>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
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>UN Amb Haley @UNSC meet on Venezuela 11/16/17
>House GOP celebrates Tax Reform Bill passing house 11/16/17
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A Georgia family is under fire for allowing a seventh grader to wear a T-shirt that mocked liberal news network CNN on a school field trip to CNN’s Atlanta headquarters -- but the boy's parents think the school violated the First Amendment by making their son take it off.
Nancy and Stan Jester, of Dekalb, are both local elected officials, she a county commissioner and he is a member of the local school board. Their son, seventh-grader Jaxon, wore a shirt mocking the CNN logo as “FNN” with the caption, “Fake News Network.”
A teacher asked him to remove it before the tour, but the school has since apologized to the Jesters. However, the parents want an apology for Jaxon because, they say, the whole thing was his idea and he has the right to free speech.
“This year when the CNN tour was announced, my 7th grade son Jaxon asked me if he could purchase an FNN-Fake News Network shirt to wear for his field trip,” Stan Jester wrote in a blog post. “As an advocate for the First Amendment, I agreed to his request.”
I bet you would not believe your mom if she admitted she was molested by Moore, that's the kind of supporters Roy has
When is the Senate vote?
I wonder how many WaPo reporters are in Minnesota digging up Franken's past? Maybe they even assigned an intern!
>Suddenly left cares about healthy development of child and not using them in political connections.
Tulsi 2020
Next week at the earliest.
>An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last
Cuckservatives are appeasers
Daaamn. Roy Moore tells Mitch McConnell to stand down. WIll be a bottom jej when he makes it into the Senate.
hahahahahh god liberals the most most moronic people
>can chop cock off at age 12
>cant wear fake news tee shirt
Reminder that Grassley just signalled to Dems that he is tired of their shit and Feinstein is seething
gas these fucked-up jews
I want reddit salt for this. In fact I may mine some myself.
I don't mean to spam, but it seemed like a hot topic last night for some reason and I'm just trying to keep everyone in the loop and informed:
SD user posting info on the Keystone Pipeline oil spill yesterday. I've done some digging into the oil spill. Here's a local article:
The guy cited in the article posted does exist, I checked on the local government's website and it checks out, he's a real dude.
I don't think I can post the links here but here's what you're gonna do if you want a map to where it happened and a .pdf with all info pertaining to it, including who reported it, where it happened, and all other details as of right now, as reported to our State's Department of Environment and Natural Resources:
Go to this site:
In the ID No. Field type in "2017.204" without quotes and search. In one of the last columns there should be an option to download a .pdf with all info on state record as of today.
my mom hated me when I was a baby/toddler, caused all kinds of psychological problems I'm working through.
So Yeah I'd probably side with Moore on this one.
>not feeding the crocodile your best friend and then running away while it is busy with him
Are you the one who said you wanted to be that fat dog in a puddle?
>5 year olds must have the right to cut off their own penis
what? no.
But I am intrigued. What fat dog?
Fuck all these Kremlin political manipulation threads!
That is /sg/
God I wish that was me
damn, that is a fat dog.
Oh to be a kid on that "CNN tour". Can you imagine how much fun it would be with our knowledge? Pulling up clips of all their fake news shenanigans to show everyone on our smartphones.
He's a lazy boy, but also a good boy.
Hillary tried to poison journalist who exposed that her campaign is stealing money from poor donors
>every other thread is a slide thread
>don't let the kikes win
Don't know what to feel
Believe me, I don't like the left either, but I think everyone deserves the presumption of innocence, regardless of where they stand politically
In a ten-month investigation, we found Venezuela's chief justice: • was arrested on suspicion of killing a teen. • tried to pressure a judge to release a suspected arms/drug trafficker. • was ousted for improperly releasing two murder suspects.
We'll get right on it, Schlomo!
Trump always thinks ahead... what about photo 2, 3, 4,....
sounds like a spinster going insane
many such cases!
Nevermind, it really is too cancerous.
>Jackson is a sanctuary city
That nigger mayor wants to make that city worse.
That's why him winning will be so great. He gives zero fucks about anything except what he believes in. He was stripped from his Supreme Court position twice, the first for not taking down the Ten Commandments and the second for ignoring SCOTUS's decision on gay marriage. He also got denied the funding he wanted from the legislature for the court system and instead of cucking he just shut down the courts until the Alabama legislature funded him. You just know he's going to make McCuckell's life a living hell everyday.
Fucked up if true. But it’s hard for me to trust anyone
you goofballs
anything happening today?
No, it's Friday.
>I think everyone deserves the presumption of innocence,
definitely. I think all of these high profile cases of women years after the fact trying to destroy men's careers should be dismissed out of hand unless they have some kind of hard evidence.
But kike media, whatcha gonna do?
What the fuck are those faggots even doing?
Damn ol Jeffy boy slaughtered em in '14
>Jeff Sessions 97%
Ran unopposed.
Good thing it's not gonna happen.
>give dog chocolate
crashing this bill
Don’t you love false flags?
>Economists say this is mostly because the revised bill repeals the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate — so some people wouldn't buy health coverage, and therefore wouldn't get the tax credits to subsidize it.
>What this table is showing is lower-income people's taxes going up, in JCT's calculations, because some of them are no longer receiving the ACA premium subsidies. "This is all negative taxes disappearing. It's not like they have to write a check to the government in any way," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum.
>While there are other serious policy questions regarding repealing the mandate, Republicans do have a point when they say these people are choosing to give up their health coverage.
>People receiving premium subsidies — generally people earning around $12,000–$50,000 a year — would be largely insulated from premium hikes following the mandate repeal, and therefore would be unlikely to drop coverage over affordability concerns.
>"For people currently receiving premium tax credits, it really would be within their control whether to continue getting insured or not," said Larry Levitt of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
>The biggest exception is if insurers pull out of markets, citing instability, and leave counties without any exchange plans.
>Another big thing the tables show are higher rates in 2027. That's because the individual and small business tax cuts expire beginning in 2026, so unless Congress extends them, people will see a big tax hike when the lower rates sunset.
I swear all you Finns need to die so Foregen can harvest the biological material.
It's pretty obvious they are trying to make the "Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and hose the poor" talking point into reality and sink tax reform.
>(((Ben Shapiro)))
Always fighting against the goyim and for Israel, I see.
No democrat bothered to run against him, just an independent or two.
stop being a patriot
Told that years ago to 80 year old people and they asked if I was lying.
Turns out that if you go into a city and out of the thousand of people who will walk by in an hour, 1 of them will say something embarrassingly stupid.
>Republicans raising taxes
Imagine my shock. As always, my predictions come true, I called this.
2020 President Bannon
2024 Führer Bannon
2028 King Bannon
2032 Emperor Bannon
First day in the senate I hope then Senator Moore challenges McConnell to a duel. "Pistols at dawn on the Washington mall!"
I don't get this style of (((polling))), wont this just make Moore's side come out harder?
>we're losing, guess we should stop playing now
patriotism to america is patriotism to cuckoldry. it's time we stop pretending that the constitution of this country is anything more than cuckoldry and marxism. Can you name one part of the constitution that doesn't serve solely to limit trumps power and give rights and freedoms to leftists?
What's going on this morning Guys and Gals?
oops lol
oops lol
oops lol
The parts that enumerate the powers of the executive?
oops lol
Can anyone explain the Republican "grand strategy?"
They threw Trump under the bus and we're fully expecting Clinton to win. Trump of course pulled off the upset and they had zero plans for legislation, which is why nearly a year later they're "desperate" for a big win on taxes. Despite that, they're willing to make that LESS likely to happen by throwing Moore under the bus and reducing their edge in the Senate to ONE.
Are these just incompetent idiots? Is Doug Jones part of the "illuminati" or some shit? What the PLAN in all this?
I hope Moore brings a thirteen year old girlfriend with him just to show all the cucks that he gets pussy and they don't.
>Ben Shapiro
oops lol
Anyone here who has not yet read the Golem of Prague needs to familiarize themselves with that story. For 20 years, the left has been using fake accusations of sexual misconduct to smear and destroy their right wing opponents. Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Bill O'Reilly, the list goes on and on. During that time, this cancerous listen and believe ideology leaked out into the normieverse and made the lives of men universities and corporate world hell. For 20 years, we have been asking them to slow their roll and remember the presumption of innocence and they have ridiculed and ignored us. But now, the Golem has turned on its master, and their is no voice of reason to protect them from the monster they made for their own devices. Fuck them, let it all burn.
oops lol
oops lol
oops lol
It's made so they can have "proof" Moore is losing
This post is the most retarded thing I have ever read on Sup Forums EVER
oops lol
oops lol
Here we go again
oops lol
Hey reagan battalion! Thanks for stopping by. Wanna hear a joke? Kurdistan!
it's nowhere near enough. It clearly outlines a seperation of powers into three different branches of government. Don't even get me started on the idea of voting and elections in the first place. if we don't do something now, mark my words, the dems will try to hold another election in 2020.
not again
oops lol
>spambot is back
oops lol
oops lol