Trump low key naming the jew

>trump low key naming the jew
how did you guys not catch this?

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It's funny because Frankenstein's monster walked with the arms out like that.

that IS funny

also anyone know what the leslie stahl tape is?

love my president

We did, last night, apparently you weren’t invited

It's been said thousands of times since he wrote that tweet. The board goes on without you.

Trump *is* the Jew, dumb muriturd.

Mid nineties Franken suggested a SNL skit where he (or someone else don’t remember tbqhwy) drugs and rapes Leslie stahl

Wow, how did I miss that?

>where he (or someone else don’t remember tbqhwy) drugs and rapes Leslie stahl
jesus christ



>63K replies
How are they still getting so assblasted at everything he says?

Guess what cucks...if Franken and Moore are getting shit, then Trump should be fucking jailed and out of office with all the allegations....but you shitbirds don't think about that

you assholes are fucking useless hypocrites.....worse than the fucking BLM or Sharecucks

Look, jerk. He or someone else performed sexual misconduct toward me and I want them all to step down.

This soooooooooo much this AUGH I can’t even

Where were you last night when we were all over this? I guess it happened past your bedtime.

so is the funny angle that it's happening to leslie stahl and it would be amusing to see her in awkward poses?

There's no evidence behind the Trump accusations and the evidence for Moore is based on a forged signature and a flase story about Moore being banned from a mall. Franken not only has photographic and audio evidence but Franken is also confessing in an ill-fated attempt to defuse the situation.

(((So brave)))

Do you have any proof that Trump assaulted anyone? Allegations are just that. Words are merely words. Yet here, Al Frankenstein is caught "red-handed". See the difference?

You can make a living tweeting zingers and butthurt är Trump, they make a lot pf money.


Are you people 10 years old or something?
How are you not aware of the Frankenstein monster?

It's a pun, fools.

Cry harder, libshill.

All's fair in love and war.

this dude was straight up preying on her. it's not just a one off thing where he got a little out of control. seems like he was all up on her whenever she was around.

do you have to have a lot of followers? Hell for 60k a year why not. id sell my zingers

>not aware of the Frankenstein monster?
just call the monster frankenstein ffs. so tired of dipshits feeling the need to get all technical about it.

>Hell for 60k a year why not. id sell my zingers
how are people making money on twitter? do they shill products or something?

Was Andy Rooney a rapist? The fact that he came up with this makes more sense if this was the case. To have this happen out of nowhere wouldn't be funny simply because it is nonsensical, but if Franken and the others in the room were privy to some kind of an open secret about Rooney, it starts to make sense.

Did the author of the article know Andy Rooney?

>To have this happen out of nowhere wouldn't be funny simply because it is nonsensical,
i think it was an attempt at 'lol so random' humor.

Why aren't we praising Al Franken for saying homosexuals are bad and that he is glad when homosexuals die?

Let me guess - you believe the MSM and are not a Trump Supporter?

Frankenstein was always the doctor, the book is mostly about him and the philosophical debates that he has with his creation despite it killing everyone he loves in revenge. It's not being technical, it is being correct. The monster is never given a name.

>It's not being technical, it is being correct. The monster is never given a name.
people generally refer to the monster as frankenstein and anyone that wants to be autistic about it and say 'frankenstein's moster' is a fag. that's how you people sound when you're flaunting your 6th grade education. like a bunch of fags.

Nobody noticed he misspelled "stein"?
I never thought about it before, but now I wonder if Mary Shelley was naming the Jew when she wrote Frankenstein.

>I wonder if Mary Shelley was naming the Jew when she wrote Frankenstein.
sort of my thinking as well

>story about a jew that dreams of making a humanoid slave
i may have to read the book again to see if she was dropping redpills throughout. shakespear was redpilled on jews but extremely overt about it. shelly could have been so subtle about it that it has flown under the radar.

Let the Al Franken-STIEN memes begin...


Is anyone getting pops up from the App Store while browsing?

Your "royal" fags suck the jew dick every chance they get. Fuck off Mohammed

did you come up with this on your own? because you made this post and like an hour later this showed up on t_d.

this isn't proof of anything.
unless Al Franken signed, dated and wrote (in print) where the signing took place, then it isn't proof.
Now, the yearbook that Moore signed, THAT is proof.