Ever notice how

Ever notice how all the perpetrators/accused in this massive avalanche of sexual harassment stories are white men?

Why can't white men control themselves around women?

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Louis CK and al Franken are Jews. Pretty much all of them are either Jews or Jewish allies like that guy from house of cards.

Jews aren't white. Their sexual deviancy is biological. Nothing can be done to stop them from being who they're programmed to be except death.


Hey pal. You misspelled Jews. Also let's say they're white. Are you implying niggers treat women with respect and never do such things? Blow it out your asshole you gay cunt

Jews aren't white

They're all palefaced Europeans.


Khazar Jews are from the Caucasus, not from Europe. If you want to say that they are Caucasian, that would be appropriate. But they are not "white" any more than they are "Jewish" or "Semitic."

((( White Men )))
They tend to be Khazari mate.

>entire thread is no true scotsman

Because Bill Cosby is a white male

you mean jews

Because women would never accuse Tyrone or Mehmed of sexual harassment. It's not politically correct, and they would not even get far with it since men of color are still better off than white women on the Leftwing Oppression scale. They would risk alienating themselves to their social circle by being branded as "rayciss". The "evil white cis male", however, has been used as a scapegoat for quite some time on leftwing college campuses, and the leakage of the very same ideological values into the mainstream during recent years makes it quite easy to accuse white males for pretty much everything. There is no drawback attached to it, and it gives women the "victim status" and attention connected to it, which they - for some reason - crave so much. Then there is also the definition of "sexual harassment", which has been broadened by feminists to the point where it became pretty much useless. You can be sure that most of the women were whores who sexually played around with higher-ups in order to get a career-boost (something that a non-whore women wouldn't do, and something that males couldn't even do if they wanted), and weren't forced into it. So far they didn't tell anyone because there was no advantage by doing so (going by "old" values, they would have outed themselves as the whores they are), until the Weinstein case showed that women CAN successfully accuse "evil white males" (okay, leave it to Sup Forums to discuss wether to count him as white or jewish) and get a shitton of attention in turn. So of course all of those attention hungry nuts now want a part of their cake, too. Consent to selling yourself out for a career advancement, reap the benefits of your whore-like behavior, and afterwards pretend that you "never consented" and that he "sexually harassed" you (similar to how a woman can - after having willful sex - still retract her consent years afterwards and call it "rape").

>looks at rape statistic
why are there still 0-1 rapes of black women (with an error of +-1)?
racist rapists, all of em!


all i am noticing is that they are only accused of doing stuff, not judged in a court, but still publicly named and shamed.
i also don't really give a shit

>jews are white
get a load of this faggot

Non-whites just tend not to get rich, powerful, and famous enough to get away with it / for anyone to care enough to make a news story about it.

Sure, spin it that way.

(((they))) control the courts and (((they))) know shit's going to hit the fan if it gets pushed that far.

Theyre jews



Moore is being smeared by reatrded paid liars, the rest are kikes....also Bill Cosby?

hey fellow white man

give us free pussy and we wont , ha ha

>there has never been a white convert to Judaism

pol in a nutshell.

Eve notice how bix noods rape women and no one says anything because they dont want to be racist?

Khazars (Caucasoids) are all converts and fake Jews (synagogue of satan).

How many times do we have to go over this?

This. It's about people who got away with it THEN have it brought up years later, not the people who faced immediate consequences.

Op is such an antisemite not recognizing the chosen people.

Black men make up around 2% of college student population but account for 50% of sexual assault allegations



I sure am loathing my white privilege, what about you my fellow Caucasian man?

But don't you dare point out that muslims are overrepresented in terror attacks.

No but then again not ever story about rape is a white male either. Fuck niggers just rape instead of harrasse.

do american trains really have plastic seats? is it because you can't stop pissing yourselves in public? disgusting

>all the perpetrators in harassment stories are white men?

Like pic related (fairly representative)?
Whites are underrepresented per capita, Asian overrepresentation 25%/5%=5 => 400%, Jewish overrepresentation 25%/2%=12,5 =>1150%.

>not a real jew

I bet you also unironically make fun of people for saying the USSR wasn't real communism.

Takei is white?
Weinstein is white?
Why are you so stupid?

you mean kikes

It's only news when a group or person you don't expect to do it does it.

you mean how the arab perpetrators rape 1400 women and no one says a thing for fear of being called raycis?
or the arab men who get away with rape and murder because it was a sexual emergency?
or are you trying to say that 10 or 100 guys in Hollywood represent 100 million white males in the US?

how moronic can you be. kys

Yes, we have plastic seats. And yes they are preferable because we're being overrun by lowlifes.

p.s. my first japbox had woven plastic seats. This was a selling point as they were easy to clean.

slider/bait thread

also, because the media's agenda isn't to bring attention to Jamal's endless slew of sexual assaults.


that is so disgusting
why do you allow such garbage people in your country?

that girl can ride the train in her pussy almost showing, and if you look you are a jerk.

go to a train and almost flash your dick. try it.



Jesus christ, you goys are fucking retarded. The point is not that "they're jews" instead, it's that for normal people these guys are indeed white and their cases will be used as proofs against your kind.

false they've been overwhelmingly jewish

I've actualy seen some arab or turkey dunno what that was, guys trying to harrass a little girl in some web chat to talk to them in private so stfu

The country is run by Jews. The Jews brought the African slaves over. The Jews chop up our penises for profit. The Jews changed our immigration laws to bring in all sorts of trash. The Jews bomb the hell out the muslim countries and then import the caliphate.

The Jews redesigned our media and education so that most ordinary people are blind to the menace of the Jews. It's brainwashing, pure and simple.

why don't you just exile them then?

Because all we learn in school from an early age is the holocaust and how the worst crime you can ever commit is to be mean to the Jews.

Jews always subvert the culture and thinking of the host nation that started out just trying to be nice to other people.

what are you a muslim puritan

why don't you just try not looking instead of proclaiming your pajeet rape thoughts

White Woman don't want white men to know they were raped by a nigger.

33% of all reported raoe on White Woman is by a nigger.

Nigger males make uo 7% of poulation. Commit 1/3 of reported rape of White Woman.

40% of rape victums do not report. Therefore the number is most likely higher. In the upwards of 40% maybe 45% when averaging in unreported rape by other races as well

Hebrews aren’t scottish

On phone so ib4 grammer nazis

it's a student athlete thing


The real question is why does the law bend to just the 'word' of a woman?

Okay well argument is over. Niggers rape more.

Sage thread

Hey fucktard - 48% of rapists in the US are not white. Compare that to the percentages of white people in the country and let me know what you think.
