He's British, you know.
He's British, you know
Other urls found in this thread:
If he's British, then I'm white!
so a monkey in a zoo is a brit too?
Oi mate you got any welfare.
My ancestor.
His ancestors built this country.
You have to come home Tyrone
>tfw you'll never be as Chad as Gary "The Lionheart" Younge.
He also became a Marxist at 15. Joined the insane cult that is the WRP.
And now he writes for the Guardian. What wonderful contributions to Britain he has made.
No he's what happens when cousins marry. Chimpanzee cousins as well.
*blocks your path*
That bloke talks like an actual monkey. Not even stereotyping he talks like an ape would talk if you taught it to talk.
The fact that he looks the way he does just helps cement it.
I shit things more british than him.
Am I the only one who non-ironically thinks that all the "afro-%%nationname%%" movement is extreamly racist?
Because african people have their own's nations, languages.
It's really disrespect.
I can't understand why noone from Sup Forumsack still didn't use it in SJW's trolling.
checked. post qt british girls
Englishman to be precise
Looks like an easter island statue.
>He is Harambe, you know.
Have a candy.
>african people have their own's nations, languages
yes, American nation and English language
He should clean his forehead
rename the gif wild american
he is british and he can be because 'british' is a made up political concept. hes not a briton, hes not english, hes not european
He's all 3 of those.
No he is not.
So when is someone going to set up a bot for
>Brits are NOT white.
with that pic under the filename typical_brit.jpg?
>i can just create imaginary shit and claim that it supersedes obvious heredity
He is British. 'British' is a civic identity. He isn't English.
>says he's British
>"the British need to apologize for slavery and imperialism"
I paraphrased that but whenever I hear him speak he speaks from the position of a foreigner addressing a host nation.
>implying that english is not
>I can't understand why noone from Sup Forumsack still didn't use it in SJW's trolling.
Not a bad idea. "Make them follow their own rules" or however its phrased in rules for radicals.
yes, also sorry for Runglish
i've noticed in the british media they dropped "british citizen" for "briton" around four years ago. "european" is widely treated as a political/EU term and "english" is ridiculed and verboten since a long time.
so yeh, only when the historical use of ethnic identifiers; english, briton, european is undermined, depreciated, contorted can Gary Younge be all three.
he looks like a nigger Andre the giant.
100% pure anglo saxon
Literally looks like an ape
that's well outside the limits of wewuzzability
"Lol, haha, humans made up that concept lololol, so really its a meaningless concept..haha, it could mean anything, lol I'm so clever, I figured out that language is a representational tool, I'm like Foucault xdxd.. Well no I actually havent read him.."
The fuck are you on about
Lamenting germans flag rapacious understanding of the practicality of postmodern ontological application in argumentation.
>I'm white
Lol, what does white even mean, its a made up category
>so, I'm saying by a normative definition of whiteness I am
Lol, so white could be anything, see its subjective lol
>sure, language is a subjective tool l, normatively agreed upon to describe the objective world, whats your point?
Lol, suburban regard, not understanding that its impossible to know anything, lol I'm smart
British maybe.
Englishman, Welsh, Scotsman, Irishman never
Why are his ancestors' achievements more important than his own?
I'm deebly goncerned i might not win a fight with this nigger.
Looks like he has retard strength..
Brb getting swole
Where's that huge ring through his ear?
I'd like to see a quiz which asks people to guess the country someone has come from.
A priori, this guy is either from Africa or is an abo from Australia
Yes and I am a pure yayoi japanese
This is disingenuous.
Each answer on this webpage is of the same race. Nationality is not the same thing as race, and furthermore, nationality can change according to citizenship.
is this the tampa serial killer did they catch him?
>He's attracted to gibs.
He got dressed up for this, why not for Dicky Spencer and the huwite males?
>getting dressed up for neo nazis
They built the English language too you racist
I mean by the definition of British, yes he is. British is just being a British citizen which I think he is. He isn't English because he's black and therefore not of English ethnicity. There's no such thing as British ethnicity,
But he gets triggered when you say he's not English.
Nice try waving your dumb dick around and getting us no further.
>tfw would definetly dip my chip in her curry sauce.
He's not actually British, he knows it deep down, everybody knows it deep down, same way with how all of our non whites never truly consider themselves American. If they ever do identify as american they're trying to make a political point.
I agree with you
British is the union of English, Irish, Scots, and Welsh. He's not any of them, so he's not British.
This. Don't let these fucking shit skins say they are tell them they aren't.
If these niggers come to the US and say they are British they will be laughed at.
>posting the inferior version
Wait, that's not Miss Finland?!
Arent Niggers already a problem in the US?
Yes but what I mean by it is that we haven't been brow beaten into thinking that a nigger can be English, and you guys should call them out when they say that they are.
no they would not be. no one would laugh at a black brit claiming to be a brit. you're delusional and showing off in front of the anglos
Well I've done it before not to a black person with a British passport but to a Chinese person that said she was Australian I said that she's just a Chinese person.
He's a nigger, get out shill