nope. There's no hope for me. I'll just shitpost a few months more and then die.
true but hard.
not even close
Im drowning in the depths with the beast.
I just totally reorganized my NEET den the other day. I can post pics if anyone is interested.
Post pics
>tfw only paid 10/hr and work 4 hours a day
Fuck. Barely making it
Peterson's discussion with Jonathan Haidt about disgust was fantastic
also fun watching the guy trying to rein Peterson in when he goes off on tangents
I managed to fit all my furniture pretty much in one corner.
now I have this huge open space and I'm not sure what to do with it
Suggestions anyone?
fuck off you radical centrist autist
It's a journey, not a destination.
As much as I like Peterson, is there seriously going to be a thread about him every day and then we just have to end up saging?
some toothpaste designer once said
>space is the best piece of furniture
Maintain it? Looks good. Makes me feel sane and well-oriented.
Nice. I like that and feel the same way.
Wow you Kekistanis are absolutely incessant.
>radical centrist
Like how surfers say it?
>look over at unmade bed
guess not
if not farming you could start some other business
I guess I'm almost sorted then, just gotta organize the crap on my desk/dresser and stop being an alcoholic.
Self-help is a Jewish invention. It was big in the 00's, but the fad quickly died out because guess what, looking into a mirror and saying 'you are good enough, just work harder' does not solve the housing crisis, feminism or political corruption.
Some people have trouble moving on, I guess. But we are not living in the 00's anymore.
I got two failed businesses to my name. I'm a shitty salesman and it's all so tiresome.
>read "how to win friends and influence people"
>read "no more mr. nice guy"
>read "trading up"
I've read it all, I worked my ass off trying to apply it, but nothing seems to work. I'm gonna keep on keepin' on because there's nothing else but once again... it's all so tiresome.
anyway sorry about my boring blog. Deep down I know God won't give a challenge I can't handle. And because He can't steer a parked car, I will keep trying.
It doesn't take a year, it takes 3-5
keep at it.
Enter a trade-school. if "It's all so hard"