One Piece

Spoilers in 2 hours.

Big Mom did nothing wrong.

SanjixNami chapter please.


Sanji's busy getting married to superior girl.


Is there anyone you genuinely want to kill? Aside from fags who have multiple waifus that is.


nami a shit


where are the spoilers?


Haki was a mistake, top to bottom. Oda should have just kept logias as super rare and have each anime possessing one taken down in unique ways. More importantly, he shouldn't have standardized abilities like this and make basically everyone capable of coating their arms in metal.

>have each anime possessing one taken down in unique ways.
>each anime

Spoilers are out.

It's just a chopper fillershit chapter

Oda is a genius for creating literal plot armor.

This is exactly what I've been waiting for.


how do you guys get spoilers but BNHA has to wait till tomorrow

Usually when the time post 2ch is always real but this time it says they are not sure.
Pudding sleeping in the same bed with Sanji sounds fake though. This is one piece. Also dead Luffy and Zoro appearing.
Would be a good chapter if it's real though

>it's not the usual provider
so they literally just copied a random user's post. bet that guy's having a laugh.

Thang god Oda writes it and you don't

>Tuesday night
Are things going to back how they were last year?

No you are just new. Hell we got last chapter spoilers on a monday.

That's not true faggot. We got them Tuesday. Stop lying

Yonkos are being shilled too much. Gear fourth for random character?


Carrot becomes Nakama

>implying calling someone new doesn't do anything but identify how need you are
Holidays are different. There was a period where we got full chapters Wednesday mornings.

Thank god I fucked your mom in the ass rather than risk creating another failure like you.

Let's have a good thread.

Will Wano wr get a weather egg and learn it's origin?

Will our beloved strawhats evolve as pirates? Roger was stated to kill his targets.

Why did Pekoms shot multiple times if he was so strong? Is it because his lowered gaurd?

Why do the moons hold such significance?

Can Dory and Broggy use Haki? Could current Luffy defeat either?

Was Crocidle actually a female?

Is Luffy's mom a nobody?

Nami's parents seem to be a major plotline, who are they?

Is Brook the grandfather of aokoji?

Why is Urouge so based

>a nobody being able to take the grand dragon cock
you underestimate the D.

You are one of the reasons why snk threads suck so badly please find a new meme atleast

>Will our beloved strawhats evolve as pirates? Roger was stated to kill his targets.
They won't kill anyone.
>Can Dory and Broggy use Haki? Could current Luffy defeat either?
No. Yes.
>Was Crocidle actually a female?
>Is Luffy's mom a nobody?
More than likely.
>Nami's parents seem to be a major plotline, who are they?
>Is Brook the grandfather of aokoji?
>Why is Urouge so based
He's really not.

>Was Crocidle actually a female?

What is "SPIRIT COOKING" anyway?

>Was Crocidle actually a female?

Seems pretty likely. What else could Iva have over him that would make him react so fearfully?

There is no one relevant in the right age range to be Luffy's mom. though.

No, Pop Greens were a mistake. Haki was necessary but he fucked it up with the power level comments.

> They won't kill anyone.

They indirectly killed Vergo and Monet tough. Doffy held them responsible.

>More importantly, he shouldn't have standardized abilities like this and make basically everyone capable of coating their arms in metal.

In that regard, how is haki different from "I'm going to punch you really, really hard"? I never really get the beef with haki as a form of increasing damage when prior to haki, it was standard affair for characters to start hitting things harder.

I agree but if not what cod it be? Crocidile did save both Luffy and Ace, is it motherly instict or is it a pirates self interest? Actually he saved Luffy atleast twice

It's different because it can act as a defense, too. Referring to zoro vs pica.
According to doffy, it's even possible to counter devil fruits with it

There's a billion potential characters still in the world that could be his mother, I mean, the way the story is written, the people who live in the world aren't even aware of most of its biggest names, it's very easy for her to be someone important we haven't met. But if that's the case, she's probably dead. No way she's alive because Oda needs to write her as a loving mother and if she was in a terrible situation it would have to be monumental to keep Dragon from saving her (though of course, this could be twisted into some, slave of the nobles thing and that's why Dragon began the Revolutionaries) but other than that, her being alive would need bad writing on the level of Sabo's reintroduction.

What's different from "my skin is really tough"? There has always been people able to take more damage than others.

"my skin is so tough it can potentially withstand a slash from zoro"? Wtf. This would be an idea for a single character, not for everyone

anyone else miss mangapanda? their duwang translations were hilarious

There was people able to take a slash from Zoro before haki. Same way there's people able to take a cannon ball to the face and some who would die. Nothing really changed, Zoro was never able to cut through everyone indifferently

Haki is whatever Oda needs it to be. That's one of the big problems with it. It can punch intangible things. But it also doesn't disable abilities or properties of devil fruit users. Except when it does like in the case of Lulffy's resistance to blunt attack. Except it doesn't, when used on the likes of Akainu because apparently there's also a power level component to Haki. Having greater haki (whatever that means) can mean that an enemies' haki attack doesn't affect you. Except when it does.

That's without getting into the fact that "hitting things really hard" is a boring fucking ability. Giving it to everyone is a bad idea regardless. Far too often post timeskip we've had enemies who's entire fight style boils down too "imma cover myself with this metal-like substance and punch you"

It doesn't change anything expect the fact that now everyone can hit logia type and it add new visual effect when Luffy fight. It's just in your head.

Exactly how strong is Grap? Stronger than an admiral?
The story tries to play him up like he's really important, but's only a vice admiral.

I trusted him when he said he was going to kill Sakazuki.

>Nami's parents seem to be a major plotline
no they don't

How fast were you reading? It's all clearly explained. He turned down the admiral position multiple times and he's too much of a loose cannon to actually have the position but in his prime he was above the current admirals. He and Sengoku were the powerhouses of their era and Sengoku became Fleet Admiral so it's implied Garp could have as well (in power at least).

He chose to be a vice admiral for life so he could keep his freedom even though they kept offering him to become an admiral.

Dragon might have been one.

Read chapter 0.

Her and Franky were certainly higher on the list of people with potentially important parents (that were actually villains) than Sanji. That said, I'm hoping Sanji can come out of this as an interesting character because he's been tagging along for far too long.

Do we know when Sakazuki et others became admirals? They are pretty much the same age, right? I think he left the marine before that tough.

No spoilers yet to lying piece of shit

Except for the fact that it doesn't disable Luffy's abilities. His only ability is that he's made of rubber, and that doesn't change even when he gets hit with haki.

Kizaru was a Vice Admiral when Dragon was leading the Revolutionaries, the others were seen as Vice Admirals earlier than we've ever seen Dragon.

About 22 years ago, I guess? They already were vice admirals when Ohara was destroyed, but I can't remember right now how long has it been since this incident happened.

I just assume they are around for a long time and Dragon was in a higher level than them by that period

Haven't even read that far yet.

I see, thanks.

Just got to around that part which is what made me ask.

So far they said Grap could keep up with Roger in his prime, and White Beard was weaker than Roger, and White Beard being half dead was still stomping Sakazuki out.

I was kind of hoping it happened to be honest, Sakazuki is a fucking tool.

Does Grap get any cool fight scenes later in the series?

Patiently waiting for Urouge to arrive.

I just caught up and holy shit, one piece is good again?

No. Is going downhill

Right? I've only recently caught up myself, but I'm glad I stuck through Dressrosa.

one piece was never good

No, he retires after that incident and basically disappears from the story after getting beat down by Dadan because he's completely ashamed of himself for failing his grandsons.

>Does Grap get any cool fight scenes later in the series?

We only saw a little glimpse of a fight of him and Don Chinjao when they were younger, but that's it for now. I really wish we could see more adventures of him, Sengoku and Tsuru in their prime. Maybe Oda will deliver in the future, be it a special, spin-off or just as a flashback

>pop greens

Yeah this shit is fucking lame. The fun thing about Usopp was how improvised his techniques always were. Who wanted to see him basically become a plant wizard?

And, yet, here you are.

Well, that's a shame. Kind of a waste considering what a cool character he is.

Dressrosa was not that bad. I don't understand this meme, there was a lot of highlights. A lot of chapters in a row were amazing. Like every chapters until they meet Big Mom's ship. Everything was hype as fuck in this sequence. Then there's Sabo, the chapters in a row were every executives get beaten, the flashback about the Doflamingo family and Corazon... Seriously, what's wrong with people hating on this arc?

To be fair, we havent seen Coby and Helmeppo yet as well, and Sengoku and Tsuru reappeared not long ago too. Let's hope that in the future he gets a longer screentime, considering that his backstory with Dragon is a thing yet to be unveiled

> we only saw a little glimpse of a fight of him and Don Chinjao

I'll add this to be more precise... Seriously, Dressrosa was a really good arc. Some of my favorites part are in it... God Usopp ! No seriously fuck you guys you are full of shit.

Here are some common complaints

>t repeated too many storybeats from Alabasta.
>Terrible pacing, the arc feels like it takes an eternity because it never takes a moment to slow down and allow the story to breath. It's battle after battle with barely characterized Colosseum fodder 21# vs Doflamingo executive #15. it kept going and going.
>Too many uninteresting side-characters clogging up page space (The Chinjao family being the worst offenders)

No chapter next week, Redon confirmed

>it's a double issue after break week episode

goddamn, back to bi-weekly one piece hell again. these holidays will be awful once again

Actually I lied

And I bet nothing will happen this chapter

>>t repeated too many storybeats from Alabasta.

Meme about a stupid theory. No, problem with that. At best there's 2,3 winks to an awesome arc old of mutiples years.

>Terrible pacing, the arc feels like it takes an eternity because it never takes a moment to slow down and allow the story to breath. It's battle after battle with barely characterized Colosseum fodder 21# vs Doflamingo executive #15. it kept going and going.

A little bit at the end and Luffy not finishing Luffy after the first G4 was stupid.

> Barely characterized Colosseum fodder.

Ridiculous complaint, people were bitching about them getting too much characterization because they were "useless characters that will never show up again". Painfully wrong and it added a lot of depth to the story. Most of them are awesome character.

>Too many uninteresting side-characters clogging up page space (The Chinjao family being the worst offenders)

What the fuck are you on. Sai and Don Chinjao are among the best characters in the story. Don Chinjao was a direct link to Garp's.. A guy everyone wants to know about.

> Rebecca

She's shit ok.

Not everything was perfect but it's impossible to say it was a shit arc. Way too much highlights to be a shit arc.

where do i find the fake spoilers?

I'm going to sleep.
Wake me up if it's a SanjixNami chapter.
It will most likely be some filler shit.

first spoiler pic is out.

One Piece is the worst manga I've ever read before

But Zoro is headed to Wano

>no chapter next week

I just had this weird Idea. Imagine if Zoro gets so lost on his way to Wano he ends up on Whole Cake Island. Like Luffy and Nami are fighting and Zoro randomly shows up saying "Oy, Luffy what are you doing on Wano?" I could see Oda doing some shit like that.

what about after?

Is Oda dying?

there's robin and law to prevent that

there is no after
because i kill myself for reading such shit manga

>tfw satisfying Hancock jack off session

When is Oda ever not dying?

Hancock makes me rock hard.

tfw satisfying Buggy jack off session

Oda better not change it up and move the chapter to Chopper and Carrot. I swear I will be fucking pissed.

>Will Wano wr get a weather egg and learn it's origin?
Reword please.
>Will our beloved strawhats evolve as pirates? Roger was stated to kill his targets.
Only Sakazuki and Teach.
>Why did Pekoms shot multiple times if he was so strong? Is it because his lowered gaurd?
>Why do the moons hold such significance?
Has something to do with the actual One Piece item.
>Can Dory and Broggy use Haki? Could current Luffy defeat either?
Sure why not.
>Was Crocodle actually a female?
>Is Luffy's mom a nobody?
>Nami's parents seem to be a major plotline, who are they?
Big Mom her mother, unknown father.
>Is Brook the grandfather of aokoji?
Doubt it.
>Why is Urouge so based?
Monks= Based, you don't like being sound of body and mind? Cmon user.

Also One Piece isn't on their planet.

>Nami's parents seem to be a major plotline, who are they?
>Big Mom her mother, unknown father.
yoooo, nooooo