>Emil will never take you out for knedliki and piwo
czuje smutno
Yuri!!! on Ice
Other urls found in this thread:
Victor will finally abuse Piggy.
Ciso? Ciao.
Can someone translate this please.
Can't wait for Victor's rough love.
With his dick
The king and the fairy.
This is what fairy thinks of your ship.
Where's the rest?
This ship is growing on me
Not really shipping it honesty. I just want Fairy to interact with other skaters.
I still don't know that the animation from the PV was reused for episode 1. Yuuri is way skinnier in the PV than in the episode and it seems like a lot to redo.
I'm really liking the fanarts of them together with JJ teasing Fairy.
There's already a containment thread:
I would waifu her.
>sharing a thread with freeshitters
>Free discussion.
No thanks.
Delete this
Good. Stay there.
Yuuri is my husband and I'm going to marry him!!
Otabek a slut
I want to tickle him.
Why is he wearing that outfit again? He should be wearing his little blue vest.
Get in line.
Please get in line.
The best husbando in the show!
Removed my post because i thought the other thread was a general.
So, Yuri finally made it as a woman!
That's an old image, dumbass.
That pic was preview for episode 5.
How rude, but thanks for letting me know.
Absolutely halal
>long hair
>no glasses
That's an impostor.
I guess I'll upload the other preview pics for this thread. First one is
I want sloppy seconds.
delet this
>that expression
There's a line for that too.
Don't worry, he kept the dick
Good. The farther back the better.
Talk about a downgrade then.
He's so pure.
Please remember that Emil is cute!
The purest.
You have exceptionally good taste.
Last one!
I got it guys, I figured the plot for the last episode
I want to hear him speak in his qt language.
>died 1989
>playing career: --present
>Died April 3, 1989 (aged 57)
>Playing career – present
I've never actually heard Czech before. Off to youtube I go.
Yuuri is bae.
Victor is a time traveler confirmed
Poor gook, he hates women and therefore Yuuri.
Yuuri is a man now, get with times.
Why are you guys thinking we'll get spanking or even a kiss? We've become quite spoiled after the non-stop chain of gay.
Next episode we'll get sadness and angst.
Yes, he is no more the most beautiful woman in town. Now he is The Man Who Stole Victor Nikiforov From The World.
I want to see Victor cry.
The preview pics this time around are useless.
The preview lines literally said "rough love." What isn't more loving than a nice spanking session between bros?
It's not me, it's my dick. I want Yuuri to get the spanking he deserves for being a disobedient slut (male).
Honestly, I have no idea of what to think. Despite the fact the every episode they manage to surprise us, I'm still afraid to expect for more gay.
But spanking is unlikely tho.
Rough love that yuuri's glass heart can't bear and both of them will end up crying in a bathroom stall
This is really beautiful.
>the most beautiful woman in town who seduces the playboy
>a pork cutlet bowl fatale that enthralls men
>the man who stole victor nikiforov from the world
I hope he comes up with a new one every time.
whats up fags im back
Yuuri is a BULLY, a bully!!
Should have gone until the end
I love this, arigatou senpai
About the violent/wild/rough love Viktor is gonna give to Yuri, I think it may be those rough massages that basically looks like a spanking session
>plus the stamina
I love this.
I love you
At this point I've already gotten my hopes up too much, any form of spanking is welcome.
I don't know if there will be sadness, all I know is that it will be gay
You marry Yuuri, I fuck Yuuri.
Plus, I hope Pichit find them in the middle and take another hillarious picture
I want to fuck his ass.
Now I want more of Yuuri bullying Yurio.
What a shitty edit desu
I expect the same thing with a lewd dialogue and lewd noises from Yuuri.
I want to protect gook from his fangirls.
wtf i love Yuuri bullying Fairy now
Who will protect the dog from the dogeater?
didn't do it seriously, it was only to pass time desu
Friendly reminder that every boy is best boy.
He deserves to be tortured and murdered.
Except for the dogeater.