ITT: Characters you will never view the same again due to doujins
ITT: Characters you will never view the same again due to doujins
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How weak you must be
Was it this doujin?
haha my first thought too
Top 10 doujin review I've ever seen
>before doujin
>a pure, maidenly JK
>after doujin
>a pure, maidenly JK
Everything went exactly as expected.
This shit was hot, she willingly tried the dress she made despite how revealing it was. She was basically allowing him to see her practically naked. Furthermore she was the one who designed and made the dress as revealing as it is knowing it was meant to be for her.
C P ー9です
I don't play Granblue. Is she that stupid in the game?
I was going to ask, but I think it's better off that I don't know.
Who is this Cum Splinter.
Cag one was better.
sauce please
Rosetta, Granblue Fantasy.
See also.
She knew what she was doing, she just couldn't handle the temptation.
>old man decides to be young girl
never understood that
You gay son?
You might not belong here.
Lurk for 2 years before posting
You know. "That" doujin.
did you have to remind us of THAT?
What a cute girl.
What a cute boy.
This also confuses me, why are most Shimakaze doujins nowadays a bunch of traps?
I believe it was made popular when a marathon runner IRL, won while in a Shimakaze cosplay
Hibike slut
Nah, it was popular before that, it just seems that Shimakaze's slutty dress makes up for some good trap material
Whats with some characters getting crazy amounts of cuck hentai? Asuna for SOA has the same problem.
I knew this coalburner will appear sonner or later I knew it.
The purest a thing is the more fun it it to corrupt it, etc, etc.
Nah, it's just Fatalpulse magic at work
Delete this, NOW!
didn't ShindoL draw this? I'm surprised he isn't banned from Sup Forums
Any Strike Witch girl drawn by null.
They just immediately make my cock start leaking and view them as meat toilets.
Based on reactions, that was the yotsuba one wasn't it?
It was the ShindoL one, yeah.
she's a romantic and she'd probably refuse to make the dress on principal
and i don't think her manipulation magics would even transfer over to other people
I don't read h-doujins with characters that I like, to avoid that very situation.
But why would that matter?
I am sorry for defiling you Megumeme.
>Reading fatalpulse
>not reading asanagi's works
She was supposed to just be mai daughteru.
I haven't even seen a Mordred ero doujinshi.
based shindol poster, he'll be back in 3 days. Tested it on the day they got rid of Yotsuba, silent slap ban from mods/ janitors who don't give a fuck about board culture, just the fact it was prob NSFW pages.
Genderbent naruto
its true. marlo is god
extremely goat and has ruined AoT somewhat for me
>tfw you're waifu's character in doujin's is on fleek
How fucking new.
Why are there almost no Soulsborne doujins?
Almost all the shit we get is hot as fuck, but you can count them on one hand.
I'm fuck not.
This one, on the other hand, I am ashamed of.
He actually got 2nd.
>he faps to out-of-character doujins
Don't do drugs, kids.
Newfags won't get behind the panda anyway.
She gets rekt in most of her doujins.
I can't get an erection to my pages and pages of favorites of the best, sexiest girls anymore. I can only get off on traps these days. It's so frustrating.But so incredibly satisfying.
Genderbent Naruto
Not a character, but I am now completely incapable of playing any Monster Hunter games thanks to a certain set of Vore doujins...
Must not be nearly as popular in Japan as it is in the west. Which is a damn shame, the girls are so hot and have so much doujin potential that I'm forced to resort to western lewds just to get a good nut off.
That, plus all the stuff Ishimura does really got me on the whole vore thing going.
Don't know why you wouldn't play the games anymore though.
Can't play for 10 minutes without jerking off?
Pretty much. All it takes is one Gigginox to show up for me to decide that it's wank time.
Definitely her.
You might as well go vegan while you're at it.
tomo chaaan