If Feminism becomes more popular then more women will start working out. Women who are fit and confident have tighter pussies. There will also be more dom woman that will fall for sub men. Sup Forums could not get girls before because there were too many sub women who wanted dom men and Sup Forums is too beta for that. Feminism will fix that.
Why we need feminism
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I need feminism so she can shove my face into her crotch
Buffed girls aren't attractive.
Female empowerment!
Uuuuh wrong? Feminists are all about body positivism and beautiful at any size.
Well we need a feminist reformation of society to make women a labour class and men a more intellectual and creative outlet for a population.
sincerely hope you people don't take this stance only to get tighter pussy
It's a real problem that girls don't work out,
it decreases their mental health as well as their ability to defend themselves, making them more dependent on men
>wanting a "woman" with the physique of a man
A-user I.....
Feminism aproves of special rights over men, affirmative action, less jailtime for women. Feminism also believes that women cant rape, cant hurt men, need to be believed When denouncing men without any evidence, and that women should have less requirements when joining the millitary, firefighters and the police.
Feminism is about women being as strong/stronger than men...? What...?
I don't think you understand what feminism is, also, men make the laws, blame them for the legal system.
She's hot as fuck.
I didn't read your autism but I have a fetish for women with her body type so have a bump.
Their argument to combat this is usually
"B-but women voted for the laws!!"
When is the last time you hears of anyone voting for a law? Morons.
Laws are passed by congress, not by individual women voters. Congress is made up of men.
Womens rights.
Was done.
By men.
Bad news soyboy. Buff women want buffer men. back to your wankpit or stop being a bitch and work out.
>Pic related is not the product of feminism.
This is.
>wanting a muscly dom feminist gf
that's gay as shit nigga, what we truly need is feminization of everyone. Let's do some math
>male x dom female = 2x the muscles / biologically correct sexual intercourse = 150% gayer
>female x shemale = 2x boobs / biologically correct sexual intercourse = 150% straighter
Found the bitch
>If Feminism becomes more popular then more women will start working out.
fucking.. what?
they both have penis, right?
only one of them, I'll let you pick which is hotter
Women with muscles and tattoos are degenerate.
Feminism promotes female independence which would in-turn result in female's investing in their safety and survival by getting buff.
Except they will not because feminism is not and has never been about women improving themselves, but rather about lowering the standards placed upon women so that they do not HAVE to improve themselves.
You want evidence? Go talk to some fucking feminists. Ask them when they're going to the gym, ask them how much they can lift. Watch their baffled expressions as they try to understand what you mean.
Feminism means a woman is healthy at any size. Feminism means a woman can weigh 900 pounds and fuck 60 niggers and you should still marry her because huu huu if you don't that's sexism ableism body-shaming huu huu.
Feminism is the opposite of what you want. What you want is aestheticism. A culture that worships beauty and strength. A culture that idolizes power, perfection and self-improvement. If we lived in such a society then we would not need feminism because feminism exists to erase standards, not to help anyone live up to them.
Wrong. The only thing better then a hot woman is a hot buffed woman with a gun.
Its probably a feminist herself trying to make them look less retarded. Feminists are fat landwhales. Not one of them is /fit/.
All the ring wing girls are either fit healthily in a normal female way like pic related, or they are like powerlifters or something
retarded logic. Most feminist are fat aliens with beards
This tbqh. Shame that she's not white.
>Feminism promotes female independence
>which would in-turn result in female's investing in their safety and survival by getting buff
feminism turns women into helpless children to be coddled and protected
I think women would go extinct before they learned to fend for themselves
Desperate men enable failures of women, women who are dependent of men will find any beta to house and fuck them for survival, blame men for this, not feminism.
>being this much of a faggot
Haha oh brazil that made me laugh out loud.
Here, have a non-feninist.
>feminism turns women into helpless children
sounds like you've never looked into feminism beyond "feminism rekt" compilations on youtube, good luck going through life with your eyes sewn shut.
I'd like to see a woman with a body like this, and then a pic of her heavily pregnant 8 months later.
>not going for superior female x shemale
I'm going to blow your mind right now
hold onto something
>saying =/= doing
take all the time you need to process that
If feminism meant more responsibility it would have never caught on, keep dreaming OP.
You went to far there buddy.
You're an idiot. Feminism promotes abortion, female dominated workforce (are you f***** kidding?) And forced "equal" outcome regardless if men put in more effort.
Motherhood is the most important societal role in the world.
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world".
You are literally CREATING the next generation and molding them into whatever you please. Women are the sculptors of everything in the world, we sculpt men, and men in turn sculpt trhe landscape.
The surplus of murderers and rapists is a result of WOMEN!!!!! Namely the toxic feminist mentality. The good actions of men should be credited to us, and so should the bad, because it is us who raise them and give them life.
>women will start working out because of Feminism
Have your (you) damn whore.
>Womens rights.
>Was done.
By cucks seeking to gain women's votes.
so what'll it be? hemale x male or female x shemale?
>He fell for the dominant girl meme.
Women are naturally submissive. You see it in dating, most of them date 'up' as to be inferior to their significant other. The opposite goes for men, if they are submissive to women they most likely have mental illness and crippling insecurity.
>mfw I won't marry a fembeast who'll kick my ass every time I look at another woman
Why even live
How is it our fault that you're cucks? Take responsibility and be a man.
Go look up theodore roosevelt quotes and learn how to be masculine and take charge, not shifyt the blame on your women like a little weasel.
when women work out it fucks up their sex drive and hormones. when they work out too hard it screws up their reproductive processes sometimes permanently. when women take roids/hgh like your pic related they smell like man balls and are a danger to society.
ont let me ruin your retarded fantasy though. feminists will become inferior men and real men will love them for it...
You realise that feminism is a nuanced philosophy as opposed to a strict ideology, right?
I'm a feminist but I'm pro-life and pro-meritocracy, so your claims are false.
Your logic and reasoning will never destroy my fetishes.
You're delusional.
disgusting choice famalam, female x shemale is clearly the superior direction for humanity
>feminism means whatever I say it means
shut the fuck up
Men should be leaders and take charge, assertive and authoratative. But this doesnt mean abusive, angry, mean etc...
What qualifies manhood for women to appropriate the label and be inferior to that of a cismale?
Who would have thought that there was a chink hiding under there
That poopage you just expat all over... Yeah, you're cleaning that up, not me
You realise Feminism is just Islam for women. It's everything to do with oppressing men and silencing disent
if we had a comprehensive manifesto on feminism it would solve so many problems
alas, it's never going to exist beyond "social, political and economic equality to men" which can be inferred however you want
>shut the fuck up
sounds like you're triggered, and also, not an argument
Her huge velociraptor clit will break you OP
not an argument
His argument occurred before that part which you conveniently cherry-picked.
How do people feel about feminism with respect to children? If a child says something sexist or problematic should they be no platformed at the school?
she has such a pretty face. what a shame
usually a small dick which is well within the realm of a female taking enhancers.
The other user said it for me
>feminism means whatever i think it means
I didn't cherry-pick anything and actually proved him wrong because of my explanation that feminism is a very divisive philosophy which can complement any political ideology.
>Implying women have never impacted legislation before *cough prohibition, 19th amendment cough*
>If Feminism becomes more popular then more women will start working out.
All we got are fat and lazy women spreading "It's okay to be absolutely disgusting" ideas saying it's oppressive not to date them
>">feminism means whatever i think it means"
you are truly deluded
She's on steroids
There's a big difference between a woman who in good shape and trained as a fighter and that roided out bodybuilder chink posted by OP
>How is it our fault that you're cucks?
Why are you equating me to the weak men who pushed feminism into the government?
Just because women consider themselves a collective doesn't mean men are as well.
>Take responsibility and be a man.
How am I supposed to take responsibility for things I cannot be responsible for?
>not shifyt the blame on your women like a little weasel.
I'm blaming the women, as well as the shitheels in our government and am working to change things by campaigning and running for local elections.
Did you miss the "I need feminism because..." campaign?
Biggest mishmash of contradicting situations which apparently all have the same remedy.
>Why are you equating me to the weak men who pushed feminism into the government?
Idk, why are you equating me to the women who might have taken part in voting for civil rights?
>How am I supposed to take responsibility for things I cannot be responsible for?
You know nothing about masculinity
>ywn lick her ass sweat just after she finished her workout
Why even live.
Continually shifting blame to everything else but yourself. 100% positive a woman typed this. gtfo bitch and don't speak on things you have no real idea of .
Closeted fags: The thread
You are truly a cunt and unwanted here. Be off, save your relationship while you can, stop wearing yoga pants.
You do your ancestors and your once great empire a disservice. How do you sleep at night?
>feminism allowed for sexual liberation
>sexual liberation allowed for sluts to fuck without consequences
>women go after chad exclusively
>betas get lonely
>betas get a single woman
>she chameloened into a trad for a yr n half
>beta decides to marry
>female shows true colors
>already have baby on the way
>mother of child turns into shrew cunt
>father tries to maintain relationship
... could go on all day w this shit m8
When will women take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming men?
I don't think you know what divisive means...
Never. Which is why feminism was ultimately a mistake because of course it would evolve into what it's becoming now with Third Wave feminism and everything to come after. And to think, it all started with a vote, which came from working factory jobs while all the men were off dying in foreign lands during World War 1. Women grew balls, men were weary from machine gun bloodshed, caved in and here we are. What a trip.
Modern woman has been programmed to hate herself and feel guilty and inferior, ironically by the leftist propaganda that tells her she was a slave throughout all human history to men.
Deep seated self-hatred is what creates masochism (the love of self-inflicted pain).
This is why modern women love BDSM and "assholes" who treat them like shit.
But women who DONT hate themselves are not turned on by assholes or abusive relatuonships. Instead we are turned on by chivalry, kindness, respect etc... Like olden times.
If you act like an ass you will get masochistic leftist whores who are self-conscious and addicted to feeling ashamed and inferior.
But if you act like a gentleman, you will get a loyal right wing wife who loves you and will never leave you.
You arent an ass. I like you
>you know nothing about masculinity
>yet is shilling for FEMINISM
are you a faggot or a retard?
>take responsibility for meeee!
Where am I shilling for feminism? Learn to read please.
Great since I don't get my butt fucked with a strap on by some female zyzz.
inb4 some "witty" comment about Germany and rapefugees.
Fun fact: women police officers shoot more people. A lot of the time they cant overpower criminals physically so they shoot. And I love how the shills try to discredit your comment with jokes and no arguments/facts
Your country has been a failure since WW2 and the true german people of that great homeland died out with it. Good luck when your refugee problem becomes a hemorrhage.
The only reason we need feminism is to wake up the entire world and revert our intelligence back to that of our ancestors. We’re in an age of weakness, that is being held on top that of a stick. Once tragedy strikes, gynocentrox society will collapse with it.
There’s a reason every culture throughout history was lead and prospered by male leadership. Women have and will always be second class citizens, the only reason that isn’t the case right now is due to the daddy state and corrupt society realizing how to make a quick buck through the sufferage of men.
Times will once again revert, when Western civilization collapses, men will once again have to rebuild it. This consumerist society spearheaded by Jews and women is unsustainable and is headed for collapse relatively soon.
You're the only one with any sense ITT
Women who get male attention tend not to be feminists
>touch her tit
Lol, you sound fucking retarded. Go fix your 52%, Jamal.
Literally she would look and feel like a man from behind. Anyone who likes a "girl" like that is gay and addicted to beinf dominated.
A testament to their weakness
Have you ever met a feminist..? They are fat and gross, their whole ideology is rationalising their laziness with victimhood. They won't work out.