>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
This is my fetish.
I want to become a giggolo.
we can pretend im a virgin :3c
I kind of regret losing my virginity ten years ago, because if I hadn't I could've become a wizard this year.
>no cute boy will ever take away my virginity
i didn't want this feel..
Does anyone have a link to that doujin where that boy finds himself in a world where teenage girls are horndogs instead of boys, and then he whores himself out?
I stumbled on it once but was never able to track it down again.
What are you talking about!?
Best decision I ever made. I was such a social autist because I hadn't lost it even entering university. That's when I decided to man the fuck up and get a hooker. Easily best decision I ever made. Sex is easy to find now.
>where teenage girls are horndogs instead of boys
Spoilers went total shit on me. Sorry for the blog.
Look up final fantasy tactics on sadpanda, one of his doujins are the top results.
This was a fetish I never knew I had.
I agree. When I think of Sup Forums the next thing I always think of is homosex and excessive masturbation.
Are the girls demons and do they tell him how much they like his small, demon penis
>teenage girls are horndogs instead of boys,
>tfw I'm never home for the new years circle jerk thread
I hate my life.
It's real. I saw on here a while back. Maybe some based user will come show it to you.
You realize that phrase makes no sense, right?
I didn't like that one. Wasn't cute.
>some qt pi pays you to fuck her
Once in a lifetime.
>Faggots think this is unique to fantasy
El OHH el you faggots need to get out more often if you think females are prude maidens
user, I...
Normally teenage boys are always horny. In this doujin it's a world where girls are horndogs instead. It makes sense.
I think posters on this site don't have much experience with the opposite sex in general, which is why they say a lot of the things they do.
W-w-what are you saying
I think it's called "World of Reversed Gender Roles"
The art is bad but it's still 10/10
>The art is bad
Its called "unique" you pleb
>>yaoi tomgirl
why is this allowed?
Why are you all so homesexual?
>westerner goes to modern day japan
it's the legend dary supah sand cake karot kakarot
Its scary outside
Art is meh but the concept is surprisingly hot.
Sauce for the love god
It can't be...!
The art isn't fapworthy, but it's a great style on its own. I'd read a non-H in it.
because of anime
>girls immediately start acting like girls in the bedroom
Well I wasn't really expecting anything different.
The entire concept is ludicrous.
>guy shower
We call it a bro shower over here(no homo)
You are a sad person whose arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. Also your reading comprehension is pretty shit.
2D + trap = perfection
Are you retarded?
He meant corndogs.
>the volume where he finally fucks the succubus(male)
When will the manga get there?
male(girl)s only
didnt he already fuck him twice? or I might be thinking of something different.
Its kind of annoying that most porn has the girls always acting exactly the same during sex. Both in Japanese stuff and western.
One is always blushing and squealing, and the other is always over the top moaning and screaming (with lots of cursing). More variety would be nice.
Anyway... is the op picture a trap or not?
I-I like the art style.
Damn sequel isn't translated
Quads confirm
3 of them are translated
is this the thread where we post girls?
Hen is the second one yeah?
Girls (male)
The one where he fucks delinquents is second
Third is hot springs
Yeah it's pretty easy to tell as soon as you start reading anyway.
>those sequels
This shit is comedy gold.
You forgot the one where he fucks a girl who's into fat old lady porn and the Gaiden chapter about another girl's rape fantasy.
Those arent translated yet
>four 4
They act like huge virgins, not "girls" per se.
>It was a trap
I mean I don't mind but this wasn't wat I got all hot and bothered for.
Busted for prostitution so he has to trade favors with a dirty cop sequel fucking when?
This shit writes itself.
In the manga? I don't think so. There were kissus, he blew him and masturbated.
a girl gets lost in the woods
fighting to survive, she becomes a cute mountain man doing cute mountain man things like killing and scalping injuns and skinning bears
you just assume the shorts are a skirt unless you actually look
>that time he literally fucked the tsundere in the ass
What is "SPIRIT COOKING" anyway?
there is a thread on /h/
help me Sup Forums I need your most top tier trap doujins I don't know how to search them on the panda
Search for husky girls.
thanks Sup Forums when it comes to traps you never let me down
>it's a trap
Fuck man I had my lotion ready.
these threads are always the best on Sup Forums
>love cute traps
>hate yaoi with a passion
It's a complicated situation.
It's only half-faggotry if they look like cute girls.
>paying to suck dick
I want one.
Is there such a thing as an incubus(female)?
There really should be.
sounds like you gotta man up and suck that dick.
Ain't that just a futa succubus?
>male only
god dammit.