Demon's Plan (Cover, Lead CP, New Series) One Piece Black Clover Toriko (CP, End) Amalgam of Distortion Haikyuu!! The Promised Neverland (CP) Samon the Summoner My Hero Academia Gintama Hinomaru Zumou Boruto (CP) Spring Weapon Number One Blade of Demon Destruction Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club Yuuna of Yuragi Manor The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. World Trigger's place holder Food Wars Red Sprite Isobe Isobee Monogatari
World Trigger (Going to be in Hiatus)
Shounen Jump Issue 52: Cover, Lead CP: Ore Golazo (New Series) CP: Samon the Summoner, Blade of Demon Destruction, Demon's Plan
Kimetsu no Yaiba better start rising in the ranks because this arc has been fucking incredible, that said, I'm sure some of these new series will drop below it
If Food Wars could follow Toriko out, I'd be happy with most of the established line-up
Alexander Butler
Really hope nothing is wrong with him.
Easton Kelly
I am gonna assume the worse and think he had to go for surgery
Easton Murphy
WT should just go monthly. After Ashihara recovers from whatever his current affliction is first of course. I'm thinking about what's best for his health, and any self-respecting editor should do the same.
Brandon Peterson
>World Trigger >hiatus
Ashihara don't you dare go dying on us now that the manga its finally getting interesting
Jacob Johnson
He can't exactly recover from what he has though
Its one of those things you have for life and can only treat the symptoms
Leo Howard
>Samon is doing great >Shokugeki at the bottom WHAT TIMELINE IS THIS!?!?!
Adrian Miller
the dankest
Nathan Taylor
What happened to MHA to be in the middle and BC above it? Are the editors really trying to push BC this hard for the OVA?
Liam Ramirez
Round 7 is gonna be a riot with all those returning teams and the Canadian's debut. He'll need all the rest he can get before creating the next match.
Sebastian Hall
>Demon's Plan It'll be axed within 20 issues, screencap this >Toriko (CP, End) RIP
Cooper Campbell
Good Writing
Josiah James
>he knew
Jason Thomas
I predicted WT hiatus last week
Kayden Evans
>05 HeroAcademia 109 Wow that's the lowest I've seen it in a while.
Jeremiah Wood
Mangaka killed himself when he found out manga$tream picked his work up
Jackson Collins
it's going to be in a race with amalgam, spring weapon, and the new soccer series to see who dies first. Surely one of them will make it, right???
Luke Brown
Denki and Mienta beating up Deku after they found out he was with a naked chick was hilarious
shit taste nips have shit taste
Anthony Garcia
>Niggastream picks up World Trigger. >Indefinite Hiatus
Landon Phillips
Niggastream jinxed him
Sebastian Ross
Their chances are bolstered by WT hiatus. Now there's an extra slot open as evidenced by them plugging in one-shots every week in its absence. Next round, Jump might only cancel one series.
Adam Cook
>World Trigger (Going to be in Hiatus) FUCK U C K
Andrew Gray
After next week, there will be 22 series, 2 of which we don't know when they're coming back, and 1 which is monthly, and 1 which takes a break every 5 weeks. I think only Red Sprite will die next time, they can't afford to lose more than that.
Brody Gutierrez
Holy shit, somas ranking.
Brandon Barnes
It's not like OPM would do much better if it was on here
Grayson Edwards
Neverland/Love Rush/Red Sprite moved pretty far down before they finally started to rank. It doesn't look to be a matter of popularity, so what's up with Amalgram staying near the front of the issues?
John Smith
So that "open slot," what are they going to do in the meantime. You're talking about two months from now, but can they keep bringing oneshots in every week until then?
Jacob Wood
WSJ is trying to give it a bit of a push. Just a guess.
Brody Gomez
>Yuuna that low Huh if i'm right this should be its 34th chapter. Didn't thing it wax that bad.
Adam Stewart
Souma fell below Sesuji, wow.
Also not much talk about it, but Saiki seems to have collapsed too, I don't even remember when it happened.
Evan White
Sebastian Ward
Saiki rank fluctuations are par for the course.
Logan Lopez
>Black Clover ranked second
Based nips
Owen Green
Samon is killing it lately. But what worries me is that the ranked chapters are still just from pure comedy chapters, how will voters treat the battle arc?
Joseph Evans
If it's THAT chapter, then Saiki's ranking isn't that unsurprising. It caused a shitstorm in the fanbase and the author even apologized on twitter for it. It's a shame, though. I thought that chapter was above average, but I can see why that last page pissed off a lot of people.
Gavin Hughes
I haven't read THAT chapter, but according to the Saiki threads I'm guessing it's the one where he said "offu"
Michael Cooper
Samon's artist can't draw action. I was interested when I heard it was trying a more serious arc, but it's just been stiff looking characters beating each other up in one-on-one fights, also for demons and angels, they don't have any interesting moves or powers. Only Samon himself has a fighting style even remotely interesting to look at. I hope it flounders in the ranks so the series can go back to mediocre comedy rather than crappy action.
Michael Price
Kek did they axe love rush already
Anthony Barnes
It's just 1 week user.
Christian Myers
Treat this like any Osamu vs. Ace scenario: keep your expectations low.
Ian Johnson
>World Trigger (Going to be in Hiatus) Let this not become another HiatusxHiatus
Zachary Phillips
I think it was 32.
Lucas Morris
My bad, it was actually 33. Nothing ecchi happened that chapter. 34 onwards was when it kicked up a level.
Nicholas Moore
Last week was its last chapter.
Jeremiah Morgan
Just overworked himself I think, maybe the popularity polls or something He can't recover from what he has.
Jackson Bailey
Wt is that fun huh?
Brandon Bailey
Wow, Boku no Pico fell below the top 3
Michael Price
The plot is literally about Sociopath Girl going to hell so it kind of has to get serious
Good thing is that Sociopath Girl is genuinely interesting.
Ryan Hall
why does Sup Forums like samon even though its not translated???
Hudson Flores
A number of us skim/read the raws.
Jacob Cox
Considering one's slow pacing and drawing, you'd believe seto no hanayome was faster.
Gavin Russell
Just wondering where do you check this? I always thought its was 5 chapters back
Jose Wilson
Well it says
Caleb Ramirez
>Sociopath Girl what?
Charles Robinson
I don't think Sup Forums does. Just some people commenting on its success rather than talking about quality here.
Jack Rivera
If Amalgam is only ranked in its 8th chapter, then just count backwards from the chapter in this week's issue to 8 issues ago.
Brandon Lewis
huh? Haikyuu really jumped there and replaced BC. Last week, it's average was 4.93
Wyatt Jones
I don't think those are necessarily accurate.
Jonathan Rivera
It's not the first time BnHA is in 5th place and it's not the first time BC is above it (and even first place at times).
Robert Campbell
Some Sup Forumsnons can read moon.
Justin Barnes
>World Trigger (Going to be in Hiatus) Is the author dying?
>Toriko (CP, End) It was a fun ride. Farewell.
>Food Wars Dead as fuck and well deserved.
James Miller
>It was a fun ride. Farewell. I wonder what lame excuse will the niggers of ms give to not release sns quickly now
Tyler Myers
>I wonder what lame excuse will the niggers of ms give to not release sns quickly now picking up another new series like niggaclover that's more popular than food wars
Josiah Baker
Brandon Moore
More like World Hiatus
Chase Powell
>picking up another new series like niggaclover
That would be nice. I know Tabata is absolutely shit at writing dialogue, but I have to believe that MS translations would be much better than JB.
Ethan Allen
You have no idea how to take a screenshot, right?
Ayden Russell
Good luck niggastream. They can't do it since Niggaclover to JB is like NS' OP. They'll always be late.
JB always releases Red Sprite first and African American Clover 1-2 days later they are asking for it to get snatched.
Camden Wood
JB actually releases BC pretty late compared to other manga from WSJ. Their translator for it has a full time job. They try and release on the same day as everyone else but doesn't always work out. I hope niggerstream picks it up
Cooper Morris
Which is why I would like it if MS snatched it away from them.
That and their translations are much worse.
Ian Perez
>Niggerstream takes Black Clover >It goes on hiatus Mememagic
Brandon Moore
If they ever steal it JB can always steal their project like OP
Connor Garcia
Why aren't they stealing it though? I guess they're afraid since Jaimini have their own raws and can steal shit anytime if they want to.
Kevin White
Still better than JB's translations
Jack Clark
Nigga talk translation? OR Not so crappy translation?
I prefer the latter.
Colton Cox
At least MS translations don't have frequent grammar/spelling errors like JB.
Kayden Anderson
They don't swear as much though.
Jayden Rivera
Yeah but the only character in niggaclover that should be swearing often is Yami.
Colton Perez
>Saiki being garbage tier in ranks Thats fucking depressing, i like that series.
Levi Johnson
niggerstream would've made Vetto way more edgier than he already is so JB aren't so bad.
Owen Morales
NS still swears more compared to that. It's that bad.
Nathan Butler
Jamini Box can't compete MS they know they will lose BC soon that is why they started translating a shit load of new manga
Brayden Garcia
>niggerstream would've made Vetto way more edgier than he already is
I really wish Tabata wasn't so fucking terrible at writing dialogue. Vetto would have been a decent, maybe even good villain if he didn't talk nonstop about fucking despair. Same with this fana bitch.
I really like Liar, though, so if they fight him and he goes on and on about how lazy he is, I swear to Christ.
Jason Flores
>Is the author dying? I believe he is diagnosed in his neck. Probably needs to take a break every now and then when the pain gets too bad.
Asher Torres
They can't compete but they can't steal Jaimini's projects either. Plus, they're only working on 4 weekly.(3 if RS ends)
Gabriel Thomas
It's pathetic that Red Sprite was able to survive but only through circumstance. It's never left the bottom 3 once since it ranked. The artist must know that he was only given a two month reprieve at best, and that there is next to no chance of surviving past that. At least the Love Rush guy got a quick death.
Andrew Wright
Nah. Even if it goes on hiatus for a while, I'm pretty sure that unlike Togashi, Ashihara has enough respect for his fans to let them know what his plans are up front. He also clearly has much more enthusiasm than Togashi.