What will dumb people do in a post-automation society?


> Many trucking jobs are unionized, and the gig doesn’t require an advanced education. You probably won't get rich doing it, but driving a truck is an option for those who might otherwise have done the kind of factory work that's left the country in the last three decades or so.

Other urls found in this thread:


we'll gamble away our universal basic income in knife fights (or spoon in UK)

The trucker doesn't even need to be in the truck: Starsky Robotics—a Silicon Valley startup that employs six full-time truck drivers—would put the driver behind a screen, in a call center-like office.
> The company, which today is testing and collecting data on Florida highways, envisions one joystick-equipped driver manually guiding trucks through the trickier bits of operations, though construction zones and the last few miles between an interstate and distribution center, while the computer handles the bulk of the simpler, highway driving tasks.
> One driver might be able to handle up to 30 trucks per eight-hour shift, the company predicts. “These would be remote drivers who get to go home at the end of the day,” says founder Stefan Steltz-Axmacher.

Take ADHD meds become functional members of society


what will tech writers do once a computer can lace together quotes and summaries to make better articles?

That's interesting. I hadn't considered remote work before.

At least it's more plausible than prostitution, it's not like most of us are good looking enough to be picked as fuck-toys for the global elite.

Makes sense, they do it for drones, so why not trucks.

Considering the number of spelling and grammar errors in that article dumb people just might end up as journalists, because it looks like they're qualified.

>input lag
>connection drops out at 40km/h, leaving the truck to either come to an emergency stop in the middle of the road or, alternatively, try and continue to a safe stop on autopilot that's already inadequate, hence necessitating the drone pilot in the first place

niggers will wage a war of attrition against any unmanned businesses


250 years ago 90% of the people were farmers. Now less then 1% of the population are.
I have no idea what truck drivers are going to do in the future but I don't worry about mass unemployment.

We are damn close to that already.

It's not that computers have improved, but journalistic integrity is in the toilet. Journalists we're never valued for their writing, they were valued for their investigation, the "scoop".

Nobody wants that anymore. Der Spiegel went to great expense to get world chess champion Garry Kasparov to take an I test, today you would never see something like that.

remote control truck of piece now

vote for gibs

wtf, I love open borders now

I don't


250 years ago 90% of wagons were pulled by horses. Now 1% (if that) are. But the horses didn't get other jobs, they got turned into pet food.

The problem with the coming wave of automation is that it replaces humans in every task, just like combustion engines replaces horses in every task (except novelty tasks). Humans won't get other jobs because the coming wave of automation is superior to humans in every respect - supposedly.

I don't anticipate people getting turned into pet food though. I think that more likely we will see UBI, and most of us will work part-time for a day or two a week and get paid three times our current salary for less work. Take the example of a shoe factory. If I invent a machine that replaces 10 workers with just 1, I can pay that 1 worker 5 times as much as I would have before and still be making more money. It means that 5 people can share that one worker's job - work one day a week - and still earn a "full salary". Or you could work two days a week and earn twice as much as you used to, etc. etc.

People will work less AND have more, and if you don't want to work - you don't have to. Just sit back and collect those neetbux. But people do want to work. People have an intrinsic desire to do something. Just perhaps not for 40 hours a week. And they'll get that choice.

That said, this system isn't sustainable. Sooner or later we will run out of resources.

This kid thinks he's smarter than robots. kek

I want to see a Tesla deliver beer lol

Use violence to accumulate wealth and end the era of brainiacs

>try and continue to a safe stop on autopilot

It would be pretty cool watching that happen on donner pass or in the middle of LA/ Chicago traffic, kek.

t. Truck driver

Technologically displaced farmers had cities and factories to go to, there is less and less a dummy can do today to remain a productive member of society. I'm concerned we could be hitting a technological point of diminishing returns.

Robots don't get angry in traffic. They're much better at driving than any human.

t. Robot9000

Do something actually useful, like being biofuel.

>falling for the amphetamemes.

If you lack self control, then the last thing you need is amphetamenes you will abuse.

kill self

The exceptional horses kept being used for races and other contest, another lucky batch is used for recreational purposes, some people like going to a farm and riding a horse, others are kept as pets. Only the below average horses were sorted out by market forces. Hope the same thing happens with humans.

>If I invent a machine that replaces 10 workers with just 1, I can pay that 1 worker 5 times as much
But why would you, out of the kindness of your heart? If less people are required to produce the same stuff, wages will go down, not up. Demand for goods and services isn't infinitely elastic.

once automation gets widespread enough the dumb and pooe people will go try to destroy the machines to force the rich to give them jobs back

>Only the below average horses were sorted out by market forces
You mean like 99% of the population of horses going to the glue factory?

Well.. Im pretty sure they wont be killed.. That would be depraved.. Maybe some but not most as most would fight it and become a nuisance. If it was more than a small amount it would become a nuiscance on the others and cost money.. If the population did not have money how would these corporations profit? Its seems like they will impliment some kind of basic income fairly easily. If not then there would be some weird T2 style war for a short period before these rich people realized that they couldnt sustain that and it would wind up destroying them.

Machines can already replace humans is almost every single task. But why are there people still employed?
Because they are cheaper.
There will always be employment as long as they are cheaper.

How are we going to pay for it?
>But people do want to work
Look at longterm welfare recipients. They want nothing, they are miserable cunts and if everyone gets money for nothing we get more of those people.

After WW1 the US was just shooting horses because it wasn't worth bringing them home, because of how little value horses had in the car era.

Well, you'd have to offer enough money to entice people to actually bother to show up, because UBI means that they don't have to if they don't want to. And if that ends up being a pittance then so what? People who don't want to work for a pittance just won't, because they can sit on UBI.

For example, I might get $45,000 tax free on the UBI, which is just over $850 a week. That's a solid working-class wage in Australia, though on the high end. It'll afford you a reasonable lifestyle if you're single. If I were going to give up one of my days to go and do work for as little as $150 a day, which would be $18.75 an hour (below our current minimum wage) my annual income would go up to a bit over $50,000 a year (though it would probably be taxed). So even if wages do go down because people are willing to work for a pittance everyone would still be better off in this system.

The thing is that to afford UBI taxes would have to go to insane levels compared to today. I think that sales taxes would probably supplant income taxes as the main source of income, especially on luxury goods. Food might be priced normally but an 80" T.V. might cost you 50 grand instead of 10.

>How are we going to pay for it?
A combination of taxes and state-owned enterprises.

>Look at longterm welfare recipients
Have you considered that this is a self-selecting group? Maybe the reason they are longterm welfare recipients is because they don't want to work, rather than they not wanting to work because they are longterm welfare recipients. That would make a lot more sense to me.

You still have competition for that one job. And that competition is even fiercer. Massive incapable populations of people will disappear. There's already 13% of absolutely unemployable people in NA that we struggle to find jobs for. With automation that number skyrockets. Competition for livelihood will become treacherous, even violent IMO. There is no UBI that will fix this.

You must make yourself useful and dangerous. If you dont you will die.

>UBI covers basic survival needs and allows for some luxury
>"people will kill each other just to survive"
I don't think so.

Ban automation, stop outsourcing manufacturing.

Put Americans back to work.

>UBI covers basic survival needs and allows for some luxury
Implying anyone will ever make your NEET dream come true

They will be culled like the cattle they are.

if you pay everyone 1000$ a month you need to collect the same amount per capita, good luck with that
>state-owned enterprises
a recipe for disaster and in-efficiency

>considered that this is a self-selecting group?
good point but I do think if you take the purpose out of someones life most of them will end up like this. I have no statistics at hand to back this up only my own experiences.

die out because welfare will stop
the INVISIBLE wealth redistribution, of which there are thousands - unions, processes, methodologies, "agile" (jew cancer) - will die out and mean finally we will not be subsidizing animals to reproduce in a human society

you know that the word "spoon" in UK means to cuddle someone - so you just said we would have knife fights, or in the Uk, we would have cuddles?

I want to go to Uk... not keen on knife fights.

Until almost ever vehicle on the road is autonomous, unmanned Tru is aren't gonna happen. Too many variables. My favorite one is "platooning", where one driver has the lead truck with 3 following his input. Yeah, 1 driver with 500 feet of truck behind him. On roads full of distracted morons.

> rain starts
> ai doesnt work anymore
For a long time ai will just be helping a human doing a job.


>if you pay everyone 1000$ a month you need to collect the same amount per capita
Yes, and? You are aware of the existence of an institution we refer to as "taxation" which the state uses to raise revenue from its citizens, right?

Go and divide the GDP of the USA by the number of residents. You get a figure referred to as "GDP per capita." That's how much potential revenue exists in the US per person. Even today, without automation, it's enough to guarantee $35,000 a year to every single person in the country with money to spare. It would just require a reconfiguring of the economy to do so.

Automation isn't necessary for UBI. It just makes it more feasible - and more necessary.

>a recipe for disaster and in-efficiency
Yes, potentially. I still expect that they will be used though. And people will complain about them and they will continue to exist and people will complain louder and there will be reforms and then they will be slightly better but get worse over time and people will complain again and on and on and on.

>I do think if you take the purpose out of someones life most of them will end up like this
I think most people would reject the notion that the purpose of their life is to work. People don't consider themselves drones even if you consider them drones.

People do have an intrinsic need for achievement though, and I can support this with academic sources on request if you really want to argue that. Work is one place where this intrinsic need can be met. The strength of this need varies across individuals, obviously, but its present in most people. Most people who had their survival guaranteed probably wouldn't work 40 hours a week, but they'd also probably work some hours.

They would also work for the money, just like we do today. UBI certainly doesn't buy every luxury, so there would as always be that incentive.

That's the thing, people have leverage to negotiate decent living conditions because they provide something of value, their time, skills or looks. The moment they don't have anything to offer, they'll be treated as trash. Nobody will give away free shit for nothing when they could just keep it for themselves.

Find a job that robots can’t do

[spoiler]Love me.[/spoiler]

Wasn’t there an automated bus the other day that was gunning the motor into a building? Yeah i don’t think people should be worried yet

Someone make a shirt with a pepe che guevara

*shudders in disgust*

>Find a job that robots can’t do

Industrial maintenance

>Sharpen the edge of a spoon
>Stab somone
>Ends up on the news
>"We need to make tighter spoon regulations"
Ah man I hope this happens, I'd loose my shit.

They will get wiped out by acrobatic terminators


They'll need power tools to get the trucks open since unmanned vehicles will need tighter security.

I’ve worked construction and I’ve worked aviation maintenance and robots can’t do that shit

>So-called high skilled college degree faggots think they're going to be safe from automation

The only people safe from automation are the class that does not depend on someone higher than them. Entrepreneurs, CEOs, share holders, and those who have horded a survivable amount of savings are literally the only people who are safe from automation. Just because you can perform heart surgery or write some code does not mean a robot can do it better than you for far cheaper. Keep laughing because you're next

dude..my sides...well played..

>What will dumb people do in a post-automation society?
all they will do is Sup Forums shitposting


Were you the same robot that killed it's passenger when it mistook a white truck for empty road?

>that was a Tesla, too

> I believe UBI will do what they say it does.

Even if that's the case, no human is okay with basic survival, they want to grow, learn, explore. If that opportunity shrinks with the constricting job market, one of two things will happen. Either humanity descends the way I'm suggesting, or humanity transcends their current state developing ideas and advancement in ways that make the automation revolution pale by comparison.

In your view would you say Automation and AI is the peak/bookend of the industrial revolution? Or is it well past that already. In my view, automation began with industrialized labour. Humans making machines to do things they cant.

Soon. Eventually bongs will only be allowed prison cutlery

I am all for automated trucks. It would cut out paying the driver and I imagine the logistic companies sector would also have a dramatic change. A lot of cargo transport orders are being sold to smaller and cheaper companies several times and every time a company takes a comission fee. If you cut them out or the company that sends cargo simply buys their own self driving trucks i believe the prices on products would drop greatly
t. also truck driver

Fuck ubi and fuck gibsmedats

They will rob those trucks and shot down drones. Hunting and gathering will never be the same. I’m not religious but these people know that idle hands are the devils playground. Sup Forums is proof of that on a mini scale now talk about giving the average joe nothing to do on a massive scale? Sup Forums will look like saints in comparison. They’re going to make criminals and then punish them for it. All the white collar people who are giggling about this are too stupid to see that they are the sacrificial lambs

Here's to the lady with the white shoes.

Take a bundle of prison cutlery and bind it together and sharpen the edge or give someone a paper cut on their jugular.

B-but we'll have time to draw Mario fanart! It will be another renaissance despite the fact that my country is full of Somalians and Mexicans high on drugs

post on Sup Forums, blame it all to jews, muslim, immigrant.


>I’ve worked construction and I’ve worked aviation maintenance and robots can’t do that shit
Technology doesn't replace workers, it increases productivity to the point where your boss only need to hire a couple of guys to produce the same output. Then your wages will go down as once unemployed workers are willing to do it for cheaper than you.

The automation argument should really be used to destroy the replacement population/migrant/brown horde for cheap labor argument in Europe, Australia, and America.

>they want to grow, learn, explore.
The current job market delivers none of that.

Most people spend 40 hours a week, or more, in dead end menial positions and then they retire and live in squalor for a few decades and then die.

A not insignificant, but small, fraction of those people are lucky enough to work in professions, where genuine opportunity exists. But most of these people don't even take the opportunity that presents itself here.

Only a tiny minority of people are genuine entrepreneurs.

Not to mention that work is not the only thing that can fulfil this need.

>If that opportunity shrinks with the constricting job market, one of two things will happen

Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

People are not going to throw their comfortable UBI lives away in violent revolution because they miss the 40 hour workweek, even if they're not totally satisfied with what they end up with. I don't expect some artistic revolution or new renaissance because most people are garbage. I'm not that optimistic. But there's no need to so retardedly cynical either. If literal fucking famines haven't kickstarted revolution I doubt "not having to work hard enough" will.

I make automation software, the UX interaction side of things. I approach software with the following philosophy. It shouldn't be easy to use, not entirely. If someone spends their whole day doing exactly what the computer tells them, they live a miserable unfullfilling day without meaning. I make the software a little bit harder, hide a few shortcut functions or easier ways to do things. Users find these, always. Users feel empowered. Users feel like they know something about the software others dont. User feel better at something than the machine. Users feel more indispensable. Users feel like they are playing and succeeding at a game. They feel they've gotten away with something in a sense, and enjoy using their discovery to perform their daily shitty tasks because now they have a sense that things could be worse.

>I think most people would reject the notion that the purpose
I think I phrased it wrong. Its not the purpose but a necessity. It what gets you out of bed in the morning.
You don't have to work 40 hours a week to get the benefits of work. 40 hours is to much anyway for creative jobs.
Some people can discipline them self without that but most don't

You can’t just throw bums at high skill jobs. Safety is bigger than ever

And the Left will tell you UBI will make everything ok while waiting for The Synchronicity.

That isn't save either, advanced enough computers could take that over too, isn't that hard really, just teach it laws of physics and material limits and a task and it might be able to figure it out itself trough millions of trial and error in seconds

Well.. There definately will be some increase in the class difference between the ultra poor and the not ultra poor but most people would riot. It would cost more to keep a large chunk of the population in prison and to kill them for nothing would cause despair in everyone else.. to the point of it making their life depressing and not worth it. There will still need to be some kind of economic system whether it is based on money or some other kind of commerce. If none of that existed than what will this automation be for? 95% of it is to service the consumer. If there is no consumer then what do we have? Just a bunch of robot maintaining a meaningless system of their own? In the early stages of this automation those groups who were ostracized could easily destroy the infrastructure. If i was rich i would be more generous but still thinking of way to monopolize this.

Of course, this argument is to cause cognitive dissonance in the left.

>What will dumb people do in a post-automation society?
They'll transform their offspring into smart people by using genius sperm donors.

here's your controller bro

At this point, everything could be done by robots and we technically shouldn't have to be working anymore, that was the whole point of industrialization
Have technology advanced enough that people wouldn't have to work if they didn't want to

Except now (((they))) need to secure their positions and therefore there'll always be jobs for dumb people to be exploited

What will aussies do when abos have cybernetic iq booster implants and telekinetic abilities?

Unmanned trucks of peace will be a thing. Great.

You can't drive a road vehicle beyond radio range remotely you fucking retards. The input lag would fuck everything up.

I knew France was retarded, but holy fuck man, please tell me you're drunk.

I don't know if I should be worried about feeling confy with the idea of robo-terrorist but I'm disgusted by muzzies.

Plus, few existing distribution networks operating on just in time can process fleets of trucks arriving at the same time.

But i hope they make it work, i always wanted to be a highwayman. Stand and deliver robofag.

t. Truck driver

>who's gonna pay for our healthcare? wo's gonna pay for our retirement? we need more unskilled labourers! economic growth can only be fueled by population growth! that's why Canada needs 100 million people! Vietnam and Egypt have 100 million, we can be successful like them!
But then who pays for the immigrants' retirement? More immigrants?
>lock this goy up!

>spoon means something different because they can't have them
the state of bongs

They're just going to have dedicated truck lanes for long stretches of highway, where one driver will basically be operating a train. Then when an individual truck needs to exit a new driver takes control of that truck.

May those glorious machines succeed where humanity failed.

This logic doesn't make aaaany sense and is done to quell fears

you want the ai driving EVEN MORE when conditions are bad.

>unemployed workers are willing to do it for cheaper than you.

Unemployed workers aren't gonna be taking my job, fuccboi. They can't find people to do it now.

Most trust fund babies are dumb