Jesus Christ

He was Jewish and loved many Jews.

Why pol hates the Jews? Your creator seems to love them.

Other urls found in this thread:'t tread on me

Because they stole all the shekels

Jesus himself was also Jewish??

I dunno op do your own research :/

Are you human, or google bot?

The whole point of Jesus is that he was born weak and died weak. He could have been born a 6'7 nordic king, but instead he was born into poverty into the most degenerate race and killed in the most brutal way.

Hebrews of Jesus' days aren't the same people as the modern Jews. Very different people, in fact.

Are you really Human?

Why don't you believe in him as your creator?

pic related is Jesus cleansing the temple from the degeneracy that the jews had created
Jesus was jewish but his own people rejected him as was foretold in scripture
the jews today who persist in rejecting Jesus are no longer part of God's kingdom

Are you really an human being?

The Hebrews were the ancestors of the modern Jewry.

May I inquire the reason behind your questions?

They were. That doesn't make modern Jewry ancient Hebrews.

I know the Google translator now understand the human language than before and Sup Forums server is controlled by the Google recapcha service.

Are you really not a google bot?

Can you prove that you are an human being?

really not google bot?

are you really this retarded? lord have mercy

Prove that you are an human being.

>loved many Jews
name one jew that ever liked jesus.

prove youre not using a proxy, faggot weeb.

((google)) is an atheistic silicon valley company
if I were a bot for them why would I be talking about God's kingdom and scripture?

Judea =/= jewish

Using the leftist's "bot!" technique, I see.

>Why pol hates the Jews?

Talmudian parasitism is the essence of Jewish psyche and it will always eventually end up destroying the host.

>meme flag
why you hide your flag? can you show me your real flag?

you're an idiot. i'm obviously american if you know what this flag means. you're a dumber than shit weeb using a vpn trying to type with poor grammar to make it seem like you're a jap. end yourself.

I am an native Korean speaker and studying the English language.

I was surprised at that google translator now understands the human language and can speak it well than before.

t. a beta who wants to hide his flag

don't you know japs hate koreans? you're full of shit. kys, weeb.

>google is athestic

lmao its not hiding. this flag is an american flag, you moron.

>wants to hide his flag
>cannot show his real flag

Yes it does. Judaism has always been an ethnoreligion. Jews are descended from the Hebrews, that's what they are

>prove that you are human
bots aren't autistic op
but still it all depends on wether or not you want to believe that we are

then post your writings with your flag

I assume you cannot do that, though.

>is too dumb to realize this is an american flag
>goes off subject because he cannot answer a simple question
you still havent answered my original question. you're using shill tactics. you're a retarded weeb who's been outed. just end yourself already,

are you muslim?

it doesn't even matter. you can't answer the original question. you're either part of or ignorantly pursuing the anti-christian jewish agenda.

hahaha but you can never post with the United States flag.

you are just arguing yourself is an american.

That's all.

>refusing to answer the original question
end yourself, weeb. that is all.

I am not a Jewish man or shill, fucking retarded nigger

>And then Judas happend
>And then the Jews who didn't convert, began hating the new Christians and not recognizing the prophesied Son of God.
>Christianity grows and begins to spread like wild fire through the ancient world, while the jew seethes in rage waiting in the shadows, lining their coffers.
>They begin their strike after over a millenia of seething in their hatred in Russia ala the Bolsheviks
>WW2 happens after we realize all the evils of the jew.
>A disease outbreak happens in their camps and they capitalize on this.
>And then the internet is born and /pol spawns
>The great reawakening begins
>you are here

this is the part where I make the kaboom joke

Judeans are the Jewish people.

>even after i posted with an american flag you still refuse you answer the original question
>uses terms that japs or koreans wouldn't use
you might as well be a shill, faggot weeb dumbass piece of shit

what do you believe? pagan horseshit? athiests tryhards? lmao

try /his/ no one will take you seriously here

>uses terms that japs or koreans wouldn't use

hahaha you are fucking smart guy that know the terms that koreans or japs wouldn't use.

haha you've been outed. no one here believes you, bucko. you're an english speaking weeb larping as a korean in japan. lmao. seriously. japs hate koreans. you're an idiot. try again.

뇌가 불타버린 병신 새끼가 사람 말을 못 알아쳐먹네 ㄷㄷ

>google translate
try harder
you've lost.
everyone is laughing at you.
deal with it, weeb.

야이 씨발새끼야 말 좀 해봐 병신 찐따 호로 새꺄



the retards like you are called 정신승리 in korea

having the last word doesnt mean you've won, loser.
have fun, weeb.

Jews that don’t follow Jesus are of the synagogue of satan. They made their choice.

결국할줄아는말이그거뿐이냐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

the Jews before the Jesus were also satan believers?

Ok, listen David kun, God created humans, humans fucked up and turned to sin, sin makes humans die, (they were meant to be immortal). To atone for sin, God choose Abraham and his descendants to be Israel and be the connection between God and mankind. But Israel also fucked up over and over again. So God sent his Son to fullfil the pact and destroy sin and death. But Israel, from now on the jews, killed Jesus. This is called deicide and it is an unforgivable sin. When Jesus died, there was an eclipse, an earthquake and the curtains of the sanctum Sanctorum were torn apart in a supernatural way. This means God nullified his pact with Israel. Now, these Jews have nothing to do with God, they are no longer his chosen people, and since evil is just the consequence of being away from God, jews have become extremely evil, just look at the Talmud.

Up to a point, and certainly not all of them. The entire reason Jesus was necessary in the first place was because of decay and degeneracy, he was a last warning.

>When Jesus died, there was an eclipse, an earthquake and the curtains of the sanctum Sanctorum were torn apart in a supernatural way.

jews fear samurai

hello holland kun

Yes he was a Jew, but he wasn't a Zionist
Never forget that he was also against Jewish merchants in the Temple

>being this stupid

>From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.
Mathew 27:41
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life
Mathew 27:51, 52


What are you, new? He was a son of King David.(His Lineage) That means of the 12 jewish tribes he was part of the tribe of Judea.
A land, a tribe, and a "Lion"
Jesus was also a Prophet, Priest, and King
All of these were requirements for HIM to be The Messiah.

And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.

And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
Mark 15:37 38

Not exactly true, but he was born poor. The three wise men took care of that, tho.

>even cannot understand modern technology


Jesus was one of the first thought criminals in history. The Jews did not like His words then, and have despised Him ever since. Pledge yourself to Him, as it is the only way we can save mankind from impending doom.

Get a bible heathen.

"The crowds replied, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” Then Jesus went into the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves. And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” Mathew Chapter 21 verse 12.

i think YOU are the one that has to prove you are human xD

Tell you what, since you don't care to be nice I will help you to understand. Just click the link to understand the history of that flag and why it is USA.'t tread on me

If you've read Jesus' words and don't find them sublime and true then you are deaf.
If a man hears his words and uses them as his foundation then he is truly wise and most likely saved unto eternal life.

He loved his own people. That's what we are trying to promote. Everyone should love their peoples, even if they had some shitty history, like Germans or Russians. Everyone should work to better their own country, their own peoples, and if there were some bad things, like nazism in Germany or communism in Russia, a real patriot should then learn from it and do their best to prevent that bad part of their history from repeating. That's what we keep track of and learn history for.

As for Jesus Christ being Jewish, fuck that. I don't hate all the Jews. I hate a lot of them, those that are working to destroy our civilization. But those that see that and oppose that, and are willing to fight against that, what the fuck would my problem with them be?

Jesus had lied the foundations for the greatest civilization on planet Earth and him having been Jewish is not relevant. There is no direct correlation between being Jewish and being a Marxist, a post-modernist or a commie, despite what a lot of Sup Forums will meme in replies to my post.

>all the people must know our history

i am human

>lynch jesus
He was one of (((us)))


he is /ourjew/?

I heared 10% of the population of Poland were Jewish

Traditional jews were sneaky, but ok
It's the Ashkenazi jews that are the problem. They weren't around then.

No, not everyone, just ignorant fucks that try and run over my rights and the rights of others to be under an old yet still used flag. You are not suggesting that the "Gadsden" flag isn't viable or American, are you?

They are the true descendants of the Hebrew people that loved by the Lord God. If you swear them, you will be hated by YHWH.

t. I am not Jewish

Ashkenazi...everytime I hear or read that it just makes my blood boil. This world is too good for them and I detest this world.

>god created humans
You typed the rest of that out, yet you cant even prove he exists. Why?

People under Khazar dominion included the Bulgars, Burtas, Ghuzz, Magyars, the Gothic and Greek colonies of the Crimea, and the Slavonic tribes in the north-western woodland. Khazaria was therefore a melting pot of racial types that were not of the bloodline of Judah and therefore not true Jews mentioned so frequently in the Bible. And there lies the rub: the special status of the Jew in Scripture as "God's chosen people" is compromised if it can be found that the modern Jew can not prove the blood in his veins flowed, so to speak, in the veins of Abraham and King David. The plea that they are the Covenant People of the Bible and are deserving of special treatment falls flat on its face if the Ashkenazim are not the progeny of "Jewish Khazaria," but also that, if indeed they are, that Khazaria was predominantly Gentile and not properly Jewish at all. Recent research has dispelled much of the mystery of Khazaria but has also opened up a can of worms for the proper understanding of the "Jewish Problem" as Theodor Herzl the supposed creator of Zionism described it.

are you fucking retarded? Jesus was a Pharises, descended from David.

What about our ancestral Roman/Greek gods? Would it be legitimate or noble to use our religion of old instead of the judeo-Christian one?

Too many National Socialists and Communists on here trying to influence people to hate Jews. Nszis murdered them, and the Soviets murdered them. but no one talks about what the Soviets did. Socialists hate Jews. Capitalists can work with Jews no problem.

Prove who exists? GOD? My friend, you must be in the wrong


get the fuck out of here you normalfag civic natcuck. Tell Le Donald to fuck off!

Cause most of so called "Christians" here are not really true believers. Most of idiots here are the same like liberals with their stupid identity politics.

Hades will smite thee

He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality.
Romans 2:6-11

Nice gameball...normalfag...prove me normal.
civic natcuck...I like how you tell me what my affiliations are. If namecalling is all you do, I see a narrative forming and it look to be straight out of the libLeft playbook.
And as far as Donald is concerned, He is the leader of the free world weather you like it or not and their is nothing you or I can do about it!!

Hades can kiss the widest part of my white cajun arse!! WHO DAT!!

Read book of Numbers, chapter 31.

Moses was just as bad as Mohammed.

Jo-El Sonnier will smite thee!

He flipped over the lending tables and was murdered by his own "Jewish" community. Never trust a Kike.